Package org.jboss.metatype.api.types

Examples of org.jboss.metatype.api.types.MetaType

      ArrayValueSupport result = new ArrayValueSupport(type);
      mapping.put(value, result);
      Object[] array;
      MetaType elementType = type.getElementType();
      int dimension = type.getDimension();
      Object[] oldArray;
      Class<?> componentType;
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         if((value instanceof Map) == false)
            throw new RuntimeException("Expected Map value for: " + type+", was: "+(value != null ? value.getClass() : "null"));
         Map<String,?> map = (Map) value;
         MapCompositeMetaType mapType = (MapCompositeMetaType) type;
         MetaType mapValueType = mapType.getValueType();
         MapCompositeValueSupport result = new MapCompositeValueSupport(mapValueType);
         for(Entry<String,?> entry : map.entrySet())
            Object entryValue = entry.getValue();
            MetaValue entryMetaValue = internalCreate(entryValue, null, mapValueType);
            result.put(entry.getKey(), entryMetaValue);
         mapping.put(value, result);
         return result;

      CompositeValueSupport result = new CompositeValueSupport(type);
      mapping.put(value, result);

      BeanInfo beanInfo;
         ClassLoader cl = value.getClass().getClassLoader();
         if (cl == null)
            beanInfo = configuration.getBeanInfo(value.getClass());
            beanInfo = configuration.getBeanInfo(type.getTypeName(), cl);
      catch (Exception e)
         throw new RuntimeException("Error retrieving BeanInfo for " + type, e);

      for (String name : type.itemSet())
         MetaType itemType = type.getType(name);
         Object itemValue = null;
            PropertyInfo property = beanInfo.getProperty(name);
            if (property.isReadable())
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      TableValueSupport table = new TableValueSupport(type);
      mapping.put(value, table);
      CompositeMetaType entryType = type.getRowType();
      MetaType keyType = entryType.getType(DefaultMetaTypeFactory.MAP_KEY);
      MetaType valType = entryType.getType(DefaultMetaTypeFactory.MAP_VALUE);

      for (Iterator<Map.Entry> i = value.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();)
         Map.Entry entry =;
         MetaValue key = internalCreate(entry.getKey(), null, keyType);
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      MetaMapper<?> mapper = MetaMapper.getMetaMapper(type);
      if (mapper != null)
         return mapper.unwrapMetaValue(metaValue);
      MetaType metaType = metaValue.getMetaType();

      if (metaType.isSimple())
         Serializable value = ((SimpleValue)metaValue).getValue();
         Object v = getValue(metaType, type, value);
         if(v == null && metaType.isPrimitive())
            if (type == null)
               type = getTypeInfo(metaType, metaValue);
            return mapNullToPrimitive(type);
            return v;
      else if (metaType.isEnum())
         String value = ((EnumValue)metaValue).getValue();
         return getValue(metaType, type, value);
      else if (metaType.isGeneric())
         Serializable value = ((GenericValue)metaValue).getValue();
         return getValue(metaType, type, value);
      else if (metaType.isArray())
         ArrayValue arrayValue = (ArrayValue)metaValue;
         if (type == null)
            type = getTypeInfo(metaType, arrayValue.getValue());
         Object array = newArrayInstance(type, arrayValue.getLength());
         for (int i = 0; i < Array.getLength(array); i++)
            Object element = arrayValue.getValue(i);
            if (element instanceof MetaValue)
               element = unwrapMetaValue((MetaValue)element, type, array);
            else if (element != null && element.getClass().isArray())
               element = unwrapArray(array, element);

            Array.set(array, i, element);
         return array;
      else if (metaType.isProperties())
         PropertiesMetaValue propsValue = (PropertiesMetaValue) metaValue;
         return unwrapProperties(propsValue, type);
      else if (metaType.isComposite())
         CompositeValue compositeValue = (CompositeValue)metaValue;
         return unwrapComposite(compositeValue, type);
      else if (metaType.isCollection())
         CollectionValue collectionValue = (CollectionValue)metaValue;
         return unwrapCollection(collectionValue, type);
      else if (metaType.isTable())
         TableValue tableValue = (TableValue)metaValue;
         return unwrapTable(tableValue, type);
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            collectionInfo = configuration.getBeanInfo(type);
            MetaType metaType = collectionValue.getMetaType();
            collectionInfo = configuration.getBeanInfo(metaType.getTypeName(), Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader());
         ClassInfo classInfo = collectionInfo.getClassInfo();
         Collection collection = (Collection)createNewInstance(collectionInfo);

