while (iter.hasNext())
//We may need to persist the message itself
MessageReference ref = (MessageReference) iter.next();
//For non reliable refs we insert the ref (and maybe the message) itself
if (!usingBatchUpdates)
psInsertReference = conn.prepareStatement(getSQLStatement("INSERT_MESSAGE_REF"));
//Now store the reference
addReference(channelID, ref, psInsertReference, paged);
if (usingBatchUpdates)
int rows = updateWithRetry(psInsertReference);
if (trace)
log.trace("Inserted " + rows + " rows");
psInsertReference = null;
if (!usingBatchUpdates)
psInsertMessage = conn.prepareStatement(getSQLStatement("INSERT_MESSAGE"));
psUpdateMessage = conn.prepareStatement(getSQLStatement("INC_CHANNEL_COUNT"));
//Maybe we need to persist the message itself
Message m = ref.getMessage();
//In a paging situation, we cannot use the persisted flag on the message to determine whether
//to insert the message or not.
//This is because a channel (possibly on another node) may be paging too and referencing
//the same message, and might have removed the message independently, the other