Package org.jboss.managed.api

Examples of org.jboss.managed.api.Fields

            if (managementProperty != null)
               includeProperty = (managementProperty.ignored() == false);

            if (includeProperty)
               Fields fields = null;
               if (managementProperty != null)
                  Class<? extends Fields> factory = moFieldsFactory;
                  if (factory == ManagementProperty.NULL_FIELDS_FACTORY.class)
                     factory = managementProperty.fieldsFactory();
                  if (factory != ManagementProperty.NULL_FIELDS_FACTORY.class)
                        fields = factory.newInstance();
                     catch (Exception e)
                        log.debug("Failed to created Fields", e);
               if (fields == null)
                  fields = new DefaultFieldsImpl();

               if( propertyInfo instanceof Serializable )
                  Serializable info = Serializable.class.cast(propertyInfo);
                  fields.setField(Fields.PROPERTY_INFO, info);

               String propertyName = propertyInfo.getName();
               if (managementProperty != null)
                  propertyName =;
               if( propertyName.length() == 0 )
                  propertyName = propertyInfo.getName();
               fields.setField(Fields.NAME, propertyName);

               // This should probably always the the propertyInfo name?
               String mappedName = propertyInfo.getName();
               if (managementProperty != null)
                  mappedName = managementProperty.mappedName();
               if( mappedName.length() == 0 )
                  mappedName = propertyInfo.getName();
               fields.setField(Fields.MAPPED_NAME, mappedName);

               String description = ManagementConstants.GENERATED;
               if (managementProperty != null)
                  description = managementProperty.description();
               if (description.equals(ManagementConstants.GENERATED))
                  description = propertyName;
               fields.setField(Fields.DESCRIPTION, description);

               if (trace)
                  log.trace("Building MangedProperty(name="+propertyName
                        +") ,annotations="+propAnnotations);

               boolean mandatory = false;
               if (managementProperty != null)
                  mandatory = managementProperty.mandatory();
               if (mandatory)
                  fields.setField(Fields.MANDATORY, Boolean.TRUE);
               boolean managed = false;
               if (managementProperty != null)
                  managed = managementProperty.managed();
               MetaType metaType;
               if (managed)
                  TypeInfo typeInfo = propertyInfo.getType();
                     metaType = new ArrayMetaType(1, MANAGED_OBJECT_META_TYPE);
                  else if (typeInfo.isCollection())
                     metaType = new CollectionMetaType(typeInfo.getName(), MANAGED_OBJECT_META_TYPE);
                     metaType = MANAGED_OBJECT_META_TYPE;
                  metaType = metaTypeFactory.resolve(propertyInfo.getType());
               fields.setField(Fields.META_TYPE, metaType);
               if (propAnnotations.isEmpty() == false)
                  fields.setField(Fields.ANNOTATIONS, propAnnotations);

