Package org.jboss.xb.binding.introspection

Examples of org.jboss.xb.binding.introspection.FieldInfo$SetValueAccess

         fieldName =
            Util.xmlNameToFieldName(qName.getLocalPart(), schema.isIgnoreLowLine());

      FieldInfo fieldInfo = FieldInfo.getFieldInfo(
         owner.getClass(), fieldName, binding.getRequired() && !schema.isIgnoreUnresolvedFieldOrClass()
      Object value = null;
      if(fieldInfo != null)
         value = fieldInfo.getValue(owner);

      return value;
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               throw e;

      FieldInfo fieldInfo = null;
      if(mapping != null)
         fieldInfo = mapping.fieldInfo;

      Object value = null;
      if(fieldInfo != null && (!forComplexType || forComplexType && !writeAsValue(fieldInfo.getType())))
         value = fieldInfo.getValue(o);

      if(value != null && mapping != null && mapping.converter != null)
         value = mapping.converter.marshal(value);
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   private static Object getJavaValue(String fieldName,
                                      Object o,
                                      boolean forComplexType,
                                      boolean ignoreNotFoundField)
      FieldInfo fieldInfo = FieldInfo.getFieldInfo(o.getClass(), fieldName, !ignoreNotFoundField);
      Object value = null;
      if(fieldInfo != null && (!forComplexType || forComplexType && !writeAsValue(fieldInfo.getType())))
         value = fieldInfo.getValue(o);
      return value;
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               ElementToFieldMapping fieldMapping = (ElementToFieldMapping)elementToFieldMapping.get(
                  new ElementToFieldMappingKey(localName, o.getClass())

               FieldInfo fieldInfo;
               if(fieldMapping != null)
                  fieldInfo = fieldMapping.fieldInfo;
                  String fieldName = Util.xmlNameToFieldName(localName, true);
                  fieldInfo = FieldInfo.getFieldInfo(o.getClass(), fieldName, true);

               child = get(o, localName, fieldInfo);

            if(child == null)
               child = newInstance(mapping.cls);

            if(attrs != null)
               for(int i = 0; i < attrs.getLength(); ++i)
                  if(attrs.getLocalName(i).length() > 0)
                     if(!attrs.getQName(i).startsWith("xsi:")) //todo horrible
                        setAttribute(child, attrs.getLocalName(i), attrs.getValue(i), ctx);
         catch(RuntimeException e)
            throw e;
         catch(Exception e)
            throw new NestedRuntimeException("newChild failed for o=" +
               o +
               ", uri=" +
               namespaceURI +
               ", local="
               + localName + ", attrs=" + attrs, e
         if(o instanceof Collection)
            child = create(namespaceURI, localName, type);
            Class oCls;
            if(o instanceof Immutable)
               oCls = ((Immutable)o).cls;
               oCls = o.getClass();

            String fieldName = Util.xmlNameToFieldName(localName, true);
            FieldInfo fieldInfo = FieldInfo.getFieldInfo(oCls, fieldName, true);
               child = get(o, localName, fieldInfo);

               // now does this element really represent a Java collection or is it an element that can appear more than once?
               // try to load the class and create an instance
               Object item = null;
               if(type == null || type != null && type.getTypeCategory() == XSTypeDefinition.COMPLEX_TYPE)
                  item = create(namespaceURI, localName, type);

               if(item != null)
                  if(child == null)
                     setChild(new ArrayList(), o, localName);
                  child = item;
                  if(child == null)
                     child = new ArrayList();
            else if(!Util.isAttributeType(fieldInfo.getType()))
               // id there is no field mapping
               ElementToFieldMapping fieldMapping = (ElementToFieldMapping)elementToFieldMapping.get(
                  new ElementToFieldMappingKey(localName, o.getClass())
               TypeBinding converter = fieldMapping == null ? null : fieldMapping.converter;

               // if converter != null it will be used in setValue
               if(converter == null)
                  child = newInstance(fieldInfo.getType());
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            Class parentCls = parent instanceof Immutable ?
               ((Immutable)parent).cls :

            String fieldName = Util.xmlNameToFieldName(localName, true);
            FieldInfo fieldInfo = FieldInfo.getFieldInfo(parentCls, fieldName, false);
               log.trace("Add " + value + " to property " + fieldName + " of " + parentCls);

            if(fieldInfo != null)
               if(!(child instanceof Collection) && Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(fieldInfo.getType()))
                  Object o = get(parent, localName, fieldInfo);
                  Collection col = (Collection)o;
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               oCls = o.getClass();

            final String fieldName = Util.xmlNameToFieldName(localName, true);
            FieldInfo fieldInfo = FieldInfo.getFieldInfo(oCls, fieldName, true);

            fieldValue = SimpleTypeBindings.unmarshal(value, fieldInfo.getType());
            set(o, fieldValue, localName, fieldInfo);
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         fieldName =
            Util.xmlNameToFieldName(qName.getLocalPart(), schema.isIgnoreLowLine());

