//Compare the generated Java type against the one generated by wscompile
String fname = "USAddress.java";
File file2 = createResourceFile(genPath + "/org/jboss/ws/types/" + fname);
File file1 = getResourceFile("tools/xsd-java-checker/wscompile/complextypes/" + fname);
JBossSourceComparator sc = new JBossSourceComparator(file1, file2);
assertTrue("Source Files Mismatch", sc.validate());
//Compare the generated Java type against the one generated by wscompile
fname = "Country.java";
file2 = createResourceFile(genPath + "/org/jboss/ws/types/" + fname);
file1 = getResourceFile("tools/xsd-java-checker/wscompile/complextypes/" + fname);
sc = new JBossSourceComparator(file1, file2);
assertTrue("Source Files Mismatch", sc.validate());