
Examples of

         InputStream responseStream = new FileInputStream(responseFile);
         if(responseStream  == null)
            throw new IllegalStateException("responseStream for IID0"+ i + " is null");
         ResponseCtx expectedResponse = ResponseCtx.getInstance(responseStream);

         Result actualResult = (Result) actualResponse.getResults().iterator().next();
         Result expectedResult = (Result) expectedResponse.getResults().iterator().next();
         assertEquals("IID0"+i, expectedResult.getDecision(),actualResult.getDecision());
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         InputStream responseStream = new FileInputStream(responseFile);
         if(responseStream  == null)
            throw new IllegalStateException("responseStream for IIE0"+ i + " is null");
         ResponseCtx expectedResponse = ResponseCtx.getInstance(responseStream);

         Result actualResult = (Result) actualResponse.getResults().iterator().next();
         Result expectedResult = (Result) expectedResponse.getResults().iterator().next();
         assertEquals("IIE0"+i, expectedResult.getDecision(),actualResult.getDecision());
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            int result = match.getResult();

            // if there is an error in trying to match any of the targets,
            // we always return INDETERMINATE immediately
            if (result == MatchResult.INDETERMINATE)
                return new Result(Result.DECISION_INDETERMINATE,
            if (result == MatchResult.MATCH) {
                // if this isn't the first match, then this is an error
                if (atLeastOne) {
                    List code = new ArrayList();
                    String message = "Too many applicable policies";
                    return new Result(Result.DECISION_INDETERMINATE,
                                      new Status(code, message),

                // if this was the first applicable policy in the set, then
                // remember it for later
                atLeastOne = true;
                selectedPolicy = policy;

        // if we got through the loop and found exactly one match, then
        // we return the evaluation result of that policy
        if (atLeastOne)
            return selectedPolicy.evaluate(context);

        // if we didn't find a matching policy, then we don't apply
        return new Result(Result.DECISION_NOT_APPLICABLE,
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            // make sure that the policy matches the context
            MatchResult match = policy.match(context);

            if (match.getResult() == MatchResult.INDETERMINATE)
                return new Result(Result.DECISION_INDETERMINATE,

            if (match.getResult() == MatchResult.MATCH) {
                // evaluate the policy
                Result result = policy.evaluate(context);
                int effect = result.getDecision();
                // in the case of PERMIT, DENY, or INDETERMINATE, we always
                // just return that result, so only on a rule that doesn't
                // apply do we keep going...
                if (effect != Result.DECISION_NOT_APPLICABLE)
                    return result;

        // if we got here, then none of the rules applied
        return new Result(Result.DECISION_NOT_APPLICABLE,
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    public Result combine(EvaluationCtx context, List parameters,
                          List ruleElements) {
        boolean atLeastOneError = false;
        boolean potentialDeny = false;
        boolean atLeastOnePermit = false;
        Result firstIndeterminateResult = null;
        Iterator it = ruleElements.iterator();

        while (it.hasNext()) {
            Rule rule = ((RuleCombinerElement)(;
            Result result = rule.evaluate(context);
            int value = result.getDecision();
            logger.log(Level.FINE, "Rule id:"+rule.getId().toASCIIString()+":result="+value);
            // if there was a value of DENY, then regardless of what else
            // we've seen, we always return DENY
            if (value == Result.DECISION_DENY)
                return result;
            // if it was INDETERMINATE, then we couldn't figure something
            // out, so we keep track of these cases...
            if (value == Result.DECISION_INDETERMINATE) {
                atLeastOneError = true;

                // there are no rules about what to do if multiple cases
                // cause errors, so we'll just return the first one
                if (firstIndeterminateResult == null)
                    firstIndeterminateResult = result;

                // if the Rule's effect is DENY, then we can't let this
                // alg return PERMIT, since this Rule might have denied
                // if it could do its stuff
                if (rule.getEffect() == Result.DECISION_DENY)
                    potentialDeny = true;
            } else {
                // keep track of whether we had at least one rule that
                // actually pertained to the request
                if (value == Result.DECISION_PERMIT)
                    atLeastOnePermit = true;
        // we didn't explicitly DENY, but we might have had some Rule
        // been evaluated, so we have to return INDETERMINATE
        if (potentialDeny)
            return firstIndeterminateResult;
        // some Rule said PERMIT, so since nothing could have denied,
        // we return PERMIT
        if (atLeastOnePermit)
            return new Result(Result.DECISION_PERMIT,
        // we didn't find anything that said PERMIT, but if we had a
        // problem with one of the Rules, then we're INDETERMINATE
        if (atLeastOneError)
            return firstIndeterminateResult;
        // if we hit this point, then none of the rules actually applied
        // to us, so we return NOT_APPLICABLE
        return new Result(Result.DECISION_NOT_APPLICABLE,
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                // keep track of the first error, regardless of cause
                if (firstIndeterminateStatus == null)
                    firstIndeterminateStatus = match.getStatus();
            } else if (match.getResult() == MatchResult.MATCH) {
                // now we evaluate the policy
                Result result = policy.evaluate(context);
                int effect = result.getDecision();
                // this is a little different from DenyOverrides...

                if (effect == Result.DECISION_PERMIT)
                    return result;
                if (effect == Result.DECISION_DENY) {
                    atLeastOneDeny = true;
                } else if (effect == Result.DECISION_INDETERMINATE) {
                    atLeastOneError = true;

                    // keep track of the first error, regardless of cause
                    if (firstIndeterminateStatus == null)
                        firstIndeterminateStatus = result.getStatus();

        // if we got a DENY, return it
        if (atLeastOneDeny)
            return new Result(Result.DECISION_DENY,
        // if we got an INDETERMINATE, return it
        if (atLeastOneError)
            return new Result(Result.DECISION_INDETERMINATE,
        // if we got here, then nothing applied to us
        return new Result(Result.DECISION_NOT_APPLICABLE,
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      ResponseCtx response = (ResponseCtx) map.get(XACMLConstants.RESPONSE_CTX);
      if (response != null)
         Set<Result> results = response.getResults();
         Result res = results.iterator().next();
         decision = res.getDecision();
      return decision;

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      ResultType resultType = objectFactory.createResultType();
      ResponseCtx response = (ResponseCtx) map.get(XACMLConstants.RESPONSE_CTX);
      if (response != null)
         //Resource ID
         Result result = (Result) response.getResults().iterator().next();
         int decision = result.getDecision();
            case 0:
            case 1:
            case 2:
            case 3:
               throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown code");
         Status status = result.getStatus();
         StatusType statusType = objectFactory.createStatusType();
         StatusCodeType statusCodeType = objectFactory.createStatusCodeType();
         List statusList = status.getCode();
         if(statusList != null && statusList.size() > 0)
            statusCodeType.setValue((String) statusList.get(0));
         Set<Obligation> obligationsSet = result.getObligations();
         if(obligationsSet != null)
            for(Obligation obl:obligationsSet)
               ObligationType obType = new ObligationType();
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