for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; ++i) {
parameters[i] = clone(method.getParameterTypes()[i], parameterCloner, invocation.getParameters()[i], allowPassByReference);
final InterceptorContext interceptorContext = new InterceptorContext();
// setup the context data in the InterceptorContext
final Map<Object, Object> privateAttachments = invocation.getAttachments();
final Map<String, Object> invocationContextData = invocation.getContextData();
if (invocationContextData == null && privateAttachments.isEmpty()) {
// no private or public data
interceptorContext.setContextData(new HashMap<String, Object>());
} else {
final Map<String, Object> data = new HashMap<String, Object>();
// write out public (application specific) context data
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : invocationContextData.entrySet()) {
data.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
if (!privateAttachments.isEmpty()) {
// now write out the JBoss specific attachments under a single key and the value will be the
// entire map of JBoss specific attachments
data.put(EJBClientInvocationContext.PRIVATE_ATTACHMENTS_KEY, privateAttachments);
// Note: The code here is just for backward compatibility of 1.0.x version of EJB client project
// against AS7 7.1.x releases. Discussion here
final boolean txIdAttachmentPresent = privateAttachments.containsKey(AttachmentKeys.TRANSACTION_ID_KEY);
if (txIdAttachmentPresent) {
// we additionally add/duplicate the transaction id under a different attachment key
// to preserve backward compatibility. This is here just for 1.0.x backward compatibility
data.put(TransactionID.PRIVATE_DATA_KEY, privateAttachments.get(AttachmentKeys.TRANSACTION_ID_KEY));
interceptorContext.putPrivateData(Component.class, ejbComponent);
interceptorContext.putPrivateData(ComponentView.class, view);
if (locator instanceof StatefulEJBLocator) {
final SessionID sessionID = ((StatefulEJBLocator) locator).getSessionId();
interceptorContext.putPrivateData(SessionID.class, sessionID);
} else if (locator instanceof EntityEJBLocator) {
final Object primaryKey = ((EntityEJBLocator) locator).getPrimaryKey();
interceptorContext.putPrivateData(EntityBeanComponent.PRIMARY_KEY_CONTEXT_KEY, primaryKey);
final ClonerConfiguration config = new ClonerConfiguration();
config.setClassCloner(new LocalInvocationClassCloner(WildFlySecurityManager.getClassLoaderPrivileged(invocation.getInvokedProxy().getClass())));
final ObjectCloner resultCloner = createCloner(config);
if (async) {
if (ejbComponent instanceof SessionBeanComponent) {
final SessionBeanComponent component = (SessionBeanComponent) ejbComponent;
final CancellationFlag flag = new CancellationFlag();
final SecurityContext securityContext = SecurityContextAssociation.getSecurityContext();
final AsyncInvocationTask task = new AsyncInvocationTask(flag) {
protected Object runInvocation() throws Exception {
try {
return view.invoke(interceptorContext);
} finally {
interceptorContext.putPrivateData(CancellationFlag.class, flag);
//TODO: we do not clone the result of an async task
//TODO: we do not clone the exception of an async task
receiverContext.resultReady(new ImmediateResultProducer(task));
} else {