listenerNode.setAttribute("name", listener.getName());
try {
bus = (SqlBus) model.getBus(listener.getBusidref());
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
throw new ConfigurationException("Invalid busid reference [" + listener.getBusidref() + "] on listener [" + listener.getName() + "]. A <sql-listener> must reference a <sql-bus>.");
try {
provider = (SqlProvider) model.getProvider(bus);
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
throw new ConfigurationException("Invalid bus config [" + listener.getBusidref() + "]. Should be contained within a <sql-provider> instance. Unexpected exception - this should have caused a validation error!");
if (provider.getDatasource() != null) {
if ((provider.getUsername() != null)
|| (provider.getDriver() != null)) {
throw new ConfigurationException ("Invalid sql-provider configuration : a datasource and a username/password/driver "
+ "combination cannot both be defined. Use only one (datasource or JDBC connection info)."
+ "Datasource : [" + provider.getDatasource() + "] JDBC URL [" + provider.getUrl() + "]");
} else if (provider.getUrl() == null) {
throw new ConfigurationException ("Invalid sql-provider configuration : a datasource or a URL/username/password/driver "
+ "combination must be defined. Use only one (datasource or JDBC connection info). "
+ "URL was null.");
} else if (provider.getUsername() == null) {
throw new ConfigurationException ("Invalid sql-provider configuration : a datasource or a URL/username/password/driver "
+ "combination must be defined. Use only one (datasource or JDBC connection info). "
+ "Username was null.");
} else if (provider.getDriver() == null) {
throw new ConfigurationException ("Invalid sql-provider configuration : either a datasource or a URL/username/password/driver "
+ "combination must be defined. Use only one (datasource or JDBC connection info). "
+ "Driver was null.");
SqlMessageFilter messageFilter = listener.getSqlMessageFilter();
if(messageFilter == null) {
messageFilter = bus.getSqlMessageFilter();
if(messageFilter == null) {
throw new ConfigurationException("No <sql-destination> defined on either <sql-listener> [" + listener.getName() + "] or <sql-bus> [" + bus.getBusid() + "].");
listenerNode.setAttribute("pollLatencySeconds", String.valueOf(listener.getPollFrequencySeconds()));
if (provider.isSetTransacted()) {
listenerNode.setAttribute(ListenerTagNames.TRANSACTED_TAG, Boolean.toString(provider.getTransacted())) ;