Package org.jboss.ha.client.loadbalance

Examples of org.jboss.ha.client.loadbalance.LoadBalancePolicy

      List<String> targets = Arrays.asList(TARGETS);
      FamilyClusterInfo fci = ClusteringTargetsRepository.initTarget(FAMILY_BASE + testCount, targets);
      LoadBalancePolicy lbp = getLoadBalancePolicy();
      Object target = lbp.chooseTarget(fci);
      for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
         assertEquals(target, lbp.chooseTarget(fci));
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      Set<Object> selected = new HashSet<Object>();
      for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
         LoadBalancePolicy lbp = getLoadBalancePolicy();
         if (selected.size() == TARGETS.length)
      assertEquals(TARGETS.length, selected.size());
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      List<String> targets = Arrays.asList(TARGETS);
      FamilyClusterInfo fci = ClusteringTargetsRepository.initTarget(FAMILY_BASE + testCount, targets);
      LoadBalancePolicy lbp = getLoadBalancePolicy();
      Object firstTarget;
      Object target = firstTarget = lbp.chooseTarget(fci);
      for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
         assertEquals(target, lbp.chooseTarget(fci));
      Object secondTarget;
      target = secondTarget = lbp.chooseTarget(fci);
      for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
         assertEquals(target, lbp.chooseTarget(fci));
      Object thirdTarget;
      target = thirdTarget = lbp.chooseTarget(fci);
      for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
         assertEquals(target, lbp.chooseTarget(fci));
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      assert lbpClass != null && !lbpClass.trim().equals("") : LoadBalancePolicy.class.getSimpleName()
            + " class name is required, but is not specified; improperly bound reference in JNDI";
      ClassLoader tccl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
      LoadBalancePolicy loadBalancePolicy = (LoadBalancePolicy) tccl.loadClass(lbpClass).newInstance();
      FamilyWrapper wrapper = getFamilyWrapper(name, refAddrs);
      Class<?>[] interfaces = {this.getProxyFactoryClass()};
      Interceptor[] interceptors = { IsLocalProxyFactoryInterceptor.singleton,
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      // Get Interceptors
      Interceptor[] interceptors = this.getInterceptors();

      Class<? extends LoadBalancePolicy> policyClass = isOnlyHome ? beanClusteringInfo.getHomeLoadBalancePolicy() : beanClusteringInfo.getLoadBalancePolicy();
      LoadBalancePolicy lbp;
         lbp = policyClass.newInstance();
      catch (Exception e)
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      // Get Interceptors
      Interceptor[] interceptors = this.getInterceptors();

      Class<? extends LoadBalancePolicy> policyClass = isOnlyHome ? beanClusteringInfo.getHomeLoadBalancePolicy() : beanClusteringInfo.getLoadBalancePolicy();
      LoadBalancePolicy lbp;
         lbp = policyClass.newInstance();
      catch (Exception e)
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      return "ClusterChooserInterceptor";

   public Object invoke(org.jboss.aop.joinpoint.Invocation invocation) throws Throwable
      LoadBalancePolicy lb = (LoadBalancePolicy) invocation.getMetaData(CLUSTERED_REMOTING, LOADBALANCE_POLICY);
      FamilyWrapper family = (FamilyWrapper) invocation.getMetaData(CLUSTERED_REMOTING, CLUSTER_FAMILY_WRAPPER);

