Package org.jboss.xb.binding

Examples of org.jboss.xb.binding.DtdMarshaller$Element

    private Element popElement( String s )
        int flushedBytes = flushPlainText();

        Element currEl = m_currentElement;

        while( currEl.getParentElement() != null )
            if( currEl.getName().equals(s) && !currEl.isRootElement() )
                m_currentElement = currEl.getParentElement();

                //  Check if it's okay for this element to be empty.  Then we will
                //  trick the JDOM generator into not generating an empty element,
                //  by putting an empty string between the tags.  Yes, it's a kludge
                //  but what'cha gonna do about it. :-)

                if( flushedBytes == 0 && Arrays.binarySearch( EMPTY_ELEMENTS, s ) < 0 )

                return m_currentElement;

            currEl = currEl.getParentElement();

        return null;
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    private Element getElement( String name )
        return new Element( name, m_atomNameSpace );
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     @param hd a List to which heading should be added
     *  @return An Element containing the heading
    public Element makeHeading( int level, String title, Heading hd )
        Element el = null;

        String pageName = m_context.getPage().getName();

        String outTitle = makeSectionTitle( title );

        hd.m_level = level;

        switch( level )
          case Heading.HEADING_SMALL:
            el = new Element("h4").setAttribute("id",makeHeadingAnchor( pageName, outTitle, hd ));

          case Heading.HEADING_MEDIUM:
            el = new Element("h3").setAttribute("id",makeHeadingAnchor( pageName, outTitle, hd ));

          case Heading.HEADING_LARGE:
            el = new Element("h2").setAttribute("id",makeHeadingAnchor( pageName, outTitle, hd ));

            throw new InternalWikiException("Illegal heading type "+level);
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     *  @return  An element containing the HTML for the outlink image.
    private Element outlinkImage()
        Element el = null;

        if( m_useOutlinkImage )
            if( m_outlinkImageURL == null )
                m_outlinkImageURL = m_context.getURL( WikiContext.NONE, OUTLINK_IMAGE );

            el = new Element("img").setAttribute("class", "outlink");
            el.setAttribute( "src", m_outlinkImageURL );

        return el;
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     * @param url
     * @return An anchor Element containing the link.
    private Element makeDirectURILink( String url )
        Element result;
        String last = null;

        if( url.endsWith(",") || url.endsWith(".") )
            last = url.substring( url.length()-1 );
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            int ch2 = nextToken();

            if( ch2 == '\\' )
                pushElement( new Element("br").setAttribute("clear","all"));
                return popElement("br");

            pushBack( ch2 );

            pushElement( new Element("br") );
            return popElement("br");

        pushBack( ch );
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    private Element handleUnderscore()
        throws IOException
        int ch = nextToken();
        Element el = null;

        if( ch == '_' )
            if( m_isbold )
                el = popElement("b");
                el = pushElement( new Element("b") );
            m_isbold = !m_isbold;
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    private Element handleApostrophe()
        throws IOException
        int ch = nextToken();
        Element el = null;

        if( ch == '\'' )
            if( m_isitalic )
                el = popElement("i");
                el = pushElement( new Element("i") );
            m_isitalic = !m_isitalic;
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                m_isPreBlock = isBlock;

                if( isBlock )
                    return pushElement( new Element("pre") );

                return pushElement( new Element("span").setAttribute("style","font-family:monospace; white-space:pre;") );

            pushBack( ch2 );

            return pushElement( new Element("tt") );

        pushBack( ch );

        return null;
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     *         <code>false</code> otherwise
     * @throws JDOMException if elements cannot be parsed correctly
    public boolean isConstrained( String url, Role role ) throws JDOMException
        Element root = m_webxml.getRootElement();
        XPath xpath;
        String selector;

        // Get all constraints that have our URL pattern
        // (Note the crazy j: prefix to denote the 2.4 j2ee schema)
        selector = "//j:web-app/j:security-constraint[j:web-resource-collection/j:url-pattern=\"" + url + "\"]";
        xpath = XPath.newInstance( selector );
        xpath.addNamespace( "j", J2EE_SCHEMA_24_NAMESPACE );
        List<?> constraints = xpath.selectNodes( root );

        // Get all constraints that match our Role pattern
        selector = "//j:web-app/j:security-constraint[j:auth-constraint/j:role-name=\"" + role.getName() + "\"]";
        xpath = XPath.newInstance( selector );
        xpath.addNamespace( "j", J2EE_SCHEMA_24_NAMESPACE );
        List<?> roles = xpath.selectNodes( root );

        // If we can't find either one, we must not be constrained
        if ( constraints.size() == 0 )
            return false;

        // Shortcut: if the role is ALL, we are constrained
        if ( role.equals( Role.ALL ) )
            return true;

        // If no roles, we must not be constrained
        if ( roles.size() == 0 )
            return false;

        // If a constraint is contained in both lists, we must be constrained
        for ( Iterator<?> c = constraints.iterator(); c.hasNext(); )
            Element constraint = (Element);
            for ( Iterator<?> r = roles.iterator(); r.hasNext(); )
                Element roleConstraint = (Element);
                if ( constraint.equals( roleConstraint ) )
                    return true;
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Related Classes of org.jboss.xb.binding.DtdMarshaller$Element

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