if (coordinatorURL != null && XtsAsLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
XtsAsLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.debugf("nodeIdentifier=%s\n", coordinatorURL);
final ServiceTarget target = context.getServiceTarget();
// TODO eventually we should add a config service which manages the XTS configuration
// this will allow us to include a switch enabling or disabling deployment of
// endpoints specific to client, coordinator or participant and then deploy
// and redeploy the relevant endpoints as needed/ the same switches can be used
// byte the XTS service to decide whether to perfomr client, coordinator or
// participant initialisation. we shoudl also provide config switches which
// decide whether to initialise classes and deploy services for AT, BA or both.
// for now we will just deploy all the endpoints and always do client, coordinator
// and participant init for both AT and BA.
// add an endpoint publisher service for each of the required endpoint contexts
// specifying all the relevant URL patterns and SEI classes
final ClassLoader loader = XTSService.class.getClassLoader();
ServiceBuilder<Context> endpointBuilder;
ArrayList<ServiceController<Context>> controllers = new ArrayList<ServiceController<Context>>();
for (ContextInfo contextInfo : contextDefinitions) {
String contextName = contextInfo.contextPath;
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
for (EndpointInfo endpointInfo : contextInfo.endpointInfo) {
map.put(endpointInfo.URLPattern, endpointInfo.SEIClassname);
endpointBuilder = EndpointPublishService.createServiceBuilder(target, contextName, loader,
// add an XTS service which depends on all the WS endpoints
final XTSManagerService xtsService = new XTSManagerService(coordinatorURL);
// this service needs to depend on the transaction recovery service
// because it can only initialise XTS recovery once the transaction recovery
// service has initialised the orb layer
ServiceBuilder<?> xtsServiceBuilder = target.addService(XTSServices.JBOSS_XTS_MAIN, xtsService);
// this service needs to depend on JBossWS Config Service to be notified of the JBoss WS config (bind address, port etc)
xtsServiceBuilder.addDependency(WSServices.CONFIG_SERVICE, ServerConfig.class, xtsService.getWSServerConfig());
// the service also needs to depend on the endpoint services
for (ServiceController<Context> controller : controllers) {
// WS-AT / JTA Transaction bridge services:
final TxBridgeInboundRecoveryService txBridgeInboundRecoveryService = new TxBridgeInboundRecoveryService();
ServiceBuilder<?> txBridgeInboundRecoveryServiceBuilder =
target.addService(XTSServices.JBOSS_XTS_TXBRIDGE_INBOUND_RECOVERY, txBridgeInboundRecoveryService);
final TxBridgeOutboundRecoveryService txBridgeOutboundRecoveryService = new TxBridgeOutboundRecoveryService();
ServiceBuilder<?> txBridgeOutboundRecoveryServiceBuilder =
target.addService(XTSServices.JBOSS_XTS_TXBRIDGE_OUTBOUND_RECOVERY, txBridgeOutboundRecoveryService);