Package org.jboss.ejb3.interceptors.container

Examples of org.jboss.ejb3.interceptors.container.StatefulSessionContainerMethodInvocation

      //DeploymentScope scope = null;
      if (unit.getParent() != null)
         boolean isEar = unit != unit.getTopLevel();
         this.deploymentScope = new JBoss5DeploymentScope(unit.getParent(), isEar);

      ejbResolver = new ClientEjbResolver(deploymentScope, unit.getSimpleName());
      messageDestinationResolver = new MessageDestinationResolver(deploymentScope, xml.getMessageDestinations());
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         throw new NullPointerException("applicationClientName is mandatory");
      if (classLoader == null)
         throw new NullPointerException("classLoader is mandatory");

      this.deploymentUnit = unit;
      this.ejb3Unit = new JBoss5DeploymentUnit(unit);
      this.clientMetaData = xml;
      this.mainClass = mainClass;
      this.applicationClientName = applicationClientName;
      this.classLoader = classLoader;
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    * @param shortName
   public JBoss5DeploymentScope(VFSDeploymentUnit parent, boolean isEar, String shortName)
      this(parent, isEar);
      ejbRefResolver = new EjbModuleEjbResolver(this, shortName);
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            Method method = (Method) injectionPoint.getMember();
            beanInterface = method.getParameterTypes()[0].getName();

      String jndiName = resolver.resolveEjb(topLevelDeploymentUnit, new EjbReference(beanName, beanInterface, null));
      if (jndiName == null)
         throw new IllegalStateException("No EJBs available which can be injected into " + injectionPoint);
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      // Create the EJB Container
      final Map<String, String> ejbContainerProps = new HashMap<String, String>();
      ejbContainerProps.put(EJBContainer.MODULES, ""); // Deploy no modules and do no scanning by default
      final JBossEJBContainerProvider ejbContainer = (JBossEJBContainerProvider) EJBContainer
      final ShrinkWrapEJBContainer shrinkwrapEjbContainer = new ShrinkWrapEJBContainerImpl(ejbContainer);

      // Define the EJB JAR
      final JavaArchive archive = ShrinkWrap.create(JavaArchive.class, "outputSlsb.jar").addClasses(OutputBean.class,

      // Deploy the JAR

      // Look up the EJB
      final Context context = ejbContainer.getContext();
      final OutputLocalBusiness bean;
         bean = (OutputLocalBusiness) context.lookup(OutputLocalBusiness.JNDI_NAME);
      catch (final NamingException e)
         throw new RuntimeException("Could not find bean proxy at " + OutputLocalBusiness.JNDI_NAME, e);

      // Invoke
      final String value = bean.getOutput();

      // Undeploy

      // Shut down EJBContainer

      // Write out
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      // Create the EJB Container
      final Map<String, String> ejbContainerProps = new HashMap<String, String>();
      ejbContainerProps.put(EJBContainer.MODULES, ""); // Deploy no modules and do no scanning by default
      final JBossEJBContainerProvider ejbContainer = (JBossEJBContainerProvider) EJBContainer
      final ShrinkWrapEJBContainer shrinkwrapEjbContainer = new ShrinkWrapEJBContainerImpl(ejbContainer);

      // Define the EJB JAR
      final JavaArchive archive = ShrinkWrap.create(JavaArchive.class, "outputSlsb.jar").addClasses(OutputBean.class,

      // Deploy the JAR

      // Look up the EJB
      final Context context = ejbContainer.getContext();
      final OutputLocalBusiness bean;
         bean = (OutputLocalBusiness) context.lookup(OutputLocalBusiness.JNDI_NAME);
      catch (final NamingException e)
         throw new RuntimeException("Could not find bean proxy at " + OutputLocalBusiness.JNDI_NAME, e);

      // Invoke
      final String value = bean.getOutput();

      // Undeploy

      // Shut down EJBContainer

      // Write out
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      // Create the EJB Container
      final Map<String, String> ejbContainerProps = new HashMap<String, String>();
      ejbContainerProps.put(EJBContainer.MODULES, ""); // Deploy no modules and do no scanning by default
      final JBossEJBContainerProvider ejbContainer = (JBossEJBContainerProvider) EJBContainer
      final ShrinkWrapEJBContainer shrinkwrapEjbContainer = new ShrinkWrapEJBContainerImpl(ejbContainer);

      // Define the EJB JAR
      final JavaArchive archive = ShrinkWrap.create(JavaArchive.class, "outputSlsb.jar").addClasses(OutputBean.class,

      // Deploy the JAR

      // Look up the EJB
      final Context context = ejbContainer.getContext();
      final OutputLocalBusiness bean;
         bean = (OutputLocalBusiness) context.lookup(OutputLocalBusiness.JNDI_NAME);
      catch (final NamingException e)
         throw new RuntimeException("Could not find bean proxy at " + OutputLocalBusiness.JNDI_NAME, e);

      // Invoke
      final String value = bean.getOutput();

      // Undeploy

      // Shut down EJBContainer

      // Write out"Got value from EJB: " + value);
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         boolean isEar = unit != unit.getTopLevel();
         this.deploymentScope = new JBoss5DeploymentScope(unit.getParent(), isEar);

      ejbResolver = new ClientEjbResolver(deploymentScope, unit.getSimpleName());
      messageDestinationResolver = new MessageDestinationResolver(deploymentScope, xml.getMessageDestinations());

      String on = Ejb3Module.BASE_EJB3_JMX_NAME + createScopeKernelName(unit, deploymentScope) + ",name=" + applicationClientName;
         this.objectName = new ObjectName(on);
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      Ejb3Registrar registrar = Ejb3RegistrarLocator.locateRegistrar();

      // Get the resolver
      EndpointResolver resolver = registrar.lookup(MC_BIND_NAME_ENDPOINT_RESOLVER, EndpointResolver.class);
      this.ejbClassName = descriptor.getBeanClass().getSimpleName();
      endpointMcBindName = resolver.resolve(deploymentUnit, ejbClassName);
      this.stateful = descriptor.isStateful();
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         if(service instanceof StatelessContainer)
            ((StatelessContainer) service).setBusinessObjectFactory(new EJB31StatelessBusinessObjectFactory());
         if(service instanceof StatefulContainer)
            ((StatefulContainer) service).setBusinessObjectFactory(new EJB31StatefulBusinessObjectFactory(kernel));

      if(unit != null)
         // Just add the mc bean metadata to the unit
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Related Classes of org.jboss.ejb3.interceptors.container.StatefulSessionContainerMethodInvocation

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