               // Delegate others (legal values, min/max etc.) to the constraints factory
                  Class<? extends ManagedPropertyConstraintsPopulatorFactory> factoryClass = moConstraintsFactory;
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                  pdescription = mpa.description();
            // Generate a name if there is none
            if (pname == null)
               pname = "arg#" + i;
            Fields fields =  new DefaultFieldsImpl(pname);
            if (pdescription != null)
               fields.setField(Fields.DESCRIPTION, pdescription);
            MetaType metaType = metaTypeFactory.resolve(pinfo.getParameterType());
            fields.setField(Fields.META_TYPE, metaType);
            // Delegate others (legal values, min/max etc.) to the constraints factory
               Class<? extends ManagedParameterConstraintsPopulatorFactory> factoryClass = opConstraintsFactor;
               if (factoryClass == ManagementParameter.NULL_CONSTRAINTS.class)
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/*     */   }
/*     */
/*     */   public Fields wrapFields(Invocation invocation)
/*     */     throws Throwable
/*     */   {
/* 123 */     Fields result = (Fields)invocation.invokeNext();
/* 124 */     return wrapFields(result);
/*     */   }
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/* 818 */             pdescription = mpa.description();
/*     */           }
/*     */         }
/* 821 */         if (pname == null)
/* 822 */           pname = "arg#" + i;
/* 823 */         Fields fields = new DefaultFieldsImpl(pname);
/* 824 */         if (pdescription != null)
/* 825 */           fields.setField("description", pdescription);
/* 826 */         MetaType metaType = this.metaTypeFactory.resolve(pinfo.getParameterType());
/* 827 */         fields.setField("metaType", metaType);
/*     */         try
/*     */         {
/* 831 */           Class factoryClass = opConstraintsFactor;
/* 832 */           if (factoryClass == ManagementParameter.NULL_CONSTRAINTS.class)
/*     */           {
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/* 346 */         if (managementProperty != null) {
/* 347 */           includeProperty = !managementProperty.ignored();
/*     */         }
/* 349 */         if (includeProperty)
/*     */         {
/* 351 */           Fields fields = null;
/* 352 */           if (managementProperty != null)
/*     */           {
/* 354 */             Class factory = moFieldsFactory;
/* 355 */             if (factory == ManagementProperty.NULL_FIELDS_FACTORY.class)
/* 356 */               factory = managementProperty.fieldsFactory();
/* 357 */             if (factory != ManagementProperty.NULL_FIELDS_FACTORY.class)
/*     */             {
/*     */               try
/*     */               {
/* 361 */                 fields = (Fields)factory.newInstance();
/*     */               }
/*     */               catch (Exception e)
/*     */               {
/* 365 */                 log.debug("Failed to created Fields", e);
/*     */               }
/*     */             }
/*     */           }
/* 369 */           if (fields == null) {
/* 370 */             fields = new DefaultFieldsImpl();
/*     */           }
/* 372 */           if ((propertyInfo instanceof Serializable))
/*     */           {
/* 374 */             Serializable info = (Serializable)Serializable.class.cast(propertyInfo);
/* 375 */             fields.setField("propertyInfo", info);
/*     */           }
/*     */
/* 378 */           String propertyName = propertyInfo.getName();
/* 379 */           if (managementProperty != null)
/* 380 */             propertyName =;
/* 381 */           if (propertyName.length() == 0)
/* 382 */             propertyName = propertyInfo.getName();
/* 383 */           fields.setField("name", propertyName);
/*     */
/* 386 */           String mappedName = propertyInfo.getName();
/* 387 */           if (managementProperty != null)
/* 388 */             mappedName = managementProperty.mappedName();
/* 389 */           if (mappedName.length() == 0)
/* 390 */             mappedName = propertyInfo.getName();
/* 391 */           fields.setField("mappedName", mappedName);
/*     */
/* 393 */           String description = "%Generated%";
/* 394 */           if (managementProperty != null)
/* 395 */             description = managementProperty.description();
/* 396 */           if (description.equals("%Generated%"))
/* 397 */             description = propertyName;
/* 398 */           fields.setField("description", description);
/*     */
/* 400 */           if (trace)
/*     */           {
/* 402 */             log.trace("Building MangedProperty(name=" + propertyName + ",mappedName=" + mappedName + ") ,annotations=" + propAnnotations);
/*     */           }
/*     */
/* 407 */           boolean mandatory = false;
/* 408 */           if (managementProperty != null)
/* 409 */             mandatory = managementProperty.mandatory();
/* 410 */           if (mandatory) {
/* 411 */             fields.setField("mandatory", Boolean.TRUE);
/*     */           }
/* 413 */           boolean managed = false;
/* 414 */           if (managementProperty != null)
/* 415 */             managed = managementProperty.managed();
/*     */           MetaType metaType;
/*     */           MetaType metaType;
/* 418 */           if (managed)
/*     */           {
/* 420 */             TypeInfo typeInfo = propertyInfo.getType();
/*     */             MetaType metaType;
/* 421 */             if (typeInfo.isArray()) {
/* 422 */               metaType = new ArrayMetaType(1, MANAGED_OBJECT_META_TYPE);
/*     */             }
/*     */             else
/*     */             {
/*     */               MetaType metaType;
/* 423 */               if (typeInfo.isCollection())
/* 424 */                 metaType = new CollectionMetaType(typeInfo.getName(), MANAGED_OBJECT_META_TYPE);
/*     */               else
/* 426 */                 metaType = MANAGED_OBJECT_META_TYPE;
/*     */             }
/*     */           }
/*     */           else {
/* 430 */             metaType = this.metaTypeFactory.resolve(propertyInfo.getType());
/*     */           }
/* 432 */           fields.setField("metaType", metaType);
/* 433 */           if (!propAnnotations.isEmpty()) {
/* 434 */             fields.setField("annotations", propAnnotations);
/*     */           }
/*     */
/*     */           try
/*     */           {
/* 439 */             Class factoryClass = moConstraintsFactory;
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    * @return the wrapped managed property
    * @throws Throwable for any error
   public Fields wrapFields(Invocation invocation) throws Throwable
      Fields result = (Fields) invocation.invokeNext();
      return wrapFields(result);
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            if (includeProperty)
               Fields fields = null;
               Class<? extends Fields> factory = moFieldsFactory;
               FieldsFactory ff = getAnnotation(FieldsFactory.class, propertyInfo, metaData);
               if(ff != null)
                  factory = ff.value();
               if (factory != null)
                     fields = factory.newInstance();
                  catch (Exception e)
                     log.debug("Failed to created Fields", e);
               if (fields == null)
                  fields = new DefaultFieldsImpl();

               if( propertyInfo instanceof Serializable )
                  Serializable info = Serializable.class.cast(propertyInfo);
                  fields.setField(Fields.PROPERTY_INFO, info);

