Package org.jboss.managed.api

Examples of org.jboss.managed.api.ManagedOperation

            if (managementOp == null)

            ManagedOperation op = getManagedOperation(methodInfo, managementOp, mbeanLoader, metaData);
            catch(Exception e)
               log.debug("Failed to create ManagedOperation for: "+methodInfo.getName(), e);
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   public Object invoke(Object componentName, String methodName, MetaValue... param)
         ManagedOperation op = AbstractRuntimeComponentDispatcher.getActiveOperation();
         String[] sig = new String[param.length];
         Object[] args = new Object[param.length];
         if(op != null)
            ManagedParameter[] params = op.getParameters();
            if(params != null &&  params.length == param.length)
               for(int i=0; i < param.length; i++)
                  ManagedParameter mp = params[i];
                  MetaMapper<?> mapper = mp.getTransientAttachment(MetaMapper.class);
                  if(mapper != null)
                     args[i] = mapper.unwrapMetaValue(param[i]);
                     args[i] = unwrap(param[i]);
                  sig[i] = mp.getMetaType().getTypeName();
               args = toArguments(param);
               sig = toSignature(param);
            args = toArguments(param);
            sig = toSignature(param);
         // Invoke
         Object value = mbeanServer.invoke(new ObjectName(componentName.toString()), methodName, args, sig);
         MetaValue mvalue = null;
         if (value != null)
            // Look for a return type MetaMapper
            MetaMapper returnTypeMapper = op.getTransientAttachment(MetaMapper.class);
            if (returnTypeMapper != null)
               mvalue = returnTypeMapper.createMetaValue(op.getReturnType(), value);
               mvalue = create(value);
         return mvalue;
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   public Object invoke(Object componentName, String methodName, MetaValue... param)
         ManagedOperation op = AbstractRuntimeComponentDispatcher.getActiveOperation();
         String[] sig = new String[param.length];
         Object[] args = new Object[param.length];
         if(op != null)
            ManagedParameter[] params = op.getParameters();
            if(params != null &&  params.length == param.length)
               for(int i=0; i < param.length; i++)
                  ManagedParameter mp = params[i];
                  MetaMapper<?> mapper = mp.getTransientAttachment(MetaMapper.class);
                  if(mapper != null)
                     args[i] = mapper.unwrapMetaValue(param[i]);
                     args[i] = unwrap(param[i]);
                  sig[i] = mp.getMetaType().getTypeName();
               args = toArguments(param);
               sig = toSignature(param);
            args = toArguments(param);
            sig = toSignature(param);
         // Invoke
         Object value = bus.invoke(componentName, methodName, args, sig);
         MetaValue mvalue = null;
         if (value != null)
            // Look for a return type MetaMapper
            MetaMapper returnTypeMapper = op.getTransientAttachment(MetaMapper.class);
            if (returnTypeMapper != null)
               mvalue = returnTypeMapper.createMetaValue(op.getReturnType(), value);
               mvalue = create(value);
         return mvalue;
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    protected OperationResult invokeOperation(ManagedComponent managedComponent, String name, Configuration parameters)
        throws Exception {
        OperationDefinition operationDefinition = getOperationDefinition(name);
        ManagedOperation managedOperation = getManagedOperation(managedComponent, operationDefinition);
        // Convert parameters into MetaValue array.
        MetaValue[] parameterMetaValues = ConversionUtils.convertOperationsParametersToMetaValues(managedOperation,
            parameters, operationDefinition);
        // invoke() takes a varargs, so we need to pass an empty array, rather than null.
        MetaValue resultMetaValue = managedOperation.invoke(parameterMetaValues);
        OperationResult result = new OperationResult();
        // Convert result MetaValue to corresponding Property type.
        ConversionUtils.convertManagedOperationResults(managedOperation, resultMetaValue, result.getComplexResults(),
        // If this is a lifecycle operation ask for an avail check
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      // first check that all operations that receive a security domain String are present.
      for (String operationName : opsWithStringParam)
         ManagedOperation operation = operations.get(operationName);
         assertNotNull("Missing expected operation: " + operationName, operation);
         ManagedParameter[] parameters = operation.getParameters();
         assertEquals("Unexpected number of parameters", 1, parameters.length);
         assertEquals("Invalid parameter name", "securityDomain", parameters[0].getName());
         assertEquals("Invalid parameter type", "java.lang.String", parameters[0].getMetaType().getTypeName());

