Package org.jboss.resteasy.api.validation

Examples of org.jboss.resteasy.api.validation.ViolationReport

      request = new ClientRequest(generateURL("/native"));
      request.body("application/foo", new Foo("abcdef"));
      response =;
      Assert.assertEquals(400, response.getStatus());
      String entity = response.getEntity(String.class);
      ViolationReport r = new ViolationReport(entity);
      countViolations(r, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0);
      ResteasyConstraintViolation cv = r.getParameterViolations().iterator().next();
      Assert.assertTrue(cv.getMessage().equals("s must have length: 1 <= length <= 3"));
      Assert.assertEquals("Foo[abcdef]", cv.getValue());
      // Invalid imposed constraint
      request = new ClientRequest(generateURL("/imposed"));
      request.body("application/foo", new Foo("abcdef"));
      response =;
      Assert.assertEquals(400, response.getStatus());
      entity = response.getEntity(String.class);
      r = new ViolationReport(entity);
      countViolations(r, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0);
      cv = r.getParameterViolations().iterator().next();
      Assert.assertTrue(cv.getMessage().equals("s must have length: 3 <= length <= 5"));
      Assert.assertEquals("Foo[abcdef]", cv.getValue());

      // Invalid native and imposed constraints
      request = new ClientRequest(generateURL("/nativeAndImposed"));
      request.body("application/foo", new Foo("abcdef"));
      response =;
      Assert.assertEquals(400, response.getStatus());
      entity = response.getEntity(String.class);
      r = new ViolationReport(entity);
      countViolations(r, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0);
      Iterator<ResteasyConstraintViolation> it = r.getParameterViolations().iterator();
      ResteasyConstraintViolation cv1 =;
      ResteasyConstraintViolation cv2 =;
      if (cv1.toString().indexOf('1') < 0)
         ResteasyConstraintViolation temp = cv1;
         cv1 = cv2;
         cv2 = temp;
      Assert.assertTrue(cv1.getMessage().equals("s must have length: 1 <= length <= 3"));
      Assert.assertEquals("Foo[abcdef]", cv1.getValue());
      Assert.assertTrue(cv2.getMessage().equals("s must have length: 3 <= length <= 5"));
      Assert.assertEquals("Foo[abcdef]", cv2.getValue());
      // Valid other parameters
      String url = generateURL("/other/ppp"); // path param
      url += ";m=mmm";                        // matrix param
      url += "?q=qqq";                        // query param
      request = new ClientRequest(url);
      request.formParameter("f", "fff");      // form param
      request.header("h", "hhh");             // header param
      request.cookie(new Cookie("c", "ccc")); // cookie param
      response =;
      Assert.assertEquals(204, response.getStatus());
      // Invalid other parameters
      url = generateURL("/other/pppp");        // path param
      url += ";m=mmmm";                        // matrix param
      url += "?q=qqqq";                        // query param
      request = new ClientRequest(url);
      request.formParameter("f", "ffff");      // form param
      request.header("h", "hhhh");             // header param
      request.cookie(new Cookie("c", "cccc")); // cookie param
      response =;
      Assert.assertEquals(400, response.getStatus());
      entity = response.getEntity(String.class);
      r = new ViolationReport(entity);
      countViolations(r, 0, 0, 0, 6, 0);
      List<String> list = getMessages(r);
      Assert.assertTrue(list.contains("size must be between 2 and 3; pppp"));
      Assert.assertTrue(list.contains("size must be between 2 and 3; mmmm"));
      Assert.assertTrue(list.contains("size must be between 2 and 3; qqqq"));
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         Foo foo = new Foo("123");
         request.body("application/foo", foo);
         ClientResponse<?> response =;
         Assert.assertEquals(500, response.getStatus());
         ViolationReport report = response.getEntity(ViolationReport.class);
         System.out.println("report: " + report);
         countViolations(report, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);
         ResteasyConstraintViolation cv = report.getReturnValueViolations().iterator().next();
         System.out.println("message: " + cv.getMessage());
         System.out.println("value: " + cv.getValue());
         Assert.assertEquals("s must have length: 4 <= length <= 5", cv.getMessage());
         Assert.assertEquals(foo.toString(), cv.getValue());
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      request = new ClientRequest(generateURL("/native"));
      request.body("application/foo", new Foo("abcdef"));
      response =;
      Assert.assertEquals(500, response.getStatus());
      String entity = response.getEntity(String.class);
      ViolationReport r = new ViolationReport(entity);
      countViolations(r, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);
      ResteasyConstraintViolation cv = r.getReturnValueViolations().iterator().next();
      Assert.assertTrue(cv.getMessage().equals("s must have length: 1 <= length <= 3"));
      Assert.assertEquals("Foo[abcdef]", cv.getValue());

