// ctx -b bindname1 bindname2 bindname3
// Will read 3 objects from shell-in and bind them under the specified names
public void process(String exename, String[] params) throws Exception {
if (helpRequested()) {
PrintWriter2 out = new PrintWriter2(new BufferWriter(getStdOut()));
out.print(" BIND some objects in the context under their respective names:\n");
out.print(" <OBJ_GEN> | ctx [-ex] -b name1, name2, name3\n\n");
out.print(" UNBIND some objects from the context:\n");
out.print(" ctx [-ex] -u name1, name2, name3\n\n");
out.print(" GET some objects from the context:\n");
out.print(" ctx [-ex] -g name1, name2, name3 | <OBJ_CONSUMER>\n\n");
out.print(" LIST children of an existing object to some other existing object:\n");
out.print(" ctx [-ex] -l\n\n");
out.print(" --help : this help\n");
int action = -1;
PrintWriter2 err = new PrintWriter2(new BufferWriter(getStdOut())), pout = err;
LinkedList names = new LinkedList();
Context ctx = shell.getContext();