public boolean processRequest(CommandRequest req) throws Exception {
HttpServletRequest request = req.getRequestObject();
HttpServletResponse response = req.getResponseObject();
String servletPath = request.getServletPath();
NavigationManager navigationManager = NavigationManager.lookup();
UserStatus userStatus = UserStatus.lookup();
ControllerStatus controllerStatus = ControllerStatus.lookup();
// ---- Apply locale information, --------------
LocaleManager localeManager = LocaleManager.lookup();
// First check if a locale parameter is present in the URI query string.
Locale localeToSet = null;
String localeParam = request.getParameter(LOCALE_PARAMETER);
if (localeParam != null && localeParam.trim().length() > 0) {
localeToSet = localeManager.getLocaleById(localeParam);
if (localeToSet != null) {
// No friendly -> nothing to do.
if (!servletPath.startsWith(FRIENDLY_MAPPING)) return true;
String contextPath = request.getContextPath();
String requestUri = request.getRequestURI();
String relativeUri = requestUri.substring(contextPath == null ? 0 : (contextPath.length()));
relativeUri = relativeUri.substring(servletPath == null ? 0 : (servletPath.length()));
// Empty URI -> nothing to do.
if (StringUtils.isBlank(relativeUri)) return true;
* Check if the locale information is in the URI value in order to consume it.
* Locale information is expected in the URI after "/workspace".
* Examples:
* - /workspace/en/....
* - /workspace/es/....
* - /workspace/en_ES/....
* - Available locales matched in the URI parameter are obtained from JVM available locales.
* - If the locale is found as platform available, the locale is set.
* - Otherwise, do nothing, the locale used will be the last one set or default.
* - In both cases URI locale parameter will be consumed.
int startLocaleUri = relativeUri.indexOf("/");
int endLocaleUri = relativeUri.indexOf("/", startLocaleUri + 1);
endLocaleUri = endLocaleUri > 0 ? endLocaleUri : relativeUri.length();
String localeUri = relativeUri.substring(startLocaleUri + 1, endLocaleUri);
Locale uriLocale = localeManager.getLocaleById(localeUri);
if (uriLocale != null) {
controllerStatus.consumeURIPart("/" + localeUri);
relativeUri = relativeUri.substring(localeUri.length() + 1);
// Use the locale specified in the URI value only if no locale specified in the qeury string.
if (localeToSet == null) localeManager.setCurrentLocale(uriLocale);
// Tokenize the friendly URI.
StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(relativeUri, "/", false);
List tokens = new ArrayList();
int i = 0;
while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
String token = tokenizer.nextToken();
if (i < 2) {
} else if (tokens.size() == 2) {
tokens.add("/" + token);
} else {
tokens.set(2, tokens.get(2) + "/" + token);
try {
// Get the target workspace/section spècified.
log.debug("Tokens=" + tokens);
String workspaceCandidate = null;
String sectionCandidate = null;
if (tokens.size() > 0) workspaceCandidate = (String) tokens.get(0);
if (tokens.size() > 1) sectionCandidate = (String) tokens.get(1);
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("workspaceCandidate=" + workspaceCandidate);
log.debug("sectionCandidate=" + sectionCandidate);
WorkspaceImpl workspace = null;
Section section = null;
if (workspaceCandidate != null) {
boolean canbeWorkspaceId = canBeWorkspaceId(workspaceCandidate);
if (canbeWorkspaceId) workspace = (WorkspaceImpl) UIServices.lookup().getWorkspacesManager().getWorkspace(workspaceCandidate);
if (workspace == null) workspace = (WorkspaceImpl) UIServices.lookup().getWorkspacesManager().getWorkspaceByUrl(workspaceCandidate);
if (workspace != null && sectionCandidate != null) {
try {
section = workspace.getSection(Long.decode(sectionCandidate));
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
section = workspace.getSectionByUrl(sectionCandidate);
// Check the user has access permissions to the target workspace.
if (workspace != null && section == null) {
try {
Workspace currentWorkspace = navigationManager.getCurrentWorkspace();
log.debug("currentWorkspace = " + (currentWorkspace == null ? "null" : currentWorkspace.getId()) + " workspaceCandidate = " + workspaceCandidate);
if (!workspace.equals(currentWorkspace)) {
WorkspacePermission workspacePerm = WorkspacePermission.newInstance(workspace, WorkspacePermission.ACTION_LOGIN);
if (userStatus.hasPermission(workspacePerm)) {
log.debug("SessionManager.setWorkspace(" + workspace.getId() + ")");
} else {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("User has no " + WorkspacePermission.ACTION_LOGIN + " permission in workspace " + workspaceCandidate);
if (isShowLoginBackDoorOnPermissionDenied()) {
controllerStatus.consumeURIPart("/" + workspaceCandidate);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Cannot set current workspace.", e);
// Check the user has access permissions to the target section.
else if (section != null) {
try {
if (!section.equals(navigationManager.getCurrentSection())) {
WorkspacePermission workspacePerm = WorkspacePermission.newInstance(section.getWorkspace(), WorkspacePermission.ACTION_LOGIN);
SectionPermission sectionPerm = SectionPermission.newInstance(section, SectionPermission.ACTION_VIEW);
if (userStatus.hasPermission(workspacePerm) && userStatus.hasPermission(sectionPerm)) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("SessionManager.setSection(" + section.getId() + ")");
else {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("User has no " + WorkspacePermission.ACTION_LOGIN + " permission in workspace " + workspaceCandidate);
if (isShowLoginBackDoorOnPermissionDenied()) {
controllerStatus.consumeURIPart("/" + workspaceCandidate);
controllerStatus.consumeURIPart("/" + sectionCandidate);