Package org.jboss.identity.idm.impl.model.ldap

Examples of org.jboss.identity.idm.impl.model.ldap.LDAPIdentityObjectImpl



      LDAPIdentityObjectImpl ldapFromIO = getSafeLDAPIO(ctx, identity);

      LDAPIdentityObjectTypeConfiguration typeConfig = getTypeConfiguration(ctx, identity.getIdentityType());

      LdapContext ldapContext = getLDAPContext(ctx);

      List<IdentityObject> objects = new LinkedList<IdentityObject>();


         // If parent simply look for all its members
         if (parent)
            if (typeConfig.getMembershipAttributeName() == null)
               throw new IdentityException("Membership attribute name not configured. Given IdentityObjectType cannot have" +
                  "members: " + identity.getIdentityType().getName());

            Attributes attrs = ldapContext.getAttributes(ldapFromIO.getDn());
            Attribute member = attrs.get(typeConfig.getMembershipAttributeName());

            if (member != null)
               NamingEnumeration memberValues = member.getAll();
               while (memberValues.hasMoreElements())
                  String memberRef = memberValues.nextElement().toString();

                  if (typeConfig.isMembershipAttributeDN())
                     //TODO: use direct LDAP query instaed of other find method and add attributesFilter

                     if (nameFilterSearchControl != null)
                        String name = Tools.stripDnToName(memberRef);
                        String regex = Tools.wildcardToRegex(nameFilterSearchControl.getFilter());

                        if (Pattern.matches(regex, name))
                           objects.add(findIdentityObject(ctx, memberRef));
                        objects.add(findIdentityObject(ctx, memberRef));
                     //TODO: if relationships are not refered with DNs and only names its not possible to map
                     //TODO: them to proper IdentityType and keep name uniqnes per type. Workaround needed
                     throw new NotYetImplementedException("LDAP limitation. If relationship targets are not refered with FQDNs " +
                        "and only names, it's not possible to map them to proper IdentityType and keep name uniqnes per type. " +
                        "Workaround needed");

         // if not parent then all parent entries need to be found
            // Search in all other type contexts
            for (IdentityObjectType parentType : configuration.getConfiguredTypes())

               LDAPIdentityObjectTypeConfiguration parentTypeConfiguration = getTypeConfiguration(ctx, parentType);

               List<String> allowedTypes = Arrays.asList(parentTypeConfiguration.getAllowedMembershipTypes());

               // Check if given identity type can be parent
               if (!allowedTypes.contains(identity.getIdentityType().getName()))

               String nameFilter = "*";

               //Filter by name
               if (nameFilterSearchControl != null)
                  nameFilter = nameFilterSearchControl.getFilter();

               Control[] requestControls = null;

               StringBuilder af = new StringBuilder();

               // Filter by attribute values
               if (attributeFilterSearchControl != null)

                  for (Map.Entry<String, String[]> stringEntry : attributeFilterSearchControl.getValues().entrySet())
                     for (String value : stringEntry.getValue())


               // Add filter to search only parents of the given entry
               if (parentTypeConfiguration.isMembershipAttributeDN())
                  //TODO: this doesn't make much sense unless parent/child are same identity types and resides in the same LDAP context

               String filter = parentTypeConfiguration.getEntrySearchFilter();
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      //TODO: relationshipType is ignored - maybe check and allow only MEMBERSHIP?

      LDAPIdentityObjectImpl ldapIO = getSafeLDAPIO(ctx, identity);

      LDAPIdentityObjectTypeConfiguration typeConfig = getTypeConfiguration(ctx, identity.getIdentityType());

      LdapContext ldapContext = getLDAPContext(ctx);

      Set<IdentityObjectRelationship> relationships = new HashSet<IdentityObjectRelationship>();


         // If parent simply look for all its members
         if (parent)
            Attributes attrs = ldapContext.getAttributes(ldapIO.getDn());
            Attribute member = attrs.get(typeConfig.getMembershipAttributeName());

            if (member != null)
               NamingEnumeration memberValues = member.getAll();
               while (memberValues.hasMoreElements())
                  String memberRef = memberValues.nextElement().toString();

                  if (typeConfig.isMembershipAttributeDN())
                     //TODO: use direct LDAP query instaed of other find method and add attributesFilter

                     relationships.add(new LDAPIdentityObjectRelationshipImpl(null, ldapIO, findIdentityObject(ctx, memberRef)));

