Package org.jboss.errai.bus.server.util

Examples of org.jboss.errai.bus.server.util.LocalContext$SubContext

  protected void onSocketClosed(final WebSocket socket) throws IOException {
    final QueueSession session = sessionProvider.createOrGetSession(socket.getHttpSession(),

    final LocalContext localSessionContext = LocalContext.get(session);
    final QueueSession cometSession = localSessionContext.getAttribute(QueueSession.class, WEBSOCKET_SESSION_ALIAS);

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    if (text.length() == 0) return;

    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final EJObject val = JSONDecoder.decode(text).isObject();

    final LocalContext localSessionContext = LocalContext.get(session);

    QueueSession cometSession = localSessionContext.getAttribute(QueueSession.class, WEBSOCKET_SESSION_ALIAS);

    // this is not an active channel.
    if (cometSession == null) {
      final String commandType = val.get(;

      // this client apparently wants to connect.
      if ( {
        final String sessionKey = val.get(;

        // has this client already attempted a connection, and is in a wait verify state
        if (sessionKey != null && (cometSession = service.getBus().getSessionBySessionId(sessionKey)) != null) {
          final LocalContext localCometSession = LocalContext.get(cometSession);

          if (localCometSession.hasAttribute(WebSocketServerHandler.SESSION_ATTR_WS_STATUS) &&
                  WebSocketServerHandler.WEBSOCKET_ACTIVE.equals(localCometSession.getAttribute(String.class, WebSocketServerHandler.SESSION_ATTR_WS_STATUS))) {

            // set the session queue into direct channel mode.

            final MessageQueue queue = service.getBus().getQueue(cometSession);
            queue.setDeliveryHandler(DirectDeliveryHandler.createFor(new SimpleEventChannelWrapped(socket)));

            localSessionContext.setAttribute(WEBSOCKET_SESSION_ALIAS, cometSession);


          // check the activation key matches.
          final EJString activationKey = val.get(;
          if (activationKey == null || !WebSocketTokenManager.verifyOneTimeToken(cometSession, activationKey.stringValue())) {

            // nope. go away!
            sendMessage(new SimpleEventChannelWrapped(socket), getFailedNegotiation("bad negotiation key"));
          else {
            // the key matches. now we send the reverse challenge to prove this client is actually
            // already talking to the bus over the COMET channel.
            final String reverseToken = WebSocketTokenManager.getNewOneTimeToken(cometSession);
            localCometSession.setAttribute(WebSocketServerHandler.SESSION_ATTR_WS_STATUS, WebSocketServerHandler.WEBSOCKET_AWAIT_ACTIVATION);

            // send the challenge.
            sendMessage(new SimpleEventChannelWrapped(socket), getReverseChallenge(reverseToken));
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      final String sessionKey = ejObject.get(;

      // has this client already attempted a connection, and is in a wait verify
      // state
      if (sessionKey != null && (session = service.getBus().getSessionBySessionId(sessionKey)) != null) {
        final LocalContext localCometSession = LocalContext.get(session);

        if (localCometSession.hasAttribute(WebSocketServerHandler.SESSION_ATTR_WS_STATUS)
                && WebSocketServerHandler.WEBSOCKET_ACTIVE.equals(localCometSession.getAttribute(String.class,
                        WebSocketServerHandler.SESSION_ATTR_WS_STATUS))) {

          // set the session queue into direct channel mode.
          final MessageQueue queue = service.getBus().getQueueBySession(sessionKey);
          LOGGER.debug("set direct delivery handler on session: {}", session.getSessionId());
          return session;

        // check the activation key matches.
        final EJString activationKey = ejObject.get(;
        if (activationKey == null || !WebSocketTokenManager.verifyOneTimeToken(session, activationKey.stringValue())) {

          // nope. go away!
          final String error = "bad negotiation key";
          LOGGER.debug("activation key not match for session: {}", session.getSessionId());
          sendMessage(queueChannel, WebSocketNegotiationMessage.getFailedNegotiation(error));
        else {
          // the key matches. now we send the reverse challenge to prove this
          // client is actually
          // already talking to the bus over the COMET channel.
          final String reverseToken = WebSocketTokenManager.getNewOneTimeToken(session);

          // send the challenge.
          LOGGER.debug("reverse challange for session: {}", session.getSessionId());
          sendMessage(queueChannel, WebSocketNegotiationMessage.getReverseChallenge(reverseToken));
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      if ( {
        final String sessionKey = val.get(;

