Package org.jboss.jms.delegate

Examples of org.jboss.jms.delegate.SessionDelegate

            DeliveryInfo info = (DeliveryInfo)acks.get(0);
            MessageProxy mp = info.getMessageProxy();
            SessionDelegate del = mp.getSessionDelegate();
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      // Create the message handler
      SessionState sessionState =
      ConnectionState connectionState = (ConnectionState)sessionState.getParent();
      SessionDelegate sessionDelegate = (SessionDelegate)invocation.getTargetObject();
      ConsumerState consumerState = (ConsumerState)((DelegateSupport)consumerDelegate).getState();
      int consumerID = consumerState.getConsumerID();
      int prefetchSize = consumerState.getBufferSize();
      QueuedExecutor sessionExecutor = sessionState.getExecutor();
      int maxDeliveries = consumerState.getMaxDeliveries();
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   public Object handleClosing(Invocation invocation) throws Throwable
      MethodInvocation mi = (MethodInvocation)invocation;
      SessionState state = getState(invocation);
      SessionDelegate del = (SessionDelegate)mi.getTargetObject();
      if (trace) { log.trace("handleClosing()"); }

      //Sanity check
      if (state.isXA())
         if (trace) { log.trace("Session is XA"); }
         ConnectionState connState = (ConnectionState)state.getParent();
         ResourceManager rm = connState.getResourceManager();
         // An XASession should never be closed if there is prepared ack work that has not yet been
         // committed or rolled back. Imagine if messages had been consumed in the session, and
         // prepared but not committed. Then the connection was explicitly closed causing the
         // session to close. Closing the session causes any outstanding delivered but unacked
         // messages to be cancelled to the server which means they would be available for other
         // consumers to consume. If another consumer then consumes them, then recover() is called
         // and the original transaction is committed, then this means the same message has been
         // delivered twice which breaks the once and only once delivery guarantee.
         if (rm.checkForAcksInSession(state.getSessionID()))
            throw new IllegalStateException(
               "Attempt to close an XASession when there are still uncommitted acknowledgements!");
      int ackMode = state.getAcknowledgeMode();
      //We need to either ack (for auto_ack) or cancel (for client_ack)
      //any deliveries - this is because the message listener might have closed
      //before on message had finished executing
      if (ackMode == Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE)
         //Acknowledge or cancel any outstanding auto ack
         DeliveryInfo remainingAutoAck = state.getAutoAckInfo();
         if (remainingAutoAck != null)
            if (trace) { log.trace(this + " handleClosing(). Found remaining auto ack. Will ack " + remainingAutoAck); }
               ackDelivery(del, remainingAutoAck);
               if (trace) { log.trace(this + " acked it"); }              
      else if (ackMode == Session.DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE)
         //Ack any remaining deliveries
         if (!state.getClientAckList().isEmpty())
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      if (ackMode == Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE)
         // We auto acknowledge.

         SessionDelegate sd = (SessionDelegate)mi.getTargetObject();

         // It is possible that session.recover() is called inside a message listener onMessage
         // method - i.e. between the invocations of preDeliver and postDeliver. In this case we
         // don't want to acknowledge the last delivered messages - since it will be redelivered.
         if (!state.isRecoverCalled())
            DeliveryInfo delivery = state.getAutoAckInfo();
            if (delivery == null)
               throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot find delivery to AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE");
            if (trace) { log.trace(this + " auto acknowledging delivery " + delivery); }

            // We clear the state in a finally so then we don't get a knock on
            // exception on the next ack since we haven't cleared the state. See

            //This is ok since the message is acked after delivery, then the client
            //could get duplicates anyway
               ackDelivery(sd, delivery);
            if (trace) { log.trace(this + " recover called, so NOT acknowledging"); }

      else if (ackMode == Session.DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE)
         List acks = state.getClientAckList();
         if (!state.isRecoverCalled())
            if (acks.size() >= state.getDupsOKBatchSize())
               // We clear the state in a finally
               SessionDelegate sd = (SessionDelegate)mi.getTargetObject();
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   public Object handleAcknowledgeAll(Invocation invocation) throws Throwable
      MethodInvocation mi = (MethodInvocation)invocation;
      SessionState state = getState(invocation);
      SessionDelegate del = (SessionDelegate)mi.getTargetObject();           
      if (!state.getClientAckList().isEmpty())
         //CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE can't be used with a MDB so it is safe to always acknowledge all
         //on this session (rather than the connection consumer session)
      return null;
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      if (trace) { log.trace("recovering the session"); }
      //Call redeliver
      SessionDelegate del = (SessionDelegate)mi.getTargetObject();
      int ackMode = state.getAcknowledgeMode();
      if (ackMode == Session.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE)
         List dels = state.getClientAckList();
         state.setClientAckList(new ArrayList());
      else if (ackMode == Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE || ackMode == Session.DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE)
         DeliveryInfo info = state.getAutoAckInfo();
         //Don't recover if it's already to cancel
         if (info != null)
            List redels = new ArrayList();
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      List toRedeliver = (List)mi.getArguments()[0];
      if (trace) { log.trace(this + " handleRedeliver() called: " + toRedeliver); }
      SessionDelegate del = (SessionDelegate)mi.getTargetObject();
      // Need to be redelivered in reverse order.
      for (int i = toRedeliver.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
         DeliveryInfo info = (DeliveryInfo)toRedeliver.get(i);
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      MessageProxy m = (MessageProxy)mi.getArguments()[0];
      int theConsumerID = ((Integer)mi.getArguments()[1]).intValue();
      String queueName = (String)mi.getArguments()[2];
      int maxDeliveries = ((Integer)mi.getArguments()[3]).intValue();
      SessionDelegate connectionConsumerDelegate = ((SessionDelegate)mi.getArguments()[4]);
      if (m == null)
         throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot add a null message to the session");
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      if (trace) { log.trace("run()"); }
      MethodInvocation mi = (MethodInvocation)invocation;
      //This is the delegate for the session from the pool
      SessionDelegate del = (SessionDelegate)mi.getTargetObject();
      SessionState state = getState(invocation);
      int ackMode = state.getAcknowledgeMode();
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      return (SessionState)((DelegateSupport)inv.getTargetObject()).getState();
   private void ackDelivery(SessionDelegate sess, DeliveryInfo delivery) throws Exception
      SessionDelegate connectionConsumerSession = delivery.getConnectionConsumerSession();
      //If the delivery was obtained via a connection consumer we need to ack via that
      //otherwise we just use this session
      SessionDelegate sessionToUse = connectionConsumerSession != null ? connectionConsumerSession : sess;
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Related Classes of org.jboss.jms.delegate.SessionDelegate

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