      // Invalid imposed constraint
      request = new ClientRequest(generateURL("/imposed"));
      request.body("application/foo", new Foo("abcdef"));
      response =;
      Assert.assertEquals(500, response.getStatus());
      entity = response.getEntity(String.class);
      r = new ViolationReport(entity);
      countViolations(r, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);
      cv = r.getReturnValueViolations().iterator().next();
      Assert.assertTrue(cv.getMessage().equals("s must have length: 3 <= length <= 5"));
      Assert.assertEquals("Foo[abcdef]", cv.getValue());

      // Invalid native and imposed constraints
      request = new ClientRequest(generateURL("/nativeAndImposed"));
      request.body("application/foo", new Foo("abcdef"));
      response =;
      Assert.assertEquals(500, response.getStatus());
      entity = response.getEntity(String.class);
      r = new ViolationReport(entity);
      countViolations(r, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2);
      Iterator<ResteasyConstraintViolation> it = r.getReturnValueViolations().iterator();
      ResteasyConstraintViolation cv1 =;
      ResteasyConstraintViolation cv2 =;
      if (cv1.toString().indexOf('1') < 0)
         ResteasyConstraintViolation temp = cv1;
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      foo = new Foo("p");
      request.body("application/foo", foo);
      response =;
      Assert.assertEquals(400, response.getStatus());
      String entity = response.getEntity(String.class);
      ViolationReport r = new ViolationReport(entity);
      countViolations(r, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0);
      ResteasyConstraintViolation cv = r.getFieldViolations().iterator().next();
      Assert.assertEquals("size must be between 2 and 4", cv.getMessage());
      Assert.assertEquals("a", cv.getValue());
      cv = r.getPropertyViolations().iterator().next();
      Assert.assertEquals("size must be between 3 and 5", cv.getMessage());
      Assert.assertEquals("z", cv.getValue());
      cv = r.getClassViolations().iterator().next();
      Assert.assertEquals("Concatenation of s and t must have length > 5", cv.getMessage());
      cv = r.getParameterViolations().iterator().next();
      Assert.assertEquals("s must have length: 3 <= length <= 5", cv.getMessage());
      Assert.assertEquals("Foo[p]", cv.getValue());
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      // Sub-resource locator returns resource with invalid field.
      request = new ClientRequest(generateURL("/invalidField"));
      response =;
      Assert.assertEquals(400, response.getStatus());
      String entity = response.getEntity(String.class);
      ViolationReport r = new ViolationReport(entity);
      countViolations(r, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
      ResteasyConstraintViolation cv = r.getFieldViolations().iterator().next();
      Assert.assertEquals("size must be between 2 and 4", cv.getMessage());
      Assert.assertEquals("abcde", cv.getValue());

      // Sub-resource locator returns resource with valid property.
      // Note: The resource TestResourceWithProperty has a @PathParam annotation used by a setter,
      //       but it is not used when TestResourceWithProperty is used a sub-resource.  Hence "unused".
      request = new ClientRequest(generateURL("/property/abc/unused"));
      response =;
      Assert.assertEquals(204, response.getStatus());
      // Sub-resource locator returns resource with invalid property.
      request = new ClientRequest(generateURL("/property/abcdef/unused"));
      response =;
      Assert.assertEquals(400, response.getStatus());
      entity = response.getEntity(String.class);
      r = new ViolationReport(entity);
      countViolations(r, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0);
      cv = r.getPropertyViolations().iterator().next();
      Assert.assertEquals("size must be between 2 and 4", cv.getMessage());
      Assert.assertEquals("abcdef", cv.getValue());

