public String startInstance(String domainName, String subDomainName) {
ComputeService computeService;
Template template;
String ip = "";
final Lock lock = new ReentrantLock();
// check for sub domain
subDomainName = checkSubDomain(subDomainName);
log.info("Starting new instance of domain : " + domainName
+ " and sub domain : " + subDomainName);
// get the subjected ServiceContext
ServiceContext serviceCtxt = dataHolder
.getServiceContext(domainName, subDomainName);
if (serviceCtxt == null) {
String msg = "Not a registered service: domain - " + domainName
+ ", sub domain - " + subDomainName;
throw new CloudControllerException(msg);
// load Cartridge
serviceCtxt.getPayload(), dataHolder
if (serviceCtxt.getCartridge() == null) {
String msg = "There's no registered Cartridge found. Domain - "
+ domainName + ", sub domain - " + subDomainName;
throw new CloudControllerException(msg);
if (serviceCtxt.getCartridge().getIaases().isEmpty()) {
String msg = "There's no registered IaaSes found for Cartridge type: "
+ serviceCtxt.getCartridge().getType();
throw new CloudControllerException(msg);
// sort the IaasProviders according to scale up order
for (IaasProvider iaas : serviceCtxt.getCartridge().getIaases()) {
IaasContext ctxt = null;
if ((ctxt = serviceCtxt.getIaasContext(iaas.getType())) == null) {
ctxt = serviceCtxt.addIaasContext(iaas.getType());
if (iaas.getMaxInstanceLimit() > dataHolder.getActiveInstanceCount(iaas.getType())) {
try {
// get the ComputeService
computeService = iaas.getComputeService();
// corresponding Template
template = iaas.getTemplate();
if (template == null) {
String msg = "Failed to start an instance in "
+ iaas.getType()
+ ". Reason : Template is null. You have not specify a matching service "
+ "element in the configuration file of Autoscaler.\n Hence, will try to "
+ "start in another IaaS if available.";
// set instance name as the host name
// template.getOptions().userMetadata("Name",
// serviceCtxt.getHostName());
// template.getOptions().as(TemplateOptions.class).userMetadata("Name",
// serviceCtxt.getHostName());
// generate the group id from domain name and sub domain
// name.
// Should have lower-case ASCII letters, numbers, or dashes.
// Should have a length between 3-15
String str = domainName.concat("-" + subDomainName)
.substring(0, 10);
String group = str.replaceAll("[^a-z0-9-]", "");
NodeMetadata node;
// create and start a node
Set<? extends NodeMetadata> nodes = computeService
.createNodesInGroup(group, 1, template);
node = nodes.iterator().next();
String autoAssignIpProp = iaas