Package org.jboss.test.cluster.ejb2.basic.bean

Examples of org.jboss.test.cluster.ejb2.basic.bean.StatefulSessionBean

      log.debug("Calling create on StatefulSessionHome...");
      StatefulSession statefulSession =
      assertTrue("statefulSessionHome.create() != null", statefulSession != null);

      NodeAnswer node1 = statefulSession.getNodeState ();
      getLog ().debug (node1);

      // Now we switch to the other node, simulating a failure on node 1
      System.setProperty ("JBossCluster-DoFail", "once");
      NodeAnswer node2 = statefulSession.getNodeState ();
      log.debug (node2);
      assertEquals("Value is identical on replicated node1", "Bupple-Dupple", node1.answer);
      assertEquals("Value is identical on replicated node2", "Bupple-Dupple", node2.answer);

      // we change our name to see if it replicates to node 1
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      StatefulSession statefulSession =
      assertTrue("statefulSessionHome.create() != null", statefulSession != null);
      NodeAnswer node1 = statefulSession.getNodeState ();
      getLog ().debug (node1);
      // Now we switch to the other node, simulating a failure on node 1
      System.setProperty ("JBossCluster-DoFail", "once");
      NodeAnswer node2 = statefulSession.getNodeState ();     
      getLog ().debug (node2);
      assertTrue ("Failover has occured", !node1.nodeId.equals (node2.nodeId));
      assertTrue ("Value is identical on replicated node",
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      InitialContext ctx1 = new InitialContext(env1);

      SessionToEntityHome home1 =
         (SessionToEntityHome) ctx1.lookup("cif.StatefulSession");
      AComplexPK key = new AComplexPK(true, 0, 0, 0, "testCacheInvalidation");
      SessionToEntity bean1 = home1.create(key);
      String msg = bean1.createEntity();"create#1, "+msg);
      // Call accessEntity twice to validate data is consistent on both nodes
      NodeAnswer answer1 = bean1.accessEntity();"Answer1: "+answer1);
      NodeAnswer answer2 = bean1.accessEntity();"Answer2: "+answer2);
      assertTrue("accessCount == 2", bean1.getAccessCount() == 2);
      assertFalse("answer1.nodeId != answer2.nodeId",

      // Call validateAccessCount twice to validate data is consistent on both nodes
      answer1 = bean1.validateAccessCount(2);;
      answer2 = bean1.validateAccessCount(2);;
      assertFalse("answer1.nodeId != answer2.nodeId",
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      env1.setProperty(Context.PROVIDER_URL, urls[0]);
      InitialContext ctx1 = new InitialContext(env1);

      SessionToEntityHome home1 =
         (SessionToEntityHome) ctx1.lookup("cif.StatefulSession");
      AComplexPK key = new AComplexPK(true, 0, 0, 0, "testCacheInvalidation");
      SessionToEntity bean1 = home1.create(key);
      String msg = bean1.createEntity();"create#1, "+msg);
      // Call accessEntity twice to validate data is consistent on both nodes
      NodeAnswer answer1 = bean1.accessEntity();"Answer1: "+answer1);
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      int N = 5000;
      long min = 99999, max = 0, maxInactive = 0;
      for(int n = 0; n < N; n ++)
         int id = n % beans.length;
         StatefulSession bean = beans[id];
         if (bean == null)
            continue// bean timed out and removed
         String name = "testStatefulPassiviationExpiration#"+id;
         long callStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
         long inactive = callStart - accessStamp[id];
            NodeAnswer node = bean.getNodeState();
            long now = System.currentTimeMillis();           
            long elapsed = now - callStart;
            accessStamp[id] = now;
            assertTrue("NodeAnswer == "+name, node.answer.equals(name));
            min = Math.min(min, elapsed);
            max = Math.max(max, elapsed);
            maxInactive = Math.max(maxInactive, inactive);
            log.debug(n+", elapsed="+elapsed+", inactive="+inactive);
         catch (java.rmi.NoSuchObjectException nso)
            log.debug(n+" Caught NoSuchObjectException on bean " + id + " -- inactive time = " + inactive);
            // Remove the bean as it will never succeed again
            beans[id] = null;
      }" calls complete, max="+max+", min="+min+", maxInactive="+maxInactive);

