Package org.jboss.errai.codegen.builder.impl

Examples of org.jboss.errai.codegen.builder.impl.ObjectBuilder


    ctx.setAttribute(RECEIVING_CALLBACK_ATTRIB, statements);

    final ObjectBuilder finish = statements.finish()

    processingContext.append(Stmt.declareFinalVariable(callbackVarName, callbackClass, finish));
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    return stmts;

  private void createInterceptor(List<Statement> stmts, Class<? extends SecurityInterceptor> interceptorClass) {
    final ObjectBuilder builder = ObjectBuilder.newInstanceOf(interceptorClass);
    stmts.add(Stmt.declareFinalVariable("interceptor", interceptorClass, builder));
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    else {
      throw new RuntimeException("illegal target type for style binding method: " + parameter.getType() +
          "; expected Element or Style");

    final ObjectBuilder bindExec = Stmt.newObject(StyleBindingExecutor.class)
        .publicOverridesMethod("invokeBinding", Parameter.of(Element.class, "element"))
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            .publicOverridesMethod(handlerType.getMethods()[0].getName(), Parameter.of(eventType, "event"));
        listenerBuiler.append(InjectUtil.invokePublicOrPrivateMethod(ctx.getInjectionContext(), component,
            method, Stmt.loadVariable("event")));

        ObjectBuilder listenerInstance = listenerBuiler.finish().finish();

        int eventsToSink = Event.FOCUSEVENTS | Event.GESTUREEVENTS | Event.KEYEVENTS | Event.MOUSEEVENTS
            | Event.TOUCHEVENTS;
        if (method.isAnnotationPresent(SinkNative.class)) {
          eventsToSink = method.getAnnotation(SinkNative.class).value();

        for (String name : targetDataFieldNames) {

          if (processedNativeHandlers.contains(name) || processedEventHandlers.contains(name)) {
            throw new GenerationException(
                "Cannot specify more than one @EventHandler method when @SyncNative is used for data-field ["
                    + name + "] in class ["
                    + declaringClass.getFullyQualifiedName()
                    + "].");
          else {

          if (dataFieldTypes.containsKey(name)) {
            MetaClass dataFieldType = dataFieldTypes.get(name);
            if (!dataFieldType.isAssignableTo(Element.class)) {
               * We have a GWT or other Widget type.
              throw new GenerationException("@DataField [" + name + "] of type [" + dataFieldType.getName()
                  + "] in class [" + declaringClass.getFullyQualifiedName() + "] is not assignable to ["
                  + Element.class.getName() + "] specified by @EventHandler method " + method.getName()
                  + "("
                  + eventType.getName() + ")]");
            else {
               * We have a wrapped native Element reference
              throw new GenerationException("Cannot attach native DOM events to @DataField [" + name
                  + "] of type ["
                  + dataFieldType.getName() + "] in class [" + declaringClass.getFullyQualifiedName()
                  + "] specified by @EventHandler method " + method.getName() + "(" + eventType.getName()
                  + ")] - Use the corresponding GWT 'EventHandler' types instead.");
          else {
             * We are completely native and have no reference to this data-field
             * Element in Java
            builder.append(Stmt.invokeStatic(TemplateUtil.class, "setupNativeEventListener", component,
                Stmt.loadVariable(dataFieldElementsVarName).invoke("get", name), listenerInstance,
      else {
         * We have a GWT Widget type
        if (method.getParameters().length != 1
            || !method.getParameters()[0].getType().isAssignableTo(DomEvent.class)) {
          throw new GenerationException("@EventHandler method [" + method.getName() + "] in class ["
              + declaringClass.getFullyQualifiedName()
              + "] must have at least one parameter of a type extending ["
              + DomEvent.class.getName() + "]");

        MetaClass handlerType;
        try {
          handlerType = getHandlerForEvent(eventType);
        catch (GenerationException e) {
           *  see ERRAI-373 for details on this crazy inference (without this message, the cause of the
           *  problem is nearly impossible to diagnose)
          if (declaringClass.getClass() == JavaReflectionClass.class) {
            throw new GenerationException(
                "The type " + declaringClass.getFullyQualifiedName() + " looks like a client-side" +
                    " @Templated class, but it is not known to GWT. This probably means that " +
                    declaringClass.getName() + " or one of its supertypes contains non-translatable code.");
          throw e;

        BlockBuilder<AnonymousClassStructureBuilder> listenerBuiler = ObjectBuilder.newInstanceOf(handlerType)
            .publicOverridesMethod(handlerType.getMethods()[0].getName(), Parameter.of(eventType, "event"));

            component, method, Stmt.loadVariable("event")));

        ObjectBuilder listenerInstance = listenerBuiler.finish().finish();