      // we give the opportunity, to any server interceptor, to know if this a
      // first invocation to a node or if it is a failovered call
      int failoverCounter = 0;
      String familyName = family.get().getFamilyName();
      invocation.getMetaData().addMetaData(CLUSTERED_REMOTING, CLUSTER_FAMILY, familyName, PayloadKey.AS_IS);
      InvokerLocator target = null;
      InvokerLocator txStickyTarget = null;
      Object tpc = this.getTransactionPropagationContext();
      if (tpc != null)
         txStickyTarget = txStickyTargets.get(tpc);
         if (txStickyTarget != null)
            if (family.get().getTargets().contains(txStickyTarget))
               if (trace)
                  log.trace("Using transaction sticky target: " + txStickyTarget);
               target = txStickyTarget;
               throw new RuntimeException("Current transaction is stuck to " + txStickyTarget + " which is no longer available.  Halting invocation.");
      if (target == null)
         if (lb instanceof AopLoadBalancePolicy)
            target = (InvokerLocator) ((AopLoadBalancePolicy) lb).chooseTarget(family.get(), invocation);
            target = (InvokerLocator) lb.chooseTarget(family.get());
      Throwable lastException = null;
      boolean failoverAuthorized = true;
      while ((target != null) && failoverAuthorized)
         invocation.getMetaData().addMetaData(CLUSTERED_REMOTING, FAILOVER_COUNTER, new Integer(failoverCounter), PayloadKey.AS_IS);
         invocation.getMetaData().addMetaData(InvokeRemoteInterceptor.REMOTING, InvokeRemoteInterceptor.INVOKER_LOCATOR, target, PayloadKey.AS_IS);
         invocation.getMetaData().addMetaData(CLUSTERED_REMOTING, CLUSTER_VIEW_ID, new Long(family.get().getCurrentViewId()), PayloadKey.AS_IS);
         boolean definitivlyRemoveNodeOnFailure = true;
         lastException = null;
            Object rsp = invocation.invokeNext();
            List<?> newReplicants = (List<?>) invocation.getResponseAttachment("replicants");
            if (newReplicants != null)
               long newViewId = ((Long) invocation.getResponseAttachment("viewId")).longValue();
               family.get().updateClusterInfo(newReplicants, newViewId);
            if (txStickyTarget == null)
               if (invocationHasReachedAServer(target))
                  if (trace)
                     log.trace("Setting " + target + " as the new sticky target");
                  txStickyTarget = target;
            return rsp;
         catch (DispatcherConnectException dce)
            //In case of graceful shutdown, the target object will no longer exist in the Dispatcher,
            //fail over to another server if we can...
            //For now remove the node "definitely"
            lastException = dce;
         catch (CannotConnectException ex)
            lastException = ex;
         catch (GenericClusteringException gce)
            lastException = gce;
            // this is a generic clustering exception that contain the
            // completion status: usefull to determine if we are authorized
            // to re-issue a query to another node
            if (gce.getCompletionStatus() == GenericClusteringException.COMPLETED_NO)
               // we don't want to remove the node from the list of failed
               // node UNLESS there is a risk to indefinitively loop
               if (family.get().getTargets().size() >= failoverCounter)
                  if (!gce.isDefinitive())
                     definitivlyRemoveNodeOnFailure = false;
               throw new RuntimeException("Clustering exception thrown", gce);
         catch (Throwable t)
            // Just in case this get wrapped in a Throwable. This can happen when
            // the exception is generated inside the container and it is wrapped in
            // a ForwardId exception.
            if (t.getCause() instanceof GenericClusteringException)
               GenericClusteringException gce = (GenericClusteringException)t.getCause();
               lastException = gce;
               // this is a generic clustering exception that contain the
               // completion status: usefull to determine if we are authorized
               // to re-issue a query to another node
               if (gce.getCompletionStatus() == GenericClusteringException.COMPLETED_NO)
                  // we don't want to remove the node from the list of failed
                  // node UNLESS there is a risk to indefinitively loop
                  if (family.get().getTargets().size() >= failoverCounter)
                     if (!gce.isDefinitive())
                        definitivlyRemoveNodeOnFailure = false;
                  throw new RuntimeException("Clustering exception thrown", gce);
               throw t;

         // If we reach here, this means that we must fail-over
         if (!definitivlyRemoveNodeOnFailure)

         target = (InvokerLocator) lb.chooseTarget(family.get());
         if (target == null)
            if (lastException != null)
               throw new RuntimeException("cluster invocation failed, last exception was: ", lastException);
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      return "ClusterChooserInterceptor";

   public Object invoke(org.jboss.aop.joinpoint.Invocation invocation) throws Throwable
      LoadBalancePolicy lb = (LoadBalancePolicy) invocation.getMetaData(CLUSTERED_REMOTING, LOADBALANCE_POLICY);
      FamilyWrapper family = (FamilyWrapper) invocation.getMetaData(CLUSTERED_REMOTING, CLUSTER_FAMILY_WRAPPER);