                     //TODO: if relationships are not refered with DNs and only names its not possible to map
                     //TODO: them to proper IdentityType and keep name uniqnes per type. Workaround needed
                     throw new NotYetImplementedException("LDAP limitation. If relationship targets are not refered with FQDNs " +
                        "and only names, it's not possible to map them to proper IdentityType and keep name uniqnes per type. " +
                        "Workaround needed");

         // if not parent then all parent entries need to be found
            // Search in all other type contexts
            for (IdentityObjectType parentType : configuration.getConfiguredTypes())

               LDAPIdentityObjectTypeConfiguration parentTypeConfiguration = getTypeConfiguration(ctx, parentType);

               List<String> allowedTypes = Arrays.asList(parentTypeConfiguration.getAllowedMembershipTypes());

               // Check if given identity type can be parent
               if (!allowedTypes.contains(identity.getIdentityType().getName()))

               String nameFilter = "*";

               //Filter by name
               Control[] requestControls = null;

               StringBuilder af = new StringBuilder();

               // Add filter to search only parents of the given entry
               if (parentTypeConfiguration.isMembershipAttributeDN())
                  //TODO: this doesn't make much sense unless parent/child are same identity types and resides in the same LDAP context

               String filter = parentTypeConfiguration.getEntrySearchFilter();
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      LDAPIdentityObjectRelationshipImpl relationship = null;

      LDAPIdentityObjectImpl ldapFromIO =  getSafeLDAPIO(ctx, fromIdentity);

      LDAPIdentityObjectImpl ldapToIO = getSafeLDAPIO(ctx, toIdentity);

      LDAPIdentityObjectTypeConfiguration fromTypeConfig = getTypeConfiguration(ctx, fromIdentity.getIdentityType());

      LdapContext ldapContext = getLDAPContext(ctx);

      // Check posibilities
      if (!getSupportedFeatures().isRelationshipTypeSupported(fromIdentity.getIdentityType(), toIdentity.getIdentityType(), relationshipType))
         throw new IdentityException("Relationship not supported. RelationshipType[ " + relationshipType + " ] " +
            "beetween: [ " + fromIdentity.getIdentityType().getName() + " ] and [ " + toIdentity.getIdentityType().getName() + " ]");

         // Construct new member attribute values
         Attributes attrs = new BasicAttributes(true);

         Attribute member = new BasicAttribute(fromTypeConfig.getMembershipAttributeName());

         if (fromTypeConfig.isMembershipAttributeDN())
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            + "; toIdentity: " + toIdentity
            + "; relationshipType: " + relationshipType

      LDAPIdentityObjectImpl ldapFromIO = getSafeLDAPIO(ctx, fromIdentity);
      LDAPIdentityObjectImpl ldapToIO = getSafeLDAPIO(ctx, toIdentity);

      LDAPIdentityObjectTypeConfiguration fromTypeConfig = getTypeConfiguration(ctx, fromIdentity.getIdentityType());

      // If relationship is not allowed simply return
      //TODO: use features description instead
      if (!Arrays.asList(fromTypeConfig.getAllowedMembershipTypes()).contains(ldapToIO.getIdentityType().getName()))

      LdapContext ldapContext = getLDAPContext(ctx);

      // Check posibilities

      //TODO: null RelationshipType passed from removeRelationships
      if (relationshipType != null &&
         !getSupportedFeatures().isRelationshipTypeSupported(fromIdentity.getIdentityType(), toIdentity.getIdentityType(), relationshipType))
         throw new IdentityException("Relationship not supported");

         //construct new member attribute values
         Attributes attrs = new BasicAttributes(true);

         Attribute member = new BasicAttribute(fromTypeConfig.getMembershipAttributeName());

         if (fromTypeConfig.isMembershipAttributeDN())
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      Set<IdentityObjectRelationship> relationships = new HashSet<IdentityObjectRelationship>();

      LDAPIdentityObjectImpl ldapFromIO = getSafeLDAPIO(ctx, fromIdentity);
      LDAPIdentityObjectImpl ldapToIO = getSafeLDAPIO(ctx, toIdentity);

      LDAPIdentityObjectTypeConfiguration fromTypeConfig = getTypeConfiguration(ctx, fromIdentity.getIdentityType());

      // If relationship is not allowed return empty set
      //TODO: use features description instead

      if (!Arrays.asList(fromTypeConfig.getAllowedMembershipTypes()).contains(ldapToIO.getIdentityType().getName()))
         return relationships;