        // has this client already attempted a connection, and is in a wait verify state
        if (sessionKey != null && (session = svc.getBus().getSessionBySessionId(sessionKey)) != null) {
          final LocalContext localContext = LocalContext.get(session);

          if (localContext.hasAttribute(SESSION_ATTR_WS_STATUS) &&
              WEBSOCKET_ACTIVE.equals(localContext.getAttribute(String.class, SESSION_ATTR_WS_STATUS))) {

            // open the channel
            activeChannels.put(ctx.getChannel(), session);

            // set the session queue into direct channel mode.
            svc.getBus().getQueueBySession(sessionKey).setDirectSocketChannel(new NettyQueueChannel(ctx.getChannel()));

            // remove the web socket token so it cannot be re-used for authentication.


          // check the activation key matches.
          final EJString activationKey = val.get(;
          if (activationKey == null || !WebSocketTokenManager.verifyOneTimeToken(session, activationKey.stringValue())) {
            // nope. go away!
            sendMessage(ctx, getFailedNegotiation("bad negotiation key"));
          else {
            // the key matches. now we send the reverse challenge to prove this client is actually
            // already talking to the bus over the COMET channel.
            final String reverseToken = WebSocketTokenManager.getNewOneTimeToken(session);
            localContext.setAttribute(, reverseToken);
            localContext.setAttribute(SESSION_ATTR_WS_STATUS, WEBSOCKET_AWAIT_ACTIVATION);

            // send the challenge.
            sendMessage(ctx, getReverseChallenge(reverseToken));
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            case WebsocketChannelVerify:
              if (message.hasPart(MessageParts.WebSocketToken)) {
                if (verifyOneTimeToken(session, message.get(String.class, MessageParts.WebSocketToken))) {

                  final LocalContext localContext = LocalContext.get(session);


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      if ( {
        String sessionKey = val.get(;

        // has this client already attempted a connection, and is in a wait verify state
        if (sessionKey != null && (session = svc.getBus().getSessionBySessionId(sessionKey)) != null) {
          LocalContext localContext = LocalContext.get(session);

          if (localContext.hasAttribute(SESSION_ATTR_WS_STATUS) &&
              WEBSOCKET_ACTIVE.equals(localContext.getAttribute(String.class, SESSION_ATTR_WS_STATUS))) {

            // open the channel
            activeChannels.put(ctx.getChannel(), session);

            // set the session queue into direct channel mode.
            svc.getBus().getQueueBySession(sessionKey).setDirectSocketChannel(new NettyQueueChannel(ctx.getChannel()));

            // remove the web socket token so it cannot be re-used for authentication.


          // check the activation key matches.
          EJString activationKey = val.get(;
          if (activationKey == null || !WebSocketTokenManager.verifyOneTimeToken(session, activationKey.stringValue())) {
            // nope. go away!
            sendMessage(ctx, getFailedNegotiation("bad negotiation key"));
          else {
            // the key matches. now we send the reverse challenge to prove this client is actually
            // already talking to the bus over the COMET channel.
            String reverseToken = WebSocketTokenManager.getNewOneTimeToken(session);
            localContext.setAttribute(, reverseToken);
            localContext.setAttribute(SESSION_ATTR_WS_STATUS, WEBSOCKET_AWAIT_ACTIVATION);

            // send the challenge.
            sendMessage(ctx, getReverseChallenge(reverseToken));
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  protected void onSocketClosed(WebSocket socket) throws IOException {
    final QueueSession session = sessionProvider.createOrGetSession(socket.getHttpSession(),

    final LocalContext localSessionContext = LocalContext.get(session);
    QueueSession cometSession = localSessionContext.getAttribute(QueueSession.class, WEBSOCKET_SESSION_ALIAS);
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    if (text.length() == 0) return;

    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") EJObject val = JSONDecoder.decode(text).isObject();

    final LocalContext localSessionContext = LocalContext.get(session);

    QueueSession cometSession = localSessionContext.getAttribute(QueueSession.class, WEBSOCKET_SESSION_ALIAS);

    // this is not an active channel.
    if (cometSession == null) {
      String commandType = val.get(;

      // this client apparently wants to connect.
      if ( {
        String sessionKey = val.get(;

        // has this client already attempted a connection, and is in a wait verify state
        if (sessionKey != null && (cometSession = service.getBus().getSessionBySessionId(sessionKey)) != null) {
          LocalContext localCometSession = LocalContext.get(cometSession);

          if (localCometSession.hasAttribute(WebSocketServerHandler.SESSION_ATTR_WS_STATUS) &&
                  WebSocketServerHandler.WEBSOCKET_ACTIVE.equals(localCometSession.getAttribute(String.class, WebSocketServerHandler.SESSION_ATTR_WS_STATUS))) {