      // Valid
      request = new ClientRequest(generateURL("/everything/abc/wxyz/unused/unused"));
      Foo foo = new Foo("pqrs");
      request.body("application/foo", foo);
      response =;    
      Assert.assertEquals(200, response.getStatus());
      Assert.assertEquals(foo, response.getEntity());

      // Invalid: Should have 1 each of field, property, class, and parameter violations,and no return value violations.
      // Note: expect warning because TestResourceWithAllFivePotentialViolations is being used a sub-resource and it has an injectible field:
      //       WARN org.jboss.resteasy.core.ResourceLocator - Field s of subresource org.jboss.resteasy.test.validation.TestValidation$TestResourceWithAllFivePotentialViolations will not be injected according to spec
      request = new ClientRequest(generateURL("/everything/a/z/unused/unused"));
      foo = new Foo("p");
      request.body("application/foo", foo);
      response =;
      Assert.assertEquals(400, response.getStatus());
      entity = response.getEntity(String.class);
      System.out.println("entity: " + entity);
      r = new ViolationReport(entity);
      countViolations(r, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0);
      cv = r.getFieldViolations().iterator().next();
      Assert.assertEquals("size must be between 2 and 4", cv.getMessage());
      Assert.assertEquals("a", cv.getValue());
      cv = r.getPropertyViolations().iterator().next();
      Assert.assertEquals("size must be between 3 and 5", cv.getMessage());
      cv = r.getClassViolations().iterator().next();
      Assert.assertEquals("Concatenation of s and t must have length > 5", cv.getMessage());
      // Sub-sub-resource locator returns resource with valid property.
      request = new ClientRequest(generateURL("/locator/sublocator/abc"));
      response =;
      Assert.assertEquals(204, response.getStatus());

      // Sub-resource locator returns resource with invalid property.
      request = new ClientRequest(generateURL("/locator/sublocator/abcdef"));
      response =;
      Assert.assertEquals(400, response.getStatus());
      entity = response.getEntity(String.class);
      r = new ViolationReport(entity);
      countViolations(r, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
      cv = r.getFieldViolations().iterator().next();
      Assert.assertEquals("size must be between 2 and 3", cv.getMessage());
      Assert.assertEquals("abcdef", cv.getValue());
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         response = request.get();
      Assert.assertEquals(400, response.getStatus());
      String entity = response.getEntity(String.class);
      ViolationReport r = new ViolationReport(entity);
      countViolations(r, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0);
      ResteasyConstraintViolation cv = r.getFieldViolations().iterator().next();
      Assert.assertEquals("size must be between 2 and 4", cv.getMessage());
      Assert.assertEquals("a", cv.getValue());
      cv = r.getPropertyViolations().iterator().next();
      Assert.assertEquals("size must be between 3 and 5", cv.getMessage());
      Assert.assertEquals("z", cv.getValue());
      cv = r.getClassViolations().iterator().next();
      Assert.assertEquals("Concatenation of s and t must have length > 5", cv.getMessage());
      cv = r.getParameterViolations().iterator().next();
      Assert.assertEquals("s must have length: 3 <= length <= 5", cv.getMessage());
      Assert.assertEquals("Foo[p]", cv.getValue());

      // Delete job.
      request = new ClientRequest(jobUrl);
      response = request.delete();
      Assert.assertEquals(HttpServletResponse.SC_NO_CONTENT, response.getStatus());
      // Submit asynchronous job with violations in result of resource method.
      request = new ClientRequest(generateURL("/abc/xyz/unused/unused?asynch=true"));
      foo = new Foo("pqr");
      request.body("application/foo", foo);
      response =;
      Assert.assertEquals(HttpServletResponse.SC_ACCEPTED, response.getStatus());
      jobUrl = response.getResponseHeaders().getFirst(HttpHeaders.LOCATION);
      System.out.println("JOB: " + jobUrl);

