Represents an atom:content element.
Per RFC4287:
The "atom:content" element either contains or links to the content of the entry. The content of atom:content is Language-Sensitive. atomInlineTextContent = element atom:content { atomCommonAttributes, attribute type { "text" | "html" }?, (text) } atomInlineXHTMLContent = element atom:content { atomCommonAttributes, attribute type { "xhtml" }, xhtmlDiv } atomInlineOtherContent = element atom:content { atomCommonAttributes, attribute type { atomMediaType }?, (text|anyElement) } atomOutOfLineContent = element atom:content { atomCommonAttributes, attribute type { atomMediaType }?, attribute src { atomUri }, empty } atomContent = atomInlineTextContent | atomInlineXHTMLContent | atomInlineOtherContent | atomOutOfLineContent@author Bill Burke @version $Revision: 1 $