Ejb3RegistrarLocator.locateRegistrar().bind(sessionContainer.getName(), sessionContainer);
Context ctx = new InitialContext();
// lookup the local bean
String localJndiName = sessionContainer.getMetaData().getLocalJndiName();
SimpleSLSBLocal local = (SimpleSLSBLocal) ctx.lookup(localJndiName);
assertNotNull("Local bean is null", local);
//call the method with various different parameters
Object object = new String("I am some object");
String string = new String("AnotherString");
// method which accepts object/string
// now pass an java.lang.Integer
local.printObject(new Integer(34));
// no param method
// method with return type
int i = local.someMethodWithReturnType();
// method with multiple different type of params
local.printMultipleObjects(string, 2, 2.3f, new Float(34.2), 44.2d, new Double(22.234));