      // Get result: Should have no field, property, class, or parameter violations,
      //             and one return value violation.
      request = new ClientRequest(jobUrl);
      response = request.get();
      while (HttpServletResponse.SC_ACCEPTED == response.getStatus())
         response = request.get();
      Assert.assertEquals(500, response.getStatus());
      entity = response.getEntity(String.class);
      r = new ViolationReport(entity);
      countViolations(r, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);
      cv = r.getReturnValueViolations().iterator().next();
      Assert.assertEquals("s must have length: 4 <= length <= 5", cv.getMessage());
      Assert.assertEquals("Foo[pqr]", cv.getValue());
      // Delete job.
      request = new ClientRequest(jobUrl);
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         Foo foo = new Foo("p");
         request.body("application/foo", foo);
         ClientResponse<?> response =;
         Assert.assertEquals(400, response.getStatus());
         ViolationReport report = response.getEntity(ViolationReport.class);
         System.out.println("report: " + report);
         countViolations(report, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 0);
         Iterator<ResteasyConstraintViolation> iterator = report.getFieldViolations().iterator();
         ResteasyConstraintViolation cv1 =;
         ResteasyConstraintViolation cv2 =;
         if (!("a").equals(cv1.getValue()))
            ResteasyConstraintViolation tmp = cv1;
            cv1 = cv2;
            cv2 = tmp;
         Assert.assertEquals("size must be between 2 and 4", cv1.getMessage());
         Assert.assertEquals("a", cv1.getValue());
         Assert.assertEquals("size must be between 2 and 4", cv2.getMessage());
         Assert.assertEquals("b", cv2.getValue());
         ResteasyConstraintViolation cv = report.getPropertyViolations().iterator().next();
         Assert.assertEquals("size must be between 3 and 5", cv.getMessage());
         Assert.assertEquals("c", cv.getValue());
         cv = report.getClassViolations().iterator().next();
         Assert.assertEquals("Concatenation of s and u must have length > 5", cv.getMessage());
         System.out.print("value: " + cv.getValue());
         cv = report.getParameterViolations().iterator().next();
         Assert.assertEquals("s must have length: 3 <= length <= 5", cv.getMessage());
         Assert.assertEquals("Foo[p]", cv.getValue());

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         Foo foo = new Foo("123");
         request.body("application/foo", foo);
         ClientResponse<?> response =;
         Assert.assertEquals(500, response.getStatus());
         ViolationReport report = response.getEntity(ViolationReport.class);
         System.out.println("report: " + report);
         countViolations(report, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);
         ResteasyConstraintViolation cv = report.getReturnValueViolations().iterator().next();
         System.out.println("message: " + cv.getMessage());
         System.out.println("value: " + cv.getValue());
         Assert.assertEquals("s must have length: 4 <= length <= 5", cv.getMessage());
         Assert.assertEquals(foo.toString(), cv.getValue());
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      Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
      WebTarget target ="/resource/executable/getter"));
      Response response = target.request().get();
      ViolationReport report = response.readEntity(ViolationReport.class);

      countViolations(report, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0);

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         Foo foo = new Foo("p");
         request.body("application/foo", foo);
         ClientResponse<?> response =;
         Assert.assertEquals(400, response.getStatus());
         ViolationReport report = response.getEntity(ViolationReport.class);
         System.out.println("report: " + report);
         countViolations(report, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 0);
         Iterator<ResteasyConstraintViolation> iterator = report.getFieldViolations().iterator();
         ResteasyConstraintViolation cv1 =;
         ResteasyConstraintViolation cv2 =;
         if (!("a").equals(cv1.getValue()))
            ResteasyConstraintViolation tmp = cv1;
            cv1 = cv2;
            cv2 = tmp;
         Assert.assertEquals("size must be between 2 and 4", cv1.getMessage());
         Assert.assertEquals("a", cv1.getValue());
         Assert.assertEquals("size must be between 2 and 4", cv2.getMessage());
         Assert.assertEquals("b", cv2.getValue());
         ResteasyConstraintViolation cv = report.getPropertyViolations().iterator().next();
         Assert.assertEquals("size must be between 3 and 5", cv.getMessage());
         Assert.assertEquals("c", cv.getValue());
         cv = report.getClassViolations().iterator().next();
         Assert.assertEquals("Concatenation of s and u must have length > 5", cv.getMessage());
         System.out.print("value: " + cv.getValue());
         cv = report.getParameterViolations().iterator().next();
         Assert.assertEquals("s must have length: 3 <= length <= 5", cv.getMessage());
         Assert.assertEquals("Foo[p]", cv.getValue());

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Related Classes of org.jboss.resteasy.api.validation.ViolationReport

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