        MetaClass hasHandlerType = MetaClassFactory.get(""
            + handlerType.getName()
            + "s");

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            .publicOverridesMethod(handlerType.getMethods()[0].getName(), Parameter.of(eventType, "event"));
        listenerBuiler.append(InjectUtil.invokePublicOrPrivateMethod(ctx.getInjectionContext(), component,
            method, Stmt.loadVariable("event")));

        final ObjectBuilder listenerInstance = listenerBuiler.finish().finish();

        int eventsToSink =
        if (method.isAnnotationPresent(SinkNative.class)) {
          eventsToSink = method.getAnnotation(SinkNative.class).value();

        for (final String name : targetDataFieldNames) {

          if (processedNativeHandlers.contains(name) || processedEventHandlers.contains(name)) {
            throw new GenerationException(
                "Cannot specify more than one @EventHandler method when @SyncNative is used for data-field ["
                    + name + "] in class ["
                    + declaringClass.getFullyQualifiedName()
                    + "].");
          else {

          if (dataFieldTypes.containsKey(name)) {
            final MetaClass dataFieldType = dataFieldTypes.get(name);
            if (!dataFieldType.isAssignableTo(Element.class)) {
               * We have a GWT or other Widget type.
              throw new GenerationException("@DataField [" + name + "] of type [" + dataFieldType.getName()
                  + "] in class [" + declaringClass.getFullyQualifiedName() + "] is not assignable to ["
                  + Element.class.getName() + "] specified by @EventHandler method " + method.getName()
                  + "("
                  + eventType.getName() + ")]");
            else {
               * We have a wrapped native Element reference
              throw new GenerationException("Cannot attach native DOM events to @DataField [" + name
                  + "] of type ["
                  + dataFieldType.getName() + "] in class [" + declaringClass.getFullyQualifiedName()
                  + "] specified by @EventHandler method " + method.getName() + "(" + eventType.getName()
                  + ")] - Use the corresponding GWT 'EventHandler' types instead.");
          else {
             * We are completely native and have no reference to this data-field
             * Element in Java
            initStmts.add(Stmt.invokeStatic(TemplateUtil.class, "setupNativeEventListener", component,
                Stmt.loadVariable(dataFieldElementsVarName).invoke("get", name), listenerInstance,
      else {
         * We have a GWT Widget type
        final MetaClass handlerType;
        try {
          handlerType = getHandlerForEvent(eventType);
        catch (GenerationException e) {
           *  see ERRAI-373 for details on this crazy inference (without this message, the cause of the
           *  problem is nearly impossible to diagnose)
          if (declaringClass.getClass() == JavaReflectionClass.class) {
            throw new GenerationException(
                "The type " + declaringClass.getFullyQualifiedName() + " looks like a client-side" +
                    " @Templated class, but it is not known to GWT. This probably means that " +
                    declaringClass.getName() + " or one of its supertypes contains non-translatable code." +
                    " Run the GWT compiler with logLevel=DEBUG to pinpoint the problem.", e);
          throw e;

        final BlockBuilder<AnonymousClassStructureBuilder> listenerBuiler = ObjectBuilder.newInstanceOf(handlerType)
            .publicOverridesMethod(handlerType.getMethods()[0].getName(), Parameter.of(eventType, "event"));

            component, method, Stmt.loadVariable("event")));

        final ObjectBuilder listenerInstance = listenerBuiler.finish().finish();

        final MetaClass hasHandlerType = MetaClassFactory.get(""
            + handlerType.getName()
            + "s");

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            .publicOverridesMethod(handlerType.getMethods()[0].getName(), Parameter.of(eventType, "event"));
        listenerBuiler.append(InjectUtil.invokePublicOrPrivateMethod(ctx.getInjectionContext(), component,
            method, Stmt.loadVariable("event")));

        final ObjectBuilder listenerInstance = listenerBuiler.finish().finish();

        int eventsToSink =
        if (method.isAnnotationPresent(SinkNative.class)) {
          eventsToSink = method.getAnnotation(SinkNative.class).value();

        for (final String name : targetDataFieldNames) {

          if (processedNativeHandlers.contains(name) || processedEventHandlers.contains(name)) {
            throw new GenerationException(
                "Cannot specify more than one @EventHandler method when @SyncNative is used for data-field ["
                    + name + "] in class ["
                    + declaringClass.getFullyQualifiedName()
                    + "].");
          else {