      start = System.currentTimeMillis();
      for(int n = 0; n < beans.length; n ++)
         beans[n] = (StatefulSession) home.create("testStatefulPassivationExpiration#"+n);
         accessStamp[n] = System.currentTimeMillis();
      end = System.currentTimeMillis();"End second round bean creation, elapsed="+(end - start));
      for(int n = 0; n < N; n ++)
         int id = n % beans.length;
         StatefulSession bean = beans[id];
         if (bean == null)
            continue// bean timed out and removed
         String name = "testStatefulPassiviationExpiration#"+id;
         long callStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
         long inactive = callStart - accessStamp[id];
            NodeAnswer node = bean.getNodeState();
            long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
            long elapsed = now - callStart;
            accessStamp[id] = now;
            assertTrue("NodeAnswer == "+name, node.answer.equals(name));
            min = Math.min(min, elapsed);
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      getLog().debug("Looking up the home nextgen.StatefulSession...");
      StatefulSessionHome  statefulSessionHome =
      (StatefulSessionHome) ctx.lookup("nextgen_StatefulSession");
      if (statefulSessionHome!= null ) getLog().debug("ok");
         getLog().debug("Calling create on StatefulSessionHome...");
      StatefulSession statefulSession =
      assertTrue("statefulSessionHome.create() != null", statefulSession != null);
      NodeAnswer node1 = statefulSession.getNodeState ();
      getLog ().debug (node1);
      // Now we switch to the other node, simulating a failure on node 1
      System.setProperty ("JBossCluster-DoFail", "once");
      NodeAnswer node2 = statefulSession.getNodeState ();     
      getLog ().debug (node2);
      assertTrue ("Failover has occured", !node1.nodeId.equals (node2.nodeId));
      assertTrue ("Value is identical on replicated node",
                  "Bupple-Dupple".equals (node1.answer) &&
                  node1.answer.equals (node2.answer) );

      // Stop and restart the ClusterPartition on node1
      // Let the cluster stabilize
      // we change our name to see if it replicates to node 1
      statefulSession.setName ("Changed");
      // now we travel back to node 1
      System.setProperty ("JBossCluster-DoFail", "once");
      node1 = statefulSession.getNodeState ();
      getLog ().debug (node1);
      assertTrue ("Failover has occured", !node1.nodeId.equals (node2.nodeId));
      assertTrue ("Value is identical on replicated node", "Changed".equals (node1.answer) );     
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      getLog().debug(++test+"- "+"Looking up the home nextgen.StatefulSession...");
      StatefulSessionHome  statefulSessionHome =
      (StatefulSessionHome) ctx.lookup("nextgen.StatefulSession");
      if (statefulSessionHome!= null ) getLog().debug("ok");
         getLog().debug(++test+"- "+"Calling create on StatefulSessionHome...");
      StatefulSession statefulSession =
      assertTrue("statefulSessionHome.create() != null", statefulSession != null);
      NodeAnswer node1 = statefulSession.getNodeState ();
      getLog ().debug (node1);
      // Now we switch to the other node, simulating a failure on node 1
      System.setProperty ("JBossCluster-DoFail", "once");
      NodeAnswer node2 = statefulSession.getNodeState ();     
      getLog ().debug (node2);
      assertTrue ("No failover has occured!", !node1.nodeId.equals (node2.nodeId));
      assertTrue ("Value is not identical on replicated node", "Bupple-Dupple".equals (node1.answer) &&
                     node1.answer.equals (node2.answer) );

      // we change our name to see if it replicates to node 1
      statefulSession.setName ("Changed");
      // now we travel back on node 1
      System.setProperty ("JBossCluster-DoFail", "once");
      node1 = statefulSession.getNodeState ();
      getLog ().debug (node1);
      assertTrue ("No failover has occured!", !node1.nodeId.equals (node2.nodeId));
      assertTrue ("Value is not identical on replicated node", "Changed".equals (node1.answer) );     
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      getLog().debug(++test+"- "+"Looking up the home nextgen.StatefulSession...");
      StatefulSessionHome  statefulSessionHome =
      (StatefulSessionHome) ctx.lookup("nextgen_StatefulSession");
      if (statefulSessionHome!= null ) getLog().debug("ok");
         getLog().debug(++test+"- "+"Calling create on StatefulSessionHome...");
      StatefulSession statefulSession =
      assertTrue("statefulSessionHome.create() != null", statefulSession != null);
      NodeAnswer node1 = statefulSession.getNodeState ();
      getLog ().debug (node1);
      // Now we switch to the other node, simulating a failure on node 1
      System.setProperty ("JBossCluster-DoFail", "once");
      NodeAnswer node2 = statefulSession.getNodeState ();     
      getLog ().debug (node2);
      assertTrue ("No failover has occured!", !node1.nodeId.equals (node2.nodeId));
      assertTrue ("Value is not identical on replicated node", "Bupple-Dupple".equals (node1.answer) &&
                     node1.answer.equals (node2.answer) );