      LdapContext ldapContext = getLDAPContext(ctx);

         Attributes attrs = ldapContext.getAttributes(ldapFromIO.getDn());
         Attribute member = attrs.get(fromTypeConfig.getMembershipAttributeName());

         if (member != null)
            NamingEnumeration memberValues = member.getAll();
            while (memberValues.hasMoreElements())
               String memberRef = memberValues.nextElement().toString();

               if ((fromTypeConfig.isMembershipAttributeDN() && memberRef.equals(ldapToIO.getDn())) ||
                  (!fromTypeConfig.isMembershipAttributeDN() && memberRef.equals(ldapToIO.getName())))
                  //TODO: impl lacks support for rel type
                  relationships.add(new LDAPIdentityObjectRelationshipImpl(null, ldapFromIO, ldapToIO));
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      if (credential == null)
         throw new IllegalArgumentException();

      LDAPIdentityObjectImpl ldapIO = getSafeLDAPIO(ctx, identityObject);

      if (supportedFeatures.isCredentialSupported(ldapIO.getIdentityType(),credential.getType()))

         String passwordString = null;

         // Handle generic impl

         if (credential.getValue() != null)
            //TODO: support for empty password should be configurable
            passwordString = credential.getValue().toString();
            throw new IdentityException("Null password value");

         LdapContext ldapContext = getLDAPContext(ctx);


            Hashtable env = ldapContext.getEnvironment();

            env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, ldapIO.getDn());
            env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, passwordString);

            InitialContext initialCtx = new InitialLdapContext(env, null);

            if (initialCtx != null)
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      if (credential == null)
         throw new IllegalArgumentException();

      LDAPIdentityObjectImpl ldapIO = getSafeLDAPIO(ctx, identityObject);

      if (supportedFeatures.isCredentialSupported(ldapIO.getIdentityType(),credential.getType()))

         String passwordString = null;

         // Handle generic impl

         if (credential.getValue() != null)
            //TODO: support for empty password should be configurable
            passwordString = credential.getValue().toString();
            throw new IdentityException("Null password value");

         String attributeName = getTypeConfiguration(ctx, ldapIO.getIdentityType()).getPasswordAttributeName();

         if (attributeName == null)
            throw new IdentityException("IdentityType doesn't have passwordAttributeName option set: "
               + ldapIO.getIdentityType().getName());

         LdapContext ldapContext = getLDAPContext(ctx);

            //TODO: maybe perform a schema check if this attribute is allowed for such entry

            Attributes attrs = new BasicAttributes(true);
            Attribute attr = new BasicAttribute(attributeName);

            ldapContext.modifyAttributes(ldapIO.getDn(), DirContext.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE,attrs);
         catch (NamingException e)
            throw new IdentityException("Cannot set identity password value.", e);
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      Map<String, IdentityObjectAttribute> attrsMap = new HashMap<String, IdentityObjectAttribute>();

      LDAPIdentityObjectImpl ldapIdentity = getSafeLDAPIO(ctx, identity);

      LdapContext ldapContext = getLDAPContext(ctx);

         Set<String> mappedNames = getTypeConfiguration(ctx, identity.getIdentityType()).getMappedAttributesNames();

         // as this is valid LDAPIdentityObjectImpl DN is obtained from the Id

         String dn = ldapIdentity.getDn();

         Attributes attrs = ldapContext.getAttributes(dn);

         for (Iterator iterator = mappedNames.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();)
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      if (attributes == null)
         throw new IllegalArgumentException("attributes is null");

      LDAPIdentityObjectImpl ldapIdentity = getSafeLDAPIO(ctx, identity);

      // as this is valid LDAPIdentityObjectImpl DN is obtained from the Id

      String dn = ldapIdentity.getDn();

      LdapContext ldapContext = getLDAPContext(ctx);

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      if (attributes == null)
         throw new IllegalArgumentException("attributes is null");

      LDAPIdentityObjectImpl ldapIdentity = getSafeLDAPIO(ctx, identity);

      // as this is valid LDAPIdentityObjectImpl DN is obtained from the Id

      String dn = ldapIdentity.getDn();

      LdapContext ldapContext = getLDAPContext(ctx);

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Related Classes of org.jboss.identity.idm.impl.model.ldap.LDAPIdentityObjectImpl

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