Logger wrapper that tries to dynamically load a log4j class to determine if log4j is available in the VM. If it is the case, a log4j delegate is built and used. In the contrary, a null logger is used. This class cannot directly reference log4j classes otherwise the JVM will try to load it and make it fail. To set
Only exposes the relevent factory and logging methods.
For JBoss the logging should be done as follows:
- FATAL - JBoss is likely to/will crash
- ERROR - A definite problem
- WARN - Likely to be a problem, or it could be JBoss detected a problem it can recover from
- INFO - Lifecycle low volume, e.g. "Bound x into jndi", things that are of interest to a user
- DEBUG - Lifecycle low volume but necessarily of interest to the user, e.g. "Starting listener thread"
- TRACE - High volume detailed logging
@see #isTraceEnabled
@see #trace(Object)
@see #trace(Object,Throwable)
$Revision: 3148 $
@author Scott.Stark@jboss.org
Jason Dillon
Sacha Labourey