               String propertyName = propertyInfo.getName();
               if (managementProperty != null)
                  propertyName =;
               if( propertyName.length() == 0 )
                  propertyName = propertyInfo.getName();
               fields.setField(Fields.NAME, propertyName);

               // This should probably always the the propertyInfo name?
               String mappedName = propertyInfo.getName();
               if (managementProperty != null)
                  mappedName = managementProperty.mappedName();
               if( mappedName.length() == 0 )
                  mappedName = propertyInfo.getName();
               fields.setField(Fields.MAPPED_NAME, mappedName);

               String description = ManagementConstants.GENERATED;
               if (managementProperty != null)
                  description = managementProperty.description();
               if (description.equals(ManagementConstants.GENERATED))
                  description = propertyName;
               fields.setField(Fields.DESCRIPTION, description);

               if (trace)
                  log.trace("Building MangedProperty(name="+propertyName
                        +") ,annotations="+propAnnotations);

               boolean mandatory = false;
               if (managementProperty != null)
                  mandatory = managementProperty.mandatory();
               if (mandatory)
                  fields.setField(Fields.MANDATORY, Boolean.TRUE);
               boolean readOnly = propertyInfo.isWritable() == false;
               if (readOnly == false && managementProperty != null)
                  readOnly = managementProperty.readOnly();
               if (readOnly)
                  fields.setField(Fields.READ_ONLY, Boolean.TRUE);

               boolean managed = false;
               if (managementProperty != null)
                  managed = managementProperty.managed();
               // View Use
               if (managementProperty != null)
                  ViewUse[] use = managementProperty.use();
                  fields.setField(Fields.VIEW_USE, use);
               // ActivationPolicy
               ActivationPolicy apolicy = ActivationPolicy.IMMEDIATE;
               if (managementProperty != null)
                  apolicy = managementProperty.activationPolicy();
               fields.setField(Fields.ACTIVATION_POLICY, apolicy);
               // The managed property type
               MetaMapper[] mapperReturn = {null};
               MetaType metaType = this.getMetaType(propertyInfo, propertyInfo.getType(), metaData, false, mapperReturn);

               // Determine meta type based on property type
               if(metaType == null)
                  if (managed)
                     TypeInfo typeInfo = propertyInfo.getType();
                        metaType = new ArrayMetaType(1, MANAGED_OBJECT_META_TYPE);
                     else if (typeInfo.isCollection())
                        metaType = new CollectionMetaType(typeInfo.getName(), MANAGED_OBJECT_META_TYPE);
                        metaType = MANAGED_OBJECT_META_TYPE;
                     metaType = metaTypeFactory.resolve(propertyInfo.getType());
               fields.setField(Fields.META_TYPE, metaType);

               // Default value
               if(managementProperty != null)
                  String defaultValue = managementProperty.defaultValue();
                  if(defaultValue.length() > 0)
                       // Check for a DefaultValueBuilderFactory
                        DefaultValueBuilder builder = null;
                        if(defaultsFactory != null)
                              Class<? extends DefaultValueBuilder> factoryClass = defaultsFactory.value();
                              builder = factoryClass.newInstance();
                        // Lookup the builder by metaType
                        if(builder == null)
                           builder = defaultBuilders.get(metaType);
                        if(builder != null)
                           MetaValue defaultMV = builder.buildMetaValue(defaultValue);
                           if(defaultMV != null)
                              fields.setField(Fields.DEFAULT_VALUE, defaultMV);
                           log.warn("Failed to find DefaultValueBuilder for type: "+metaType);
                     catch(Exception e)
                        log.warn("Failed to create default value for: "+propertyInfo, e);

               // Property annotations
               if (propAnnotations.isEmpty() == false)
                  fields.setField(Fields.ANNOTATIONS, propAnnotations);

               // Delegate others (legal values, min/max etc.) to the constraints factory
                  Class<? extends ManagedPropertyConstraintsPopulatorFactory> factoryClass = moConstraintsFactory;
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                  pdescription = mpa.description();
            // Generate a name if there is none
            if (pname == null)
               pname = "arg#" + i;
            Fields fields =  new DefaultFieldsImpl(pname);
            if (pdescription != null)
               fields.setField(Fields.DESCRIPTION, pdescription);
            MetaMapper[] paramMapper = {null};
            MetaType metaType = getMetaType(pinfo, pinfo.getParameterType(), metaData, true, paramMapper);
            fields.setField(Fields.META_TYPE, metaType);
            // Delegate others (legal values, min/max etc.) to the constraints factory
               Class<? extends ManagedParameterConstraintsPopulatorFactory> factoryClass = opConstraintsFactor;
               if (factoryClass == ManagementParameter.NULL_CONSTRAINTS.class)
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      return getName().equals(other.getName());
   public ManagedProperty copy()
      Fields fieldsCopy = fields.copy();
      ManagedProperty mp = new ManagedPropertyImpl(fieldsCopy);
      return mp;
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Related Classes of org.jboss.managed.api.Fields

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