      // we give the opportunity, to any server interceptor, to know if this a
      // first invocation to a node or if it is a failovered call
      int failoverCounter = 0;
      String familyName = family.get().getFamilyName();
      invocation.getMetaData().addMetaData(CLUSTERED_REMOTING, CLUSTER_FAMILY, familyName, PayloadKey.AS_IS);
      InvokerLocator target = null;
      InvokerLocator txStickyTarget = null;
      boolean supportsTxStickiness = family.isTxStickinessSupported();
      if (supportsTxStickiness) {
         Object tpc = this.getTransactionPropagationContext();
         if (tpc != null)
            txStickyTarget = txStickyTargets.get(tpc);
            if (txStickyTarget != null)
               if (family.get().getTargets().contains(txStickyTarget))
                  if (trace)
                     log.trace("Using transaction sticky target: " + txStickyTarget);
                  target = txStickyTarget;
                  throw new RuntimeException("Current transaction is stuck to " + txStickyTarget + " which is no longer available.  Halting invocation.");
      if (target == null)
         if (lb instanceof AopLoadBalancePolicy)
            target = (InvokerLocator) ((AopLoadBalancePolicy) lb).chooseTarget(family.get(), invocation);
            target = (InvokerLocator) lb.chooseTarget(family.get());
      Throwable lastException = null;
      boolean failoverAuthorized = true;
      while ((target != null) && failoverAuthorized)
         invocation.getMetaData().addMetaData(CLUSTERED_REMOTING, FAILOVER_COUNTER, new Integer(failoverCounter), PayloadKey.AS_IS);
         invocation.getMetaData().addMetaData(InvokeRemoteInterceptor.REMOTING, InvokeRemoteInterceptor.INVOKER_LOCATOR, target, PayloadKey.AS_IS);
         invocation.getMetaData().addMetaData(CLUSTERED_REMOTING, CLUSTER_VIEW_ID, new Long(family.get().getCurrentViewId()), PayloadKey.AS_IS);
         boolean definitivlyRemoveNodeOnFailure = true;
         lastException = null;
            Object rsp = invocation.invokeNext();
            List<?> newReplicants = (List<?>) invocation.getResponseAttachment("replicants");
            if (newReplicants != null)
               long newViewId = ((Long) invocation.getResponseAttachment("viewId")).longValue();
               family.get().updateClusterInfo(newReplicants, newViewId);
            if (txStickyTarget == null)
               if (invocationHasReachedAServer(target))
                  if (trace)
                     log.trace("Setting " + target + " as the new sticky target");
                  txStickyTarget = target;
            return rsp;
         catch (DispatcherConnectException dce)
            //In case of graceful shutdown, the target object will no longer exist in the Dispatcher,
            //fail over to another server if we can...
            //For now remove the node "definitely"
            lastException = dce;
         catch (CannotConnectException ex)
            lastException = ex;
         catch (GenericClusteringException gce)
            lastException = gce;
            // this is a generic clustering exception that contain the
            // completion status: usefull to determine if we are authorized
            // to re-issue a query to another node
            if (gce.getCompletionStatus() == GenericClusteringException.COMPLETED_NO)
               // we don't want to remove the node from the list of failed
               // node UNLESS there is a risk to indefinitively loop
               if (family.get().getTargets().size() >= failoverCounter)
                  if (!gce.isDefinitive())
                     definitivlyRemoveNodeOnFailure = false;
               throw new RuntimeException("Clustering exception thrown", gce);
         catch (Throwable t)
            // Just in case this get wrapped in a Throwable. This can happen when
            // the exception is generated inside the container and it is wrapped in
            // a ForwardId exception.
            if (t.getCause() instanceof GenericClusteringException)
               GenericClusteringException gce = (GenericClusteringException)t.getCause();
               lastException = gce;
               // this is a generic clustering exception that contain the
               // completion status: usefull to determine if we are authorized
               // to re-issue a query to another node
               if (gce.getCompletionStatus() == GenericClusteringException.COMPLETED_NO)
                  // we don't want to remove the node from the list of failed
                  // node UNLESS there is a risk to indefinitively loop
                  if (family.get().getTargets().size() >= failoverCounter)
                     if (!gce.isDefinitive())
                        definitivlyRemoveNodeOnFailure = false;
                  throw new RuntimeException("Clustering exception thrown", gce);
               throw t;

         // If we reach here, this means that we must fail-over
         if (!definitivlyRemoveNodeOnFailure)

         target = (InvokerLocator) lb.chooseTarget(family.get());
         if (target == null)
            if (lastException != null)
               throw new RuntimeException("cluster invocation failed, last exception was: ", lastException);
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   public void testBasicCycle()
      FamilyClusterInfo fci = ClusteringTargetsRepository.initTarget(FAMILY_BASE + testCount, Arrays.asList(TARGETS));
      LoadBalancePolicy lbp = getLoadBalancePolicy();
      int expectedCursor = -1;
      for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
         Object target = lbp.chooseTarget(fci);
         if (expectedCursor < 0)
            expectedCursor = fci.getCursor();
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   public void testFailover()
      List<String> targets = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(TARGETS));
      FamilyClusterInfo fci = ClusteringTargetsRepository.initTarget(FAMILY_BASE + testCount, targets);
      LoadBalancePolicy lbp = getLoadBalancePolicy();
      String target = (String) lbp.chooseTarget(fci);
      int cursor = fci.getCursor();
      assertEquals(target, fci.getTargets().get(cursor));
      while (targets.size() > 1)
         assertEquals(targets, fci.getTargets());
         int expectedCursor = ++cursor % targets.size();
         target = (String) lbp.chooseTarget(fci);
         cursor = fci.getCursor();
         assertEquals(expectedCursor, cursor);
         assertEquals(target, fci.getTargets().get(cursor));
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Related Classes of org.jboss.ha.client.loadbalance.LoadBalancePolicy

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