         TypeInfo componentType = classInfo.getComponentType();
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         TypeInfoFactory tif = configuration.getTypeInfoFactory();
         if (metaType.isArray())
            ArrayMetaType arrayMetaType = (ArrayMetaType)metaType;
            MetaType elementMetaType = arrayMetaType.getElementType();
            String elementTypeName = elementMetaType.getTypeName();
            if (arrayMetaType.isPrimitiveArray())
               elementTypeName = ArrayMetaType.getPrimitiveName(elementTypeName);
            TypeInfo elementTypeInfo = tif.getTypeInfo(elementTypeName, cl);
            int dimension = arrayMetaType.getDimension() - 1; // minus 1, since we already use first in next line
            TypeInfo typeInfo = elementTypeInfo.getArrayType();
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      if (name == null)
         name = property.getName();

      ClassLoader prevLoader = SecurityActions.getContextClassLoader();
      Object value = null;
      MetaType metaType = property.getMetaType();
      MetaValue mvalue = null;
      ObjectName mbean = md.getObjectName();
      String attrName = null;

         ClassLoader loader = getServiceMetaDataCL(md);
         // Set the mbean class loader as the TCL

         // Get the attribute value from the metadata
         for (ServiceAttributeMetaData amd : md.getAttributes())
            // The compare is case-insensitve due to the attribute/javabean case mismatch
            if (amd.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(name))
               value = amd.getValue();
               attrName = amd.getName();
         // If the value is null, look to mbean for the value
         if (value == null && getMbeanServer() != null)
               value = getMbeanServer().getAttribute(mbean, name);
            catch (AttributeNotFoundException e)
               // Try the alternate name
               String attribute = name;
                  attribute = Character.toLowerCase(name.charAt(0)) + name.substring(1);
                  attribute = Character.toUpperCase(name.charAt(0)) + name.substring(1);
                  value = getMbeanServer().getAttribute(mbean, attribute);
               catch(Exception e2)
                  log.debug("Failed to get value from mbean for: "+attribute, e2);
            catch(Exception e)
               log.debug("Failed to get value from mbean for: "+name, e);

         // Unwrap the ServiceValueMetaData types
            if (value instanceof ServiceTextValueMetaData)
               ServiceTextValueMetaData text = (ServiceTextValueMetaData) value;
                  // TODO: cache this somehow
                  HashMap<String, MBeanAttributeInfo> attrs = getAttributeMap(mbeanServer, mbean);
                  MBeanAttributeInfo mbi = attrs.get(attrName);
                  ServiceValueContext svc = new ServiceValueContext(mbeanServer, controller, mbi, loader);
                  value = text.getValue(svc);
               catch(Exception e)
                  // TODO: better way to determine if the bean was installed, as this does not make much sense
                  PropertyEditor editor = PropertyEditors.getEditor(metaType.getTypeName());
                  value = editor.getValue();
            else if (value instanceof ServiceDependencyValueMetaData)
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         // There may not be an attribute value, see if there is a matching property

         // Unwrap the value before, so that we can recreate empty values
         Object plainValue = null;
         // Look for a MetaMapper
         MetaType propertyType = property.getMetaType();
         MetaMapper metaMapper = property.getTransientAttachment(MetaMapper.class);
         Type mappedType = null;
         if(metaMapper != null)
            mappedType = metaMapper.mapToType();
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         MetaType propType = prop.getMetaType();
         if (propType == AbstractManagedObjectFactory.MANAGED_OBJECT_META_TYPE)
            processGenericValue ((GenericValue)prop.getValue(), md);
         else if (propType.isArray())
            ArrayMetaType amt = (ArrayMetaType) propType;
            MetaType etype = amt.getElementType();
            if (etype == AbstractManagedObjectFactory.MANAGED_OBJECT_META_TYPE)
               ArrayValue avalue = (ArrayValue) prop.getValue();
               int length = avalue != null ? avalue.getLength() : 0;
               for(int n = 0; n < length; n ++)
                  processGenericValue((GenericValue) avalue.getValue(n), md);
         else if (propType.isCollection())
            CollectionMetaType amt = (CollectionMetaType) propType;
            MetaType etype = amt.getElementType();
            if (etype == AbstractManagedObjectFactory.MANAGED_OBJECT_META_TYPE)
               CollectionValue avalue = (CollectionValue) prop.getValue();
               if(avalue != null)
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         // Look for an alias property
         ManagedProperty prop = comp.getProperty(propertyName);
         if(prop != null)
            MetaType type = prop.getMetaType();
               SimpleValue value = (SimpleValue) prop.getValue();
               String n = value.getValue().toString();
               matches = name.equals(n);
            else if(type.isArray())
               ArrayValue value = (ArrayValue) prop.getValue();
               for(Object n : value)
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Related Classes of org.jboss.metatype.api.types.MetaType

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