// if (bailOut)
// return null;
if (trace) log.trace(this + " released semaphore: " + semaphore.permits(), e);
sockEx = new CannotConnectException(
"Can not get connection to server. Problem establishing " +
"socket connection for " + locator, e);
if (tempTimeout >= 0)
savedTimeout = socketWrapper.getTimeout();
socketWrapper.setTimeout((int) (tempTimeout - (System.currentTimeMillis() - start)));
long end = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
getSocketTime += end;
int version = Version.getDefaultVersion();
boolean performVersioning = Version.performVersioning();
OutputStream outputStream = socketWrapper.getOutputStream();
if (performVersioning)
writeVersion(outputStream, version);
//TODO: -TME so this is messed up as now ties remoting versioning to using a marshaller type
versionedWrite(outputStream, marshaller, invocation, version);
end = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
writeTime += end;
start = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (serverSideOneway)
if(trace) { log.trace(this + " sent oneway invocation, so not waiting for response, returning null"); }
int onewaySavedTimeout = -1;
if (oneway)
onewaySavedTimeout = socketWrapper.getTimeout();
InputStream inputStream = socketWrapper.getInputStream();
if (performVersioning)
version = readVersion(inputStream);
if (version == -1)
throw new EOFException("end of file");
if (version == SocketWrapper.CLOSING)
log.trace(this + " received version 254: treating as end of file");
throw new EOFException("end of file");
response = versionedRead(inputStream, unmarshaller, version);
// Note that if an exception is thrown, the socket is thrown away,
// so there's no need to reset the timeout value.
if (oneway)
end = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
readTime += end;
// Note that resetting the timeout value after closing the socket results
// in an exception, so the reset is not done in a finally clause. However,
// if a catch clause is ever added that does not close the socket, care
// must be taken to reset the timeout in that case.
if (tempTimeout >= 0)
catch (SocketException sex)
handleRetriableException(socketWrapper, sex, retryCount);
sockEx = sex;
catch (EOFException ex)
handleRetriableException(socketWrapper, ex, retryCount);
sockEx = ex;
catch (Exception ex)
log.debug(this + " got exception: " + socketWrapper, ex);
if (trace) log.trace(this + " released semaphore: " + semaphore.permits());
catch (Exception ignored)
if (oneway)
return null;
return handleException(ex, socketWrapper);
// call worked, so no need to retry
// need to check if ran out of retries
if (retryCount >= numberOfCallRetries)
handleException(sockEx, socketWrapper);
if (response == null && tempTimeout > 0 && timeLeft <= 0)
if (sockEx == null)
sockEx = new CannotConnectException(
"Can not get connection to server. Timed out establishing " +
"socket connection for " + locator);
handleException(sockEx, socketWrapper);