logger.trace(" {0} {1}", ++i, contribution);
// Create the node, and use the existing UUID if one is found in the cache ...
ExecutionContext context = getExecutionContext();
assert context != null;
UUID uuid = null;
Property uuidProperty = location.getIdProperty(DnaLexicon.UUID);
// If the actual location has no UUID identification property ...
if (uuidProperty == null || uuidProperty.isEmpty()) {
uuid = context.getValueFactories().getUuidFactory().create();
uuidProperty = context.getPropertyFactory().create(DnaLexicon.UUID, uuid);
// Replace the actual location with one that includes the new UUID property ...
location = location.with(uuidProperty);
} else {
assert uuidProperty.isEmpty() == false;
uuid = context.getValueFactories().getUuidFactory().create(uuidProperty.getValues().next());
assert uuid != null;
FederatedNode mergedNode = new FederatedNode(location, uuid);
// Merge the results into a single set of results ...