public void postConstruct(InvocationContext invocation)
Component invokingComponent = SessionBeanInterceptor.COMPONENT.get();
Object bean = invocation.getTarget();
if ( invokingComponent!=null && invokingComponent.getBeanClass().isInstance(bean) )
//the session bean was obtained by the application by
//calling Component.getInstance(), could be a role
//other than the default role
//note: minor bug here, since if we got another instance of the same
// bean from JNDI or @EJB while constructing a component,
// or in an interceptor while calling a component,
// this will cause that bean to think it is an instance of the
// component role (rather than the default role)
if ( log.isTraceEnabled() )
log.trace("post construct phase for instance of component: " + invokingComponent.getName());
else if ( bean.getClass().isAnnotationPresent(Name.class) )