if (trace) { log.trace(this + " starting"); }
SessionDelegate localdel = ((JBossSession)localSession).getDelegate();
producer = localdel.createProducerDelegate(jbq);
//We create the consumer with autoFlowControl = false
//In this mode, the consumer does not handle it's own flow control, but it must be handled
//manually using changeRate() methods
//The local queue itself will manually send these messages depending on its state -
//So effectively the message buffering is handled by the local queue, not the ClientConsumer
SessionDelegate sourcedel = ((JBossSession)sourceSession).getDelegate();
consumer = (ClientConsumerDelegate)sourcedel.createConsumerDelegate(jbq, null, false, null, false, false);
clientConsumer = ((ConsumerState)consumer.getState()).getClientConsumer();