      // we change our name to see if it replicates to node 1
      statefulSession.setName ("Changed");
      // now we travel back on node 1
      System.setProperty ("JBossCluster-DoFail", "once");
      node1 = statefulSession.getNodeState ();
      getLog ().debug (node1);
      assertTrue ("No failover has occured!", !node1.nodeId.equals (node2.nodeId));
      assertTrue ("Value is not identical on replicated node", "Changed".equals (node1.answer) );     
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      int N = 5000;
      long min = 99999, max = 0, maxInactive = 0;
      for(int n = 0; n < N; n ++)
         int id = n % beans.length;
         StatefulSession bean = beans[id];
         if (bean == null)
            continue// bean timed out and removed
         String name = "testStatefulPassiviationExpiration#"+id;
         long callStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
         long inactive = callStart - accessStamp[id];
            NodeAnswer node = bean.getNodeState();
            long now = System.currentTimeMillis();           
            long elapsed = now - callStart;
            accessStamp[id] = now;
            assertTrue("NodeAnswer == "+name, node.answer.equals(name));
            min = Math.min(min, elapsed);
            max = Math.max(max, elapsed);
            maxInactive = Math.max(maxInactive, inactive);
            log.debug(n+", elapsed="+elapsed+", inactive="+inactive);
         catch (java.rmi.NoSuchObjectException nso)
            log.debug(n+" Caught NoSuchObjectException on bean " + id + " -- inactive time = " + inactive);
            // Remove the bean as it will never succeed again
            beans[id] = null;
      }" calls complete, max="+max+", min="+min+", maxInactive="+maxInactive);

      start = System.currentTimeMillis();
      for(int n = 0; n < beans.length; n ++)
         beans[n] = (StatefulSession) home.create("testStatefulPassivationExpiration#"+n);
         accessStamp[n] = System.currentTimeMillis();
      end = System.currentTimeMillis();"End second round bean creation, elapsed="+(end - start));
      for(int n = 0; n < N; n ++)
         int id = n % beans.length;
         StatefulSession bean = beans[id];
         if (bean == null)
            continue// bean timed out and removed
         String name = "testStatefulPassiviationExpiration#"+id;
         long callStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
         long inactive = callStart - accessStamp[id];
            NodeAnswer node = bean.getNodeState();
            long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
            long elapsed = now - callStart;
            accessStamp[id] = now;
            assertTrue("NodeAnswer == "+name, node.answer.equals(name));
            min = Math.min(min, elapsed);
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      getLog().debug("Looking up the home nextgen.StatefulSession" + getJndiSuffix()+"...");
      StatefulSessionHome  sfsbHome =
         (StatefulSessionHome) ctx.lookup("nextgen_StatefulSession" + getJndiSuffix());
      if (sfsbHome!= null ) getLog().debug("ok");
         getLog().debug("Calling create on StatefulSessionHome" + getJndiSuffix()+"...");
      StatefulSession sfsb = (StatefulSession)sfsbHome.create("Bupple-Dupple");
      assertTrue("statefulSessionHome.create() != null", sfsb != null);
      NodeAnswer node1 = sfsb.getNodeState ();
      getLog ().debug (node1);
      getLog().debug("Looking up the home nextgen.StatelessSession" + getJndiSuffix()+"...");
      StatelessSessionHome  slsbHome =
      (StatelessSessionHome) ctx.lookup("nextgen_StatelessSession" + getJndiSuffix());
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Related Classes of org.jboss.test.cluster.ejb2.basic.bean.StatefulSessionBean

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