if ((mdMap == null || !mdMap.containsKey(attribute.getName())) &&
throw new IdentityException("Cannot add not defined attribute. Use '" + ALLOW_NOT_DEFINED_ATTRIBUTES +
"' option if needed. Attribute name: " + attribute.getName());
IdentityObjectAttributeMetaData amd = mdMap.get(attribute.getName());
if (amd != null)
if (!amd.isMultivalued() && attribute.getSize() > 1)
throw new IdentityException("Cannot add multiply values to single valued attribute: " + attribute.getName());
if (amd.isReadonly())
throw new IdentityException("Cannot add readonly attribute: " + attribute.getName());
String type = amd.getType();
// check if all values have proper type
for (Object value : attribute.getValues())
if (type.equals(IdentityObjectAttributeMetaData.TEXT_TYPE) && !(value instanceof String))
throw new IdentityException("Cannot add text type attribute with not String type value: "
+ attribute.getName() + " / " + value);
if (type.equals(IdentityObjectAttributeMetaData.BINARY_TYPE) && !(value instanceof byte[]))
throw new IdentityException("Cannot add binary type attribute with not byte[] type value: "
+ attribute.getName() + " / " + value);
HibernateIdentityObject hibernateObject = safeGet(ctx, identity);
for (String name : mappedAttributes.keySet())
IdentityObjectAttribute attribute = mappedAttributes.get(name);
IdentityObjectAttributeMetaData amd = mdMap.get(attribute.getName());
// Default to text
String type = amd != null ? amd.getType() : IdentityObjectAttributeMetaData.TEXT_TYPE;
HibernateIdentityObjectAttribute hibernateAttribute = null;
for (HibernateIdentityObjectAttribute storeAttribute : hibernateObject.getAttributes())
if (storeAttribute.getName().equals(name))
hibernateAttribute = storeAttribute;
if (hibernateAttribute != null)
if (hibernateAttribute instanceof HibernateIdentityObjectTextAttribute)
if (!type.equals(IdentityObjectAttributeMetaData.TEXT_TYPE))
throw new IdentityException("Wrong attribute mapping. Attribute persisted as text is mapped with: "
+ type + ". Attribute name: " + name);
Set<String> mergedValues = new HashSet<String>(hibernateAttribute.getValues());
for (Object value : attribute.getValues())
else if (hibernateAttribute instanceof HibernateIdentityObjectBinaryAttribute)
if (!type.equals(IdentityObjectAttributeMetaData.BINARY_TYPE))
throw new IdentityException("Wrong attribute mapping. Attribute persisted as binary is mapped with: "
+ type + ". Attribute name: " + name);
Set<byte[]> mergedValues = new HashSet<byte[]>(hibernateAttribute.getValues());
for (Object value : attribute.getValues())
throw new IdentityException("Internal identity store error");