Package org.jboss.invocation

Examples of org.jboss.invocation.InterceptorContext

     * association should be gone (and thus it is ready for another tx).
    public void testDifferentTx() throws Exception {
        final Interceptor interceptor = new StatefulSessionSynchronizationInterceptor(true);
        final InterceptorContext context = new InterceptorContext();
        final StatefulSessionComponent component = mock(StatefulSessionComponent.class);
        context.putPrivateData(Component.class, component);
        Cache<SessionID, StatefulSessionComponentInstance> cache = mock(Cache.class);
        final TransactionSynchronizationRegistry transactionSynchronizationRegistry = mock(TransactionSynchronizationRegistry.class);
        final List<Synchronization> synchronizations = new LinkedList<Synchronization>();
        doAnswer(new Answer<Void>() {
            public Void answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
                Synchronization synchronization = (Synchronization) invocation.getArguments()[0];
                return null;
        }).when(transactionSynchronizationRegistry).registerInterposedSynchronization((Synchronization) any());
        final StatefulSessionComponentInstance instance = new StatefulSessionComponentInstance(component, org.jboss.invocation.Interceptors.getTerminalInterceptor(), Collections.EMPTY_MAP, Collections.emptyMap());
        context.putPrivateData(ComponentInstance.class, instance);


        // commit
        for (Synchronization synchronization : synchronizations) {
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            interceptor = timeoutInterceptors.get(timeoutMethod);
        if(interceptor == null) {
            throw EjbLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.failToInvokeTimeout(timeoutMethod);
        final InterceptorContext context = new InterceptorContext();
        context.setContextData(new HashMap<String, Object>());
        if(timeoutMethod.getParameterTypes().length == 0) {
            context.setParameters(new Object[0]);
        } else {
            final Object[] params = new Object[1];
            params[0] = timer;

        if(timer.getPrimaryKey() != null) {
            context.putPrivateData(EntityBeanComponent.PRIMARY_KEY_CONTEXT_KEY, timer.getPrimaryKey());
        context.putPrivateData(Component.class, ejbComponent.getValue());
        context.putPrivateData(MethodIntf.class, MethodIntf.TIMER);
        context.putPrivateData(InvocationType.class, InvocationType.TIMER);
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        return this.getTimers();

    private void assertInvocationAllowed() {
        final InterceptorContext currentInvocationContext = CurrentInvocationContext.get();
        if (currentInvocationContext == null) {
        // If the method in current invocation context is null,
        // then it represents a lifecycle callback invocation
        Method invokedMethod = currentInvocationContext.getMethod();
        if (invokedMethod == null) {
            // it's a lifecycle callback
            Component component = currentInvocationContext.getPrivateData(Component.class);
            if (!(component instanceof SingletonComponent)) {
                throw EjbLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.failToInvokeTimerServiceDoLifecycle();
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                            if (sc != null) {
                            try {
                                final InterceptorContext interceptorContext = new InterceptorContext();

                                if (sc != null) {
                                    interceptorContext.putPrivateData(SecurityContext.class, sc);
                                prepareInterceptorContext(op, params, interceptorContext);
                                retVal = componentView.invoke(interceptorContext);
                            } finally {
                                if (sc != null) {
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        if (tx != null) {
        try {
            final InterceptorContext interceptorContext = new InterceptorContext();
            prepareInterceptorContext(op, arguments, interceptorContext);
            return componentView.invoke(interceptorContext);
        } finally {
            if (tx != null) {
                if (transactionManager.getStatus() != Status.STATUS_NO_TRANSACTION) {
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     * Checks that the current method
    public static void checkAllowed(final MethodType methodType) {

        final InterceptorContext context = CurrentInvocationContext.get();
        if (context == null) {

        final Component component = context.getPrivateData(Component.class);
        if (!(component instanceof EJBComponent)) {
        final InvocationType invocationType = context.getPrivateData(InvocationType.class);

        ((EJBComponent) component).getAllowedMethodsInformation().realCheckPermission(methodType, invocationType);

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        final SessionBeanComponent component = (SessionBeanComponent) context.getContextData().get(Component.class);

