Property prop2 = createProperty("p2", value);
Property prop3 = createProperty("p3", "v2");
Property prop4 = createProperty("p4", new String(value)); // make sure it's a different String object
Property prop5 = createProperty("p5", valueFactories.getBinaryFactory().create("something"));
String binaryValueStr = "really really long string that will be converted to a binary value and tested like that";
Binary binaryValue = valueFactories.getBinaryFactory().create(binaryValueStr);
Property prop6 = createProperty("p6", binaryValue);
UUID uuid7 = UUID.randomUUID();
Reference ref7 = valueFactories.getReferenceFactory().create(uuid7);
Property prop7 = createProperty("p7", ref7);
UUID uuid8 = UUID.randomUUID();
Reference ref8 = valueFactories.getReferenceFactory().create(uuid8);
Property prop8 = createProperty("p8", ref8);
Property prop2b = createProperty("p2");
Property prop3b = createProperty("p3", "v3");
String binaryValueStr2 = binaryValueStr + " but modified";
Binary binaryValue2 = valueFactories.getBinaryFactory().create(binaryValueStr2);
Property prop6b = createProperty("p6", binaryValue2);
Property[] initial = new Property[] {prop1, prop2, prop3, prop4, prop5, prop6, prop7, prop8};
Property[] updated = new Property[] {prop2b, prop3b, prop6b};
Name[] deleted = new Name[] {};