Package org.jboss.jms.message

Examples of org.jboss.jms.message.MessageProxy

      MethodInvocation mi = (MethodInvocation)invocation;
      // Load the session with a message to be processed during a subsequent call to run()

      MessageProxy m = (MessageProxy)mi.getArguments()[0];
      String theConsumerID = (String)mi.getArguments()[1];
      String queueName = (String)mi.getArguments()[2];
      int maxDeliveries = ((Integer)mi.getArguments()[3]).intValue();
      SessionDelegate connectionConsumerDelegate = ((SessionDelegate)mi.getArguments()[4]);
      boolean shouldAck = ((Boolean)mi.getArguments()[5]).booleanValue();
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            List cancels = new ArrayList();
            for(Iterator i = buffer.iterator(); i.hasNext();)
               MessageProxy mp = (MessageProxy);
               DefaultCancel cancel =
                  new DefaultCancel(mp.getDeliveryId(), mp.getDeliveryCount(), false, false);
            if (trace) { log.trace("Calling cancelDeliveries"); }
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    *        or null if one is not immediately available. Returns null if the consumer is
    *        concurrently closed.
   public MessageProxy receive(long timeout) throws JMSException
      MessageProxy m = null;     
      synchronized (mainLock)
         if (trace) { log.trace(this + " receiving, timeout = " + timeout); }
         if (closed)
            // If consumer is closed or closing calling receive returns null
            if (trace) { log.trace(this + " closed, returning null"); }
            return null;
         if (listener != null)
            throw new JMSException("The consumer has a MessageListener set, " +
               "cannot call receive(..)");
         receiverThread = Thread.currentThread();
         long startTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
               if (timeout == 0)
                  if (trace) { log.trace(this + ": receive, no timeout"); }
                  m = getMessage(0);                    
                  if (m == null)
                     return null;
               else if (timeout == -1)
                  if (trace) { log.trace(this + ": receive, noWait"); }
                  m = getMessage(-1);                    
                  if (m == null)
                     if (trace) { log.trace(this + ": no message available"); }
                     return null;
                  if (trace) { log.trace(this + ": receive, timeout " + timeout + " ms, blocking poll on queue"); }
                  m = getMessage(timeout);
                  if (m == null)
                     // timeout expired
                     if (trace) { log.trace(this + ": " + timeout + " ms timeout expired"); }
                     return null;
               if (trace) { log.trace(this + " received " + m + " after being blocked on buffer"); }
               boolean ignore =
                  checkExpiredOrReachedMaxdeliveries(m, sessionDelegate, maxDeliveries, shouldAck);
               if (!isConnectionConsumer && !ignore)
                  final DeliveryInfo info = new DeliveryInfo(m, consumerID, queueName, null, shouldAck, m.getSource());
                  ignore = ! sessionDelegate.preDeliver(info);

                  // If post deliver didn't succeed and acknowledgement mode is auto_ack
                  // That means the ref wasn't acked since it couldn't be found.
                  // In order to maintain at most once semantics we must therefore not return
                  // the message

                  if (!ignore)
                     ignore = !sessionDelegate.postDeliver();

                  if (trace)
                     log.trace("Post deliver returned " + !ignore);

                  if (!ignore)
               if (!ignore)
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            if (trace) { log.trace("InterruptedException, " + this + ".getMessage() returning null"); }
            return null;

      MessageProxy m = null;
      if (!closed && !buffer.isEmpty())
         m = (MessageProxy)buffer.removeFirst();
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   private class ListenerRunner implements Runnable
      public void run()
         MessageProxy mp = null;
         MessageListener theListener = null;
         synchronized (mainLock)
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      ClientDelivery del = (ClientDelivery)message;
      JBossMessage msg = (JBossMessage)del.getMessage();
      MessageProxy proxy = JBossMessage.
         createThinDelegate(del.getDeliveryId(), (JBossMessage)msg, del.getDeliveryCount());
      JBossDestination dest =(JBossDestination) proxy.getJMSDestination();
      // If the message received is a direct destination (MessageSucker), and this Consumer is not a MessageSucker.. then we need to replace the destination
      if (dest.isDirect() && !this.consumerDelegate.getDestination().isDirect())