      FieldInfo fieldInfo = FieldInfo.getFieldInfo(
         owner.getClass(), fieldName, binding.getRequired() && !schema.isIgnoreUnresolvedFieldOrClass()
      Object value = null;
      if(fieldInfo != null)
         value = fieldInfo.getValue(owner);

      return value;
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                          String prop,
                          String colType,
                          boolean ignoreNotFoundField,
                          ValueAdapter valueAdapter)
      FieldInfo fieldInfo = FieldInfo.getFieldInfo(o.getClass(), prop, !ignoreNotFoundField);
      if(fieldInfo == null)

      Class fieldType = fieldInfo.getType();
      boolean arrType;
         arrType = true;
      else if(Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(fieldType))
         arrType = false;
         throw new JBossXBRuntimeException(
            "Expected type for " + prop + " in " + o.getClass() + " is an array or java.util.Collection but was " + fieldType

      if(valueAdapter != null)
         value = valueAdapter.cast(value, fieldType);

      if(!arrType || colType != null)
         Collection col = (Collection)fieldInfo.getValue(o);
         if(col == null)
            if(colType == null)
               col = new ArrayList();
               Class colCls;
                  colCls = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().loadClass(colType);
               catch(ClassNotFoundException e)
                  throw new JBossXBRuntimeException("Failed to load collection type: " + colType);

                  col = (Collection)colCls.newInstance();
               catch(Exception e)
                  throw new JBossXBRuntimeException("Failed to create an instance of " + colCls);

            fieldInfo.setValue(o, col);

         Object arr = fieldInfo.getValue(o);
         int length = 0;
         if(arr == null)
            arr = Array.newInstance(fieldType.getComponentType(), 1);
            Object tmp = arr;
            length = Array.getLength(arr);
            arr = Array.newInstance(fieldType.getComponentType(), length + 1);
            System.arraycopy(tmp, 0, arr, 0, length);
            //System.out.println("copied array (1)");
         Array.set(arr, length, value);
         fieldInfo.setValue(o, arr);
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                          String prop,
                          String colType,
                          boolean ignoreNotFoundField,
                          ValueAdapter valueAdapter)
      FieldInfo fieldInfo = FieldInfo.getFieldInfo(o.getClass(), prop, !ignoreNotFoundField);
      if(fieldInfo == null)

      Class fieldType = fieldInfo.getType();

      if(valueAdapter != null)
         value = valueAdapter.cast(value, fieldType);

      if(Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(fieldType) &&
         Collection col = (Collection)fieldInfo.getValue(o);
         if(col == null)
            if(colType == null)
               col = new ArrayList();
               Class colCls;
                  colCls = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().loadClass(colType);
               catch(ClassNotFoundException e)
                  throw new JBossXBRuntimeException("Failed to load collection type: " + colType);

                  col = (Collection)colCls.newInstance();
               catch(Exception e)
                  throw new JBossXBRuntimeException("Failed to create an instance of " + colCls);

            fieldInfo.setValue(o, col);

         //System.out.println("col.add(value): " + prop + "=" + value);
      else if(fieldType.isArray() &&
         value != null &&
         (fieldType.getComponentType().isAssignableFrom(value.getClass()) ||
         fieldType.getComponentType().isPrimitive() &&
         Classes.getPrimitiveWrapper(fieldType.getComponentType()) == value.getClass()
         Object arr = fieldInfo.getValue(o);
         int length = 0;
         if(arr == null)
            arr = Array.newInstance(fieldType.getComponentType(), 1);
            Object tmp = arr;
            length = Array.getLength(arr);
            arr = Array.newInstance(fieldType.getComponentType(), length + 1);
            System.arraycopy(tmp, 0, arr, 0, length);
            throw new JBossXBRuntimeException("copied array (2)");
         Array.set(arr, length, value);
         fieldInfo.setValue(o, arr);
         // todo: unmarshalling should produce the right type instead
         Class valueClass = value == null ? null : value.getClass();
         if (valueClass != null && fieldType.isArray() && Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(valueClass))
            Collection col = (Collection) value;
            Class compType = fieldType.getComponentType();
            value = Array.newInstance(compType, col.size());
            if (compType.isPrimitive())
               int i = 0;
               for (Iterator iter = col.iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
                  Array.set(value, i++,;
               value = col.toArray((Object[]) value);

         fieldInfo.setValue(o, value);
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         String fieldName = Util.xmlNameToFieldName(elementName.getLocalPart(), ignoreLowLine);
         FieldInfo fieldInfo = FieldInfo.getFieldInfo(o.getClass(), fieldName, true);
         fieldInfo.setValue(o, value);
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Related Classes of org.jboss.xb.binding.introspection.FieldInfo$SetValueAccess

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