public void testPoll_OnOffTest() throws InterruptedException, IOException
JSFSession jsfSession = JSFSessionFactory.makeSession("/richfaces/poll.jsf");
JSFClientSession client = jsfSession.getJSFClientSession();
RichFacesClient ajaxClient = new RichFacesClient(client);
JSFServerSession server = jsfSession.getJSFServerSession();
// Get the backing bean to check activity
PollBean pb = (PollBean)server.getManagedBeanValue(_POLLBEAN);
assertNotNull("Can't find PollBean",pb);
// Make sure polling is enabled
assertTrue("Polling is not enabled in the PollBean",pb.getPollEnabled());
// Get poll control to check status
UIPoll poll = (UIPoll)server.findComponent(_POLL_ID);
assertNotNull("Can't find server side poll component",poll);
int interval = poll.getInterval();
// Make sure polling is enabled
assertTrue("Polling is not enabled in the component",poll.isEnabled());
// Make sure the date is updating
Date startDate = pb.getLasttime();
Date endDate = pb.getLasttime();
assertFalse("Date is not being updated in the PollBean",startDate.equals(endDate));
// Get control button and disable polling
HtmlButtonInput button = (HtmlButtonInput)client.getElement(_BUTTON_ID);
assertNotNull("Can't find polling control button ["+_BUTTON_ID+"]",button);;
// Wait for polling state to change
// Make sure we're no longer polling
assertFalse("Polling should be disabled in the PollBean",pb.getPollEnabled());
// Check the server-side control also (TBD: This causes IllegalStateException)
// poll = (UIPoll)server.findComponent(_POLL_ID);
// assertFalse("Polling should be disabled in the component",poll.isEnabled());
// Make sure the date is NOT updating
startDate = pb.getLasttime();
endDate = pb.getLasttime();
assertTrue("Date should not be updating in the PollBean",startDate.equals(endDate));
// Turn polling back on (page was updated, therefore we MUST re-get the control)
button = (HtmlButtonInput)client.getElement(_BUTTON_ID);;
// Wait for polling state to change