      //TODO - we temporarily need to execute on a different thread to avoid a deadlock situation in
      //       failover where a message is sent then the valve is locked, and the message send cause
      //       a message delivery back to the same client which tries to ack but can't get through
      //       the valve. This won't be necessary when we move to a non blocking transport
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         if (!acks.isEmpty())
            DeliveryInfo info = (DeliveryInfo)acks.get(0);
            MessageProxy mp = info.getMessageProxy();
            SessionDelegate del = mp.getSessionDelegate();
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      ClientDelivery del = (ClientDelivery)message;
      JBossMessage msg = (JBossMessage)del.getMessage();
      MessageProxy proxy = JBossMessage.
         createThinDelegate(del.getDeliveryId(), (JBossMessage)msg, del.getDeliveryCount());
      JBossDestination dest =(JBossDestination) proxy.getJMSDestination();
      // If the message received is a direct destination (MessageSucker), and this Consumer is not a MessageSucker.. then we need to replace the destination
      if (dest.isDirect() && !this.consumerDelegate.getDestination().isDirect())

      //TODO - we temporarily need to execute on a different thread to avoid a deadlock situation in
      //       failover where a message is sent then the valve is locked, and the message send cause
      //       a message delivery back to the same client which tries to ack but can't get through
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            List cancels = new ArrayList();
            for(Iterator i = buffer.iterator(); i.hasNext();)
               MessageProxy mp = (MessageProxy);
               DefaultCancel cancel =
                  new DefaultCancel(mp.getDeliveryId(), mp.getDeliveryCount(), false, false);
            if (trace) { log.trace("Calling cancelDeliveries"); }
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    *        or null if one is not immediately available. Returns null if the consumer is
    *        concurrently closed.
   public MessageProxy receive(long timeout) throws JMSException
      MessageProxy m = null;     
      synchronized (mainLock)
         if (trace) { log.trace(this + " receiving, timeout = " + timeout); }
         if (closed)
            // If consumer is closed or closing calling receive returns null
            if (trace) { log.trace(this + " closed, returning null"); }
            return null;
         if (listener != null)
            throw new JMSException("The consumer has a MessageListener set, " +
               "cannot call receive(..)");
         receiverThread = Thread.currentThread();
         long startTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
               if (timeout == 0)
                  if (trace) { log.trace(this + ": receive, no timeout"); }
                  m = getMessage(0);                    
                  if (m == null)
                     return null;
               else if (timeout == -1)
                  if (trace) { log.trace(this + ": receive, noWait"); }
                  m = getMessage(-1);                    
                  if (m == null)
                     if (trace) { log.trace(this + ": no message available"); }
                     return null;
                  if (trace) { log.trace(this + ": receive, timeout " + timeout + " ms, blocking poll on queue"); }
                  m = getMessage(timeout);
                  if (m == null)
                     // timeout expired
                     if (trace) { log.trace(this + ": " + timeout + " ms timeout expired"); }
                     return null;
               if (trace) { log.trace(this + " received " + m + " after being blocked on buffer"); }
               boolean ignore =
                  checkExpiredOrReachedMaxdeliveries(m, sessionDelegate, maxDeliveries, shouldAck);
               if (!isConnectionConsumer && !ignore)
                  DeliveryInfo info = new DeliveryInfo(m, consumerID, queueName, null, shouldAck);
                  //If post deliver didn't succeed and acknowledgement mode is auto_ack
                  //That means the ref wasn't acked since it couldn't be found.
                  //In order to maintain at most once semantics we must therefore not return
                  //the message
                  ignore = !sessionDelegate.postDeliver()
                  if (trace)
                    log.trace("Post deliver returned " + !ignore);
                  if (!ignore)
               if (!ignore)
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Related Classes of org.jboss.jms.message.MessageProxy

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