            // set the session queue into direct channel mode.
            service.getBus().getQueue(cometSession).setDirectSocketChannel(new SimpleEventChannelWrapped(socket));

            localSessionContext.setAttribute(WEBSOCKET_SESSION_ALIAS, cometSession);


          // check the activation key matches.
          EJString activationKey = val.get(;
          if (activationKey == null || !WebSocketTokenManager.verifyOneTimeToken(cometSession, activationKey.stringValue())) {

            // nope. go away!
            sendMessage(new SimpleEventChannelWrapped(socket), getFailedNegotiation("bad negotiation key"));
          else {
            // the key matches. now we send the reverse challenge to prove this client is actually
            // already talking to the bus over the COMET channel.
            String reverseToken = WebSocketTokenManager.getNewOneTimeToken(cometSession);
            localCometSession.setAttribute(WebSocketServerHandler.SESSION_ATTR_WS_STATUS, WebSocketServerHandler.WEBSOCKET_AWAIT_ACTIVATION);

            // send the challenge.
            sendMessage(new SimpleEventChannelWrapped(socket), getReverseChallenge(reverseToken));
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       * If the message didn't not come from a remote, we don't handle it.
      if (!message.isFlagSet(RoutingFlag.FromRemote))

      final LocalContext localContext = LocalContext.get(message);

      switch (CDICommands.valueOf(message.getCommandType())) {
        case CDIEvent:
          if (!isRoutable(localContext, message)) {

          final Object o = message.get(Object.class, CDIProtocol.BeanReference);
          EventConversationContext.activate(o, CDIServerUtil.getSessionId(message));
          try {
            final Set<String> qualifierNames = message.get(Set.class, CDIProtocol.Qualifiers);
            List<Annotation> qualifiers = null;
            if (qualifierNames != null) {
              for (String qualifierName : qualifierNames) {
                if (qualifiers == null) {
                  qualifiers = new ArrayList<Annotation>();
                Annotation qualifier = allQualifiers.get(qualifierName);
                if (qualifier != null) {

            if (qualifiers != null) {
              beanManager.fireEvent(o, qualifiers.toArray(new Annotation[qualifiers.size()]));
            else {
          finally {


        case AttachRemote:
                  .with(MessageParts.Value, observedEvents.toArray(new String[observedEvents.size()])).done().reply();

          localContext.setAttribute(CDI_EVENT_CHANNEL_OPEN, "1");

          throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown command type " + message.getCommandType());
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      if ( {
        final String sessionKey = ejObject.get(;

        // has this client already attempted a connection, and is in a wait verify state
        if (sessionKey != null && (session = service.getBus().getSessionBySessionId(sessionKey)) != null) {
          final LocalContext localCometSession = LocalContext.get(session);

          if (localCometSession.hasAttribute(WebSocketServerHandler.SESSION_ATTR_WS_STATUS) &&
                  WebSocketServerHandler.WEBSOCKET_ACTIVE.equals(localCometSession.getAttribute(String.class, WebSocketServerHandler.SESSION_ATTR_WS_STATUS))) {

            // set the session queue into direct channel mode.
            final MessageQueue queue = service.getBus().getQueueBySession(sessionKey);
            queue.setDeliveryHandler(DirectDeliveryHandler.createFor(new SimpleEventChannelWrapped(socket)));
            activeChannels.put(socket, session);

          // check the activation key matches.
          final EJString activationKey = ejObject.get(;
          if (activationKey == null || !WebSocketTokenManager.verifyOneTimeToken(session, activationKey.stringValue())) {

            // nope. go away!
            sendMessage(new SimpleEventChannelWrapped(socket), getFailedNegotiation("bad negotiation key"));
          else {
            // the key matches. now we send the reverse challenge to prove this client is actually
            // already talking to the bus over the COMET channel.
            final String reverseToken = WebSocketTokenManager.getNewOneTimeToken(session);
            localCometSession.setAttribute(WebSocketServerHandler.SESSION_ATTR_WS_STATUS, WebSocketServerHandler.WEBSOCKET_AWAIT_ACTIVATION);

            // send the challenge.
            sendMessage(new SimpleEventChannelWrapped(socket), getReverseChallenge(reverseToken));
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Related Classes of org.jboss.errai.bus.server.util.LocalContext$SubContext

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