        return new Interceptor() {
            public Object processInvocation(final InterceptorContext context) throws Exception {
                final InterceptorContext asyncInterceptorContext = context.clone();
                asyncInterceptorContext.putPrivateData(InvocationType.class, InvocationType.ASYNC);
                final CancellationFlag flag = new CancellationFlag();
                final SecurityContext securityContext;
                if(WildFlySecurityManager.isChecking()) {
                    securityContext = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<SecurityContext>() {
                        public SecurityContext run() {
                            return SecurityContextAssociation.getSecurityContext();
                } else {
                    securityContext = SecurityContextAssociation.getSecurityContext();
                // clone the original security context so that changes to the original security context in a separate (caller/unrelated) thread doesn't affect
                // the security context associated with the async invocation thread
                final SecurityContext clonedSecurityContext;
                if (securityContext instanceof JBossSecurityContext) {
                    clonedSecurityContext = (SecurityContext) ((JBossSecurityContext) securityContext).clone();
                } else {
                    // we can't do anything if it isn't a JBossSecurityContext so just use the original one
                    clonedSecurityContext = securityContext;
                final AsyncInvocationTask task = new AsyncInvocationTask(flag) {
                    protected Object runInvocation() throws Exception {
                        try {
                            return asyncInterceptorContext.proceed();
                        } finally {
                asyncInterceptorContext.putPrivateData(CancellationFlag.class, flag);
                // This interceptor runs in user application's context classloader. Triggering an execute via an executor service from here can potentially lead to
                // new thread creation which will assign themselves the context classloader of the parent thread (i.e. this thread). This effectively can lead to
                // deployment's classloader leak. See
                // To prevent this, we set the TCCL of this thread to null and then trigger the "execute" before "finally" setting the TCCL back to the original one.
                final ClassLoader oldClassLoader = WildFlySecurityManager.setCurrentContextClassLoaderPrivileged((ClassLoader) null);
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            for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; ++i) {
                parameters[i] = clone(method.getParameterTypes()[i], parameterCloner, invocation.getParameters()[i], allowPassByReference);

        final InterceptorContext interceptorContext = new InterceptorContext();
        // setup the context data in the InterceptorContext
        final Map<Object, Object> privateAttachments = invocation.getAttachments();
        final Map<String, Object> invocationContextData = invocation.getContextData();
        if (invocationContextData == null && privateAttachments.isEmpty()) {
            // no private or public data
            interceptorContext.setContextData(new HashMap<String, Object>());
        } else {
            final Map<String, Object> data = new HashMap<String, Object>();

            // write out public (application specific) context data
            for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : invocationContextData.entrySet()) {
                data.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
            if (!privateAttachments.isEmpty()) {
                // now write out the JBoss specific attachments under a single key and the value will be the
                // entire map of JBoss specific attachments
                data.put(EJBClientInvocationContext.PRIVATE_ATTACHMENTS_KEY, privateAttachments);
            // Note: The code here is just for backward compatibility of 1.0.x version of EJB client project
            // against AS7 7.1.x releases. Discussion here
            final boolean txIdAttachmentPresent = privateAttachments.containsKey(AttachmentKeys.TRANSACTION_ID_KEY);
            if (txIdAttachmentPresent) {
                // we additionally add/duplicate the transaction id under a different attachment key
                // to preserve backward compatibility. This is here just for 1.0.x backward compatibility
                data.put(TransactionID.PRIVATE_DATA_KEY, privateAttachments.get(AttachmentKeys.TRANSACTION_ID_KEY));
        interceptorContext.putPrivateData(Component.class, ejbComponent);
        interceptorContext.putPrivateData(ComponentView.class, view);

        if (locator instanceof StatefulEJBLocator) {
            final SessionID sessionID = ((StatefulEJBLocator) locator).getSessionId();
            interceptorContext.putPrivateData(SessionID.class, sessionID);
        } else if (locator instanceof EntityEJBLocator) {
            final Object primaryKey = ((EntityEJBLocator) locator).getPrimaryKey();
            interceptorContext.putPrivateData(EntityBeanComponent.PRIMARY_KEY_CONTEXT_KEY, primaryKey);

        final ClonerConfiguration config = new ClonerConfiguration();
        config.setClassCloner(new LocalInvocationClassCloner(WildFlySecurityManager.getClassLoaderPrivileged(invocation.getInvokedProxy().getClass())));
        final ObjectCloner resultCloner = createCloner(config);
        if (async) {
            if (ejbComponent instanceof SessionBeanComponent) {
                final SessionBeanComponent component = (SessionBeanComponent) ejbComponent;
                final CancellationFlag flag = new CancellationFlag();
                final SecurityContext securityContext = SecurityContextAssociation.getSecurityContext();
                final AsyncInvocationTask task = new AsyncInvocationTask(flag) {

                    protected Object runInvocation() throws Exception {
                        try {
                            return view.invoke(interceptorContext);
                        } finally {
                interceptorContext.putPrivateData(CancellationFlag.class, flag);
                //TODO: we do not clone the result of an async task
                //TODO: we do not clone the exception of an async task
                receiverContext.resultReady(new ImmediateResultProducer(task));
            } else {
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        if(instance != null) {
            basicComponentInstance.setInstanceData(BasicComponentInstance.INSTANCE_KEY, instance);
        if (invokePostConstruct) {
            // now invoke the postconstruct interceptors
            final InterceptorContext interceptorContext = new InterceptorContext();
            interceptorContext.putPrivateData(Component.class, this);
            interceptorContext.putPrivateData(ComponentInstance.class, basicComponentInstance);
            interceptorContext.putPrivateData(InvocationType.class, InvocationType.POST_CONSTRUCT);
            interceptorContext.setContextData(new HashMap<String, Object>());

            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw EeLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.componentConstructionFailure(e);
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public class CurrentInvocationContext {
    private static final ThreadLocalStack<InterceptorContext> stack = new ThreadLocalStack<InterceptorContext>();

    public static InterceptorContext get() {
        InterceptorContext current = stack.get();
        return current;
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Related Classes of org.jboss.invocation.InterceptorContext

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