
Examples of

            password = instance.toString();
      catch (Exception e)
         throw new WSSecurityException("Problems loading or invoking Password class : " + classname, e);
      return password;
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   public X509Certificate getCertificate(String alias, String securityDomainAliasLabel) throws WSSecurityException
      if (keyStore == null)
         throw new WSSecurityException("KeyStore not set.");

      X509Certificate cert;
         cert = (X509Certificate)keyStore.getCertificate(resolveAlias(alias, securityDomainAliasLabel));
      catch (Exception e)
         throw new WSSecurityException("Problems retrieving cert: " + e.getMessage(), e);

      if (cert == null)
         throw new WSSecurityException("Certificate (" + alias + ") not in keystore");

      return cert;
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      if (key == null)
         return null;
      if (keyStore == null)
         throw new WSSecurityException("KeyStore not set.");
         Enumeration<String> i = keyStore.aliases();
         while (i.hasMoreElements())
            String alias = (String)i.nextElement();
            Certificate cert = keyStore.getCertificate(alias);
            if (!(cert instanceof X509Certificate))

            if (cert.getPublicKey().equals(key))
               return (X509Certificate)cert;
         return null;
      catch (KeyStoreException e)
         throw new WSSecurityException("Problems retrieving cert: " + e.getMessage(), e);
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      if (identifier == null)
         return null;

      if (keyStore == null)
         throw new WSSecurityException("KeyStore not set.");

         Enumeration<String> i = keyStore.aliases();

         while (i.hasMoreElements())
            String alias = (String)i.nextElement();
            Certificate cert = keyStore.getCertificate(alias);
            if (!(cert instanceof X509Certificate))

            byte[] subjectKeyIdentifier = getSubjectKeyIdentifier((X509Certificate)cert);
            if (subjectKeyIdentifier == null)

            if (Arrays.equals(identifier, subjectKeyIdentifier))
               return (X509Certificate)cert;
      catch (KeyStoreException e)
         throw new WSSecurityException("Problems retrieving cert: " + e.getMessage(), e);

      return null;
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   public X509Certificate getCertificateByIssuerSerial(String issuer, String serial) throws WSSecurityException
      if (keyStore == null)
         throw new WSSecurityException("KeyStore not set.");

         Enumeration i = keyStore.aliases();

         while (i.hasMoreElements())
            String alias = (String)i.nextElement();
            Certificate cert = keyStore.getCertificate(alias);
            if (!(cert instanceof X509Certificate))

            X509Certificate x509 = (X509Certificate)cert;
            if (issuer.equals(x509.getIssuerDN().toString()) && serial.equals(x509.getSerialNumber().toString()))
               return x509;
      catch (KeyStoreException e)
         throw new WSSecurityException("Problems retrieving cert: " + e.getMessage(), e);

      return null;
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   public PrivateKey getPrivateKey(String alias, String securityDomainAliasLabel) throws WSSecurityException
      if (keyStore == null)
         throw new WSSecurityException("KeyStore not set.");
      PrivateKey key;
         if (sd == null)
            String password = keyStorePassword;
            if (keyPasswords != null && keyPasswords.containsKey(alias))
                password = keyPasswords.get(alias);
            key = (PrivateKey)keyStore.getKey(alias, decryptPassword(password).toCharArray());
            key = (PrivateKey)sd.getKey(resolveAlias(alias, securityDomainAliasLabel), securityDomainAuthToken);
      catch (Exception e)
         throw new WSSecurityException("Problems retrieving private key: " + e.getMessage(), e);

      if (key == null)
         throw new WSSecurityException("Private key (" + alias + ") not in keystore");

      return key;
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   public PrivateKey getPrivateKey(X509Certificate cert) throws WSSecurityException
      if (keyStore == null)
         throw new WSSecurityException("KeyStore not set.");

         String alias = keyStore.getCertificateAlias(cert);
         return getPrivateKey(alias, null);
      catch (Exception e)
         throw new WSSecurityException("Problems retrieving private key: " + e.getMessage(), e);
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         throw new FailedAuthenticationException();

      if (keyStore == null)
         throw new WSSecurityException("TrustStore not set.");

      // Check for the exact entry in the truststore first, then fallback to a CA check
         if (trustStore.getCertificateAlias(cert) != null)
      catch (KeyStoreException e)
         throw new WSSecurityException("Problems searching truststore", e);

      List list = new ArrayList(1);

      CertPath cp;
      CertPathValidator cpv;
      PKIXParameters parameters;

         cp = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509").generateCertPath(list);
         cpv = CertPathValidator.getInstance("PKIX");
         parameters = new PKIXParameters(trustStore);

         // We currently don't support CRLs
      catch (Exception e)
         throw new WSSecurityException("Problems setting up certificate validation", e);

         cpv.validate(cp, parameters);
      catch (CertPathValidatorException cpve)
         log.debug("Certificate is invalid:", cpve);
         throw new FailedAuthenticationException();
      catch (InvalidAlgorithmParameterException e)
         throw new WSSecurityException("Problems setting up certificate validation", e);
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         cipher.init(XMLCipher.DECRYPT_MODE, null);
         key = cipher.loadEncryptedKey(element);
      catch (XMLSecurityException e)
         throw new WSSecurityException("Could not parse encrypted key: " + e.getMessage(), e);

      KeyInfo info = key.getKeyInfo();

      if (info == null)
         throw new WSSecurityException("EncryptedKey element did not contain KeyInfo");

      PrivateKey privateKey = resolver.resolvePrivateKey(info);

      // Locate the reference list. We have to manually parse this because xml security doesn't handle
      // shorthand xpointer references (URI="#fooid")

      Element referenceList = Util.findElement(element, Constants.XENC_REFERENCELIST, Constants.XML_ENCRYPTION_NS);
      if (referenceList == null)
         throw new WSSecurityException("Encrypted key did not contain a reference list");

      this.list = new ReferenceList(referenceList);

      // Now use the element list to determine the encryption alg
      String alg = getKeyAlgorithm(element);
      if (alg == null)
         throw new WSSecurityException("Could not determine encrypted key algorithm!");

         cipher.init(XMLCipher.UNWRAP_MODE, privateKey);
         this.secretKey = (SecretKey) cipher.decryptKey(key, alg);
      catch (XMLSecurityException e)
         throw new WSSecurityException("Could not parse encrypted key: " + e.getMessage(), e);

      this.document = element.getOwnerDocument();
      this.token = new X509Token(resolver.resolveCertificate(info), this.document);
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         cipher.init(XMLCipher.WRAP_MODE, token.getCert().getPublicKey());
         key = cipher.encryptKey(document, secretKey);
      catch (XMLSecurityException e)
         throw new WSSecurityException("Error encrypting key: " + e.getMessage(), e);

      SecurityTokenReference reference = new SecurityTokenReference(Reference.getReference(tokenRefType, document, token));
      KeyInfo keyInfo = new KeyInfo(document);
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