public void handle(HttpExchange exchange) throws IOException {
final Headers requestHeaders = exchange.getRequestHeaders();
final Headers responseHeaders = