String contextPath = webApp.getMetaData().getContextRoot();
webApp.setURL(new URL(warUrl));
if (_deployed.get(warUrl) != null)
throw new DeploymentException(warUrl+" is already deployed");
//make a context for the webapp and configure it from the jetty jboss-service.xml defaults
//and the jboss-web.xml descriptor
JBossSipAppContext app = new JBossSipAppContext(parser, webApp, warUrl);
app.setConfigurationClasses (new String[]{
//permit urls without a trailing '/' even though it is not a valid url
//as the jboss webservice client tests seem to use these invalid urls
if (Log.isDebugEnabled())
Log.debug("Allowing non-trailing '/' on context path");
Manager manager = (Manager) getDistributableSessionManagerPrototype();
if (manager != null)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("NOT IMPLEMENTED - please ask");
// app.setDistributableSessionManager((Manager) manager.clone());
// if (getForceDistributable())
// app.setDistributable(true);
// if a different webdefault.xml file has been provided, use it
if (_configData.getWebDefaultResource() != null)
URL url = getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(_configData.getWebDefaultResource());
String fixedUrl = (fixURL(url.toString()));
if (Log.isDebugEnabled())
Log.debug("webdefault specification is: " + _configData.getWebDefaultResource());
catch (Exception e)
Log.warn("Could not find resource: " + _configData.getWebDefaultResource()+" using default", e);
Iterator hosts = webApp.getMetaData().getVirtualHosts();
List hostList = new ArrayList();
app.setVirtualHosts((String[])LazyList.toArray(hostList, String.class));
// Add the webapp to jetty
//tell jboss about the classloader the webapp is using - ensure
//this is done before the context is started, because webservices
//want to get access to this classloader
//System.err.println("In JettyDeployer, setting webapp.metadata.contextloader="+app.getClassLoader());
//if jetty has been started, then start the
//handler just added
if (_contexts.isStarted())
// keep track of deployed contexts for undeployment
_deployed.put(warUrl, app);
//tell jboss about the jsr77 mbeans we've created
//first check that there is an mbean for the webapp itself
ObjectName webAppMBean = new ObjectName(_configData.getMBeanDomain() + ":J2EEServer=none,J2EEApplication=none,J2EEWebModule="+app.getUniqueName());
if (server.isRegistered(webAppMBean)) {
_deploymentInfo.deployedObject = webAppMBean;
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("No mbean registered for webapp at "+app.getUniqueName());
//now get all the mbeans that represent servlets and set them on the
//deployment info so they will be found by the jsr77 management system
ObjectName servletQuery = new ObjectName
(_configData.getMBeanDomain() + ":J2EEServer=none,J2EEApplication=none,J2EEWebModule="+app.getUniqueName()+ ",j2eeType=Servlet,*");
Iterator iterator = server.queryNames(servletQuery, null).iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext())
_deploymentInfo.mbeans.add((ObjectName) iterator.next());
Log.info("successfully deployed " + warUrl + " to " + contextPath);
catch (Exception e)
Log.warn("Undeploying on start due to error", e);
performUndeploy(warUrl, webApp);
throw new DeploymentException(e);