          if (dataFieldTypes.containsKey(name)) {
            final MetaClass dataFieldType = dataFieldTypes.get(name);
            if (!dataFieldType.isAssignableTo(Element.class)) {
               * We have a GWT or other Widget type.
              throw new GenerationException("@DataField [" + name + "] of type [" + dataFieldType.getName()
                  + "] in class [" + declaringClass.getFullyQualifiedName() + "] is not assignable to ["
                  + Element.class.getName() + "] specified by @EventHandler method " + method.getName()
                  + "("
                  + eventType.getName() + ")]");
            else {
               * We have a wrapped native Element reference
              throw new GenerationException("Cannot attach native DOM events to @DataField [" + name
                  + "] of type ["
                  + dataFieldType.getName() + "] in class [" + declaringClass.getFullyQualifiedName()
                  + "] specified by @EventHandler method " + method.getName() + "(" + eventType.getName()
                  + ")] - Use the corresponding GWT 'EventHandler' types instead.");
          else {
             * We are completely native and have no reference to this data-field
             * Element in Java
            initStmts.add(Stmt.invokeStatic(TemplateUtil.class, "setupNativeEventListener", component,
                Stmt.loadVariable(dataFieldElementsVarName).invoke("get", name), listenerInstance,
      else {
         * We have a GWT Widget type
        final MetaClass handlerType;
        try {
          handlerType = getHandlerForEvent(eventType);
        catch (GenerationException e) {
           *  see ERRAI-373 for details on this crazy inference (without this message, the cause of the
           *  problem is nearly impossible to diagnose)
          if (declaringClass.getClass() == JavaReflectionClass.class) {
            throw new GenerationException(
                "The type " + declaringClass.getFullyQualifiedName() + " looks like a client-side" +
                    " @Templated class, but it is not known to GWT. This probably means that " +
                    declaringClass.getName() + " or one of its supertypes contains non-translatable code." +
                    " Run the GWT compiler with logLevel=DEBUG to pinpoint the problem.", e);
          throw e;

        final BlockBuilder<AnonymousClassStructureBuilder> listenerBuiler = ObjectBuilder.newInstanceOf(handlerType)
            .publicOverridesMethod(handlerType.getMethods()[0].getName(), Parameter.of(eventType, "event"));

            component, method, Stmt.loadVariable("event")));

        final ObjectBuilder listenerInstance = listenerBuiler.finish().finish();

        final MetaClass hasHandlerType = MetaClassFactory.get(""
            + handlerType.getName()
            + "s");

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    else {
      throw new RuntimeException("illegal target type for style binding method: " + parameter.getType() +
          "; expected Element or Style");

    final ObjectBuilder bindExec = Stmt.newObject(StyleBindingExecutor.class)
        .publicOverridesMethod("invokeBinding", Parameter.of(Element.class, "element"))
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        MetaClass handlerType = MetaClassFactory.get(EventListener.class);
        BlockBuilder<AnonymousClassStructureBuilder> listenerBuiler = ObjectBuilder.newInstanceOf(handlerType).extend()
                .publicOverridesMethod(handlerType.getMethods()[0].getName(), Parameter.of(eventType, "event"));
        listenerBuiler.append(Stmt.nestedCall(component).invoke(method, Stmt.loadVariable("event")));

        ObjectBuilder listenerInstance = listenerBuiler.finish().finish();

        int eventsToSink = Event.FOCUSEVENTS | Event.GESTUREEVENTS | Event.KEYEVENTS | Event.MOUSEEVENTS
                | Event.TOUCHEVENTS;
        if (method.isAnnotationPresent(SinkNative.class)) {
          eventsToSink = method.getAnnotation(SinkNative.class).value();

        for (String name : targetDataFieldNames) {

          if (dataFieldTypes.containsKey(name)) {
            MetaClass dataFieldType = dataFieldTypes.get(name);
            if (!dataFieldType.isAssignableTo(Element.class)) {
               * We have a GWT or other Widget type.
              throw new GenerationException("@DataField [" + name + "] of type [" + dataFieldType.getName()
                      + "] in class [" + declaringClass.getFullyQualifiedName() + "] is not assignable to ["
                      + Element.class.getName() + "] specified by @EventHandler method " + method.getName() + "("
                      + eventType.getName() + ")]");
            else {
               * We have a wrapped native Element reference
              throw new GenerationException("Cannot attach native DOM events to @DataField [" + name + "] of type ["
                      + dataFieldType.getName() + "] in class [" + declaringClass.getFullyQualifiedName()
                      + "] specified by @EventHandler method " + method.getName() + "(" + eventType.getName()
                      + ")] - Use the corresponding GWT 'EventHandler' types instead.");
          else {
             * We are completely native and have no reference to this data-field
             * Element in Java
            builder.append(Stmt.invokeStatic(TemplateUtil.class, "setupNativeEventListener", component,
                    dataFieldElements.invoke("get", name), listenerInstance, eventsToSink));
      else {
         * We have a GWT Widget type
        if (method.getParameters().length != 1 || !method.getParameters()[0].getType().isAssignableTo(DomEvent.class)) {
          throw new GenerationException("@EventHandler method [" + method.getName() + "] in class ["
                  + declaringClass.getFullyQualifiedName() + "] must have at least one parameter of a type extending ["
                  + DomEvent.class.getName() + "]");

