Package org.jboss.portal.identity

Examples of org.jboss.portal.identity.IdentityException

            this.roleModule = (LDAPRoleModule)identityContext.getObject(IdentityContext.TYPE_ROLE_MODULE);
         catch (ClassCastException e)
            throw new IdentityException("Not supported object as part of the context", e);
      return roleModule;
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         log.debug("findUserByUserName(): username = " + userName);

         if (userName == null)
            throw new IdentityException("User name canot be null");

         String filter = getUserSearchFilter();
         log.debug("Search filter: " + filter);

         Object[] filterArgs = {userName};

         List sr = searchUsers(filter, filterArgs);
         if (sr.size() > 1)
            throw new IdentityException("Found more than one user with id: " + userName + "" +
               "Posible data inconsistency");
         SearchResult res = (SearchResult)sr.iterator().next();
         ctx = (Context)res.getObject();
         String dn = ctx.getNameInNamespace();
         User user = createUserInstance(res.getAttributes(), dn);
         return user;

      catch (NoSuchElementException e)
         log.debug("No user found with name: " + userName, e);

      catch (NamingException e)
         throw new IdentityException("User search failed.", e);
            if (ctx != null)
         catch (NamingException e)
            throw new IdentityException("Failed to close LDAP connection", e);
      throw new NoSuchUserException("No user found with name: " + userName);
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         log.debug("No users found", e);
      catch (Throwable e)
         throw new IdentityException("User search failed.", e);

      //won't happen
      return null;
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         log.debug("No users found", e);
      catch (Exception e)
         throw new IdentityException("User search failed.", e);
      return 0;
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   protected Set getUserSearchCtxDNs() throws IdentityException
      Set searchCtx =  getIdentityConfiguration().getValues(IdentityConfiguration.GROUP_COMMON, IdentityConfiguration.USER_CONTEXT_DN);
      if (searchCtx == null || searchCtx.size() == 0)
         throw new IdentityException(IdentityConfiguration.USER_CONTEXT_DN + " missing in configuration");
         return searchCtx;
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         log.debug("findRoleByName(): name = " + name);

         if (name == null)
            throw new IdentityException("Role name canot be null");

         String filter = "(".concat(getRidAttributeID()).concat("=").concat(name).concat(")");
         log.debug("Search filter: " + filter);

         List sr = searchRoles(filter, null);
         if (sr.size() > 1)
            throw new IdentityException("Found more than one role with id: " + name + "" +
               "Posible data inconsistency");
         if (sr.size() == 0)
            throw new IdentityException("No such role " + name);
         SearchResult res = (SearchResult)sr.iterator().next();
         DirContext ctx  = (DirContext)res.getObject();
         return createRoleInstance(res.getAttributes(),ctx.getNameInNamespace());

      catch (NoSuchElementException e)
         log.debug("No role found with name: " + name, e);
      catch (NamingException e)
         throw new IdentityException("Role search failed.", e);
      throw new IdentityException("No role found with name: " + name);
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      catch (Exception e)
         throw new IdentityException("Can't retreive roles", e);

      return roles;

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   public Role findRoleById(Object id) throws IdentityException, IllegalArgumentException
      if (id == null)
         throw new IdentityException("Cannot search role with null id");
      if (!(id instanceof String))
         throw new IdentityException("Only String id is suppoted");
      return findRoleById((String)id);
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   public Role createRole(String name, String displayName) throws IdentityException, IllegalArgumentException
      if (name == null)
         throw new IdentityException("Role name cannot be null");

      LdapContext ldapContext = getConnectionContext().createInitialContext();

         LdapContext ctx = (LdapContext)ldapContext.lookup(getContainerDN());

         //We store new entry using set of attributes. This should give more flexibility then
         //extending user object from ContextDir - configure what objectClass place there
         Attributes attrs = new BasicAttributes(true);

         //add attribute using provided configuration
         Map attributesToAdd = getAttributesToAdd();

         for (Iterator it1 = attributesToAdd.keySet().iterator(); it1.hasNext();)
            String attributeName = (String);
            log.debug("adding attribute: " + attributeName);
            Attribute attr = new BasicAttribute(attributeName);
            Set attributeValues = (Set)attributesToAdd.get(attributeName);

            for (Iterator it2 = attributeValues.iterator(); it2.hasNext();)
               String attrValue = (String);
               log.debug("adding attribute value: " + attrValue);

         //role name
         attrs.put(getRidAttributeID(), name);

         //display name
         if (!getDisplayNameAttributeID().equals(getRidAttributeID()))
            attrs.put(getDisplayNameAttributeID(), displayName);

         String dn = getRidAttributeID().concat("=").concat(name);

         log.debug("creating ldap entry for: " + dn + "; " + attrs);
         ctx.createSubcontext(dn, attrs);
      catch (NamingException e)
         throw new IdentityException("Failed to create role", e);
         catch (NamingException e)
            throw new IdentityException("Failed to close LDAP connection", e);

      Role resultRole =  findRoleByName(name);
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      LDAPRoleImpl ldapr = (LDAPRoleImpl)findRoleById(id);

      if (ldapr == null)
         throw new IdentityException("Cannot find role for removal");

      if (ldapr.getDn() == null)
         throw new IdentityException("Cannot obtain DN of role");

      LdapContext ldapContext = getConnectionContext().createInitialContext();

         log.debug("removing entry: " + ldapr.getDn());

         fireRoleDestroyedEvent(ldapr.getId(), ldapr.getName());
      catch (Exception e)
         throw new IdentityException("Failed to remove role: ", e);
         catch (NamingException e)
            throw new IdentityException("Failed to close LDAP connection", e);
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Related Classes of org.jboss.portal.identity.IdentityException

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