ZipEntryContext implements a {@link org.jboss.virtual.spi.VFSContext}that exposes a zip archive as a virtual file system. Zip archive can be in a form of a file or a stream. Nested archives are processed through this same class. By default nested archives are cached in memory and mounted as new instances of
ZipEntryContext with
ZipStreamWrapper as a source. If system property
jboss.vfs.forceCopy=true is specified, or URL query parameter
forceCopy=true is present, nested archives are extracted into a temp directory before being mounted as new instances of
ZipEntryContext. In-memory nested archives may consume a lot of memory. To reduce memory footprint at the expense of performance, system property
jboss.vfs.optimizeForMemory=true can be set. This context implementation has two modes of releasing file locks. Asynchronous mode is the default one since it is better performant. To switch this to synchronous mode a system property jboss.vfs.forceNoReaper=true can be specified or URL query parameter noReaper=true can be included in context URL. This context implementation is a replacement for {@link org.jboss.virtual.plugins.context.jar.JarContext}.
@author Marko Strukelj
@author Ales Justin
@author David M. Lloyd
@version $Revision: 1.0 $