      // now check that the operations that receive a JaasSecurityDomain are present.
      for (String operationName : opsWithDomainParam)
         ManagedOperation operation = operations.get(operationName);
         assertNotNull("Missing expected operation: " + operationName, operation);
         ManagedParameter[] parameters = operation.getParameters();
         assertEquals("Unexpected number of parameters", 1, parameters.length);
         assertEquals("Invalid parameter name", "domain", parameters[0].getName());
         assertEquals("Invalid parameter type", "", parameters[0]
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      assertEquals("Unexpected number of operations", noArgsOperations.length + oneArgOperations.length, operations
      // first check the methods that don't have any parameter.
      for(String operationName : noArgsOperations)
         ManagedOperation operation = operations.get(operationName);
         assertNotNull("Unexpected operation name: " + operationName, operation);
         ManagedParameter[] parameters = operation.getParameters();
         assertEquals("Unexpected number of parameters", 0, parameters.length);
      // now check the methods that contain a 'secret' parameter.
      for(String operationName : oneArgOperations)
         ManagedOperation operation = operations.get(operationName);
         assertNotNull("Unexpected operation name: " + operationName, operation);
         ManagedParameter[] parameters = operation.getParameters();
         assertEquals("Unexpected number of parameters", 1, parameters.length);
         assertEquals("Invalid parameter name", "secret", parameters[0].getName());
      // just the check the second security domain is also available - we don't repeat the tests because the
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      assertTrue("activeThreadGroupCount > 0", activeThreadGroupCountValue > 0);
      // Operations
      Set<ManagedOperation> ops = mc.getOperations();"ServerInfo.ops: "+ ops);
      ManagedOperation listThreadCpuUtilization = ManagedOperationMatcher.findOperation(ops, "listThreadCpuUtilization");
      MetaValue listThreadCpuUtilizationMV = listThreadCpuUtilization.invoke();
      // TODO
      assertEquals(SimpleMetaType.STRING, listThreadCpuUtilizationMV.getMetaType());
      SimpleValue listThreadCpuUtilizationSV = (SimpleValue) listThreadCpuUtilizationMV;
      String cpuUtilization = (String) listThreadCpuUtilizationSV.getValue();;
      assertTrue(cpuUtilization.length() > 100);

      // Try invoking listThreadCpuUtilization and checking freeMemory until it changes
      long currentFreeMemoryValue = freeMemoryValue;
      for(int n = 0; n < 100; n ++)
         currentFreeMemoryValue = getLong(freeMemory);
         if(currentFreeMemoryValue != freeMemoryValue)
      assertTrue("currentFreeMemoryValue != original freeMemoryValue",
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      // This should have a shutdown operation
      Set<ManagedOperation> ops = mc.getOperations();
      MetaType[] signature = {};
      ManagedOperation shutdown = ManagedOperationMatcher.findOperation(ops, "shutdown", signature);
      /* Invoke it
      MetaValue[] args = {};
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      ManagedComponent hsqldb = mgtView.getComponent("DefaultDS", type);
      Set<ManagedOperation> ops = hsqldb.getOperations();"DefaultDS ops: "+ops);
      assertNotNull("Set<ManagedOperation>", ops);
      assertTrue("Set<ManagedOperation> > 0", ops.size() > 0);
      ManagedOperation listFormattedSubPoolStatistics = null;
      HashMap<String, ManagedOperation> opsByName = new HashMap<String, ManagedOperation>();
      for (ManagedOperation op : ops)
         opsByName.put(op.getName(), op);
      // Validate the listFormattedSubPoolStatistics op
      listFormattedSubPoolStatistics = opsByName.get("listFormattedSubPoolStatistics");
      assertNotNull("listFormattedSubPoolStatistics", listFormattedSubPoolStatistics);
      MetaValue[] params = {};
      Object result = listFormattedSubPoolStatistics.invoke(params);
      assertNotNull("Expecting non null result", result);"listFormattedSubPoolStatistics.invoke: "+result);
      // It needs to be a MetaValue as well
      assertTrue("result is a MetaValue", result instanceof MetaValue);
      // Validate the listStatistics op
      ManagedOperation listStatistics = opsByName.get("listStatistics");
      assertNotNull("listStatistics", listStatistics);
      result = listStatistics.invoke(params);
      assertNotNull("Expecting non null result", result);"listStatistics.invoke: "+result);
      // It needs to be a MetaValue as well
      assertTrue("result is a MetaValue", result instanceof MetaValue);
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      // The gc op
      Set<ManagedOperation> ops = mo.getOperations();
      assertEquals("There is 1 op", 1, ops.size());
      ManagedOperation gc = ops.iterator().next();
      assertEquals("gc", gc.getName());
      assertEquals("Runs the garbage collector", gc.getDescription());
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Related Classes of org.jboss.managed.api.ManagedOperation

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