        MetaClass handlerType = getHandlerForEvent(eventType);
        BlockBuilder<AnonymousClassStructureBuilder> listenerBuiler = ObjectBuilder.newInstanceOf(handlerType).extend()
                .publicOverridesMethod(handlerType.getMethods()[0].getName(), Parameter.of(eventType, "event"));
        listenerBuiler.append(Stmt.nestedCall(component).invoke(method, Stmt.loadVariable("event")));

        ObjectBuilder listenerInstance = listenerBuiler.finish().finish();

        MetaClass hasHandlerType = MetaClassFactory.get("" + handlerType.getName()
                + "s");

        for (String name : targetDataFieldNames) {
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            .publicOverridesMethod(handlerType.getMethods()[0].getName(), Parameter.of(eventType, "event"));
        listenerBuiler.append(InjectUtil.invokePublicOrPrivateMethod(ctx.getInjectionContext(), component,
            method, Stmt.loadVariable("event")));

        final ObjectBuilder listenerInstance = listenerBuiler.finish().finish();

        int eventsToSink =
        if (method.isAnnotationPresent(SinkNative.class)) {
          eventsToSink = method.getAnnotation(SinkNative.class).value();

        for (final String name : targetDataFieldNames) {

          if (processedNativeHandlers.contains(name) || processedEventHandlers.contains(name)) {
            throw new GenerationException(
                "Cannot specify more than one @EventHandler method when @SyncNative is used for data-field ["
                    + name + "] in class ["
                    + declaringClass.getFullyQualifiedName()
                    + "].");
          else {

          if (dataFieldTypes.containsKey(name)) {
            final MetaClass dataFieldType = dataFieldTypes.get(name);
            if (!dataFieldType.isAssignableTo(Element.class)) {
               * We have a GWT or other Widget type.
              throw new GenerationException("@DataField [" + name + "] of type [" + dataFieldType.getName()
                  + "] in class [" + declaringClass.getFullyQualifiedName() + "] is not assignable to ["
                  + Element.class.getName() + "] specified by @EventHandler method " + method.getName()
                  + "("
                  + eventType.getName() + ")]");
            else {
               * We have a wrapped native Element reference
              throw new GenerationException("Cannot attach native DOM events to @DataField [" + name
                  + "] of type ["
                  + dataFieldType.getName() + "] in class [" + declaringClass.getFullyQualifiedName()
                  + "] specified by @EventHandler method " + method.getName() + "(" + eventType.getName()
                  + ")] - Use the corresponding GWT 'EventHandler' types instead.");
          else {
             * We are completely native and have no reference to this data-field
             * Element in Java
            initStmts.add(Stmt.invokeStatic(TemplateUtil.class, "setupNativeEventListener", component,
                Stmt.loadVariable(dataFieldElementsVarName).invoke("get", name), listenerInstance,
      else {
         * We have a GWT Widget type
        final MetaClass handlerType;
        try {
          handlerType = getHandlerForEvent(eventType);
        catch (GenerationException e) {
           *  see ERRAI-373 for details on this crazy inference (without this message, the cause of the
           *  problem is nearly impossible to diagnose)
          if (declaringClass.getClass() == JavaReflectionClass.class) {
            throw new GenerationException(
                "The type " + declaringClass.getFullyQualifiedName() + " looks like a client-side" +
                    " @Templated class, but it is not known to GWT. This probably means that " +
                    declaringClass.getName() + " or one of its supertypes contains non-translatable code." +
                    " Run the GWT compiler with logLevel=DEBUG to pinpoint the problem.", e);
          throw e;

        final BlockBuilder<AnonymousClassStructureBuilder> listenerBuiler = ObjectBuilder.newInstanceOf(handlerType)
            .publicOverridesMethod(handlerType.getMethods()[0].getName(), Parameter.of(eventType, "event"));

            component, method, Stmt.loadVariable("event")));

        final ObjectBuilder listenerInstance = listenerBuiler.finish().finish();

        final MetaClass hasHandlerType = MetaClassFactory.get(""
            + handlerType.getName()
            + "s");

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    else {
      throw new RuntimeException("illegal target type for style binding method: " + parameter.getType() +
          "; expected Element or Style");

    final ObjectBuilder bindExec = Stmt.newObject(StyleBindingExecutor.class)
        .publicOverridesMethod("invokeBinding", Parameter.of(Element.class, "element"))
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Related Classes of org.jboss.errai.codegen.builder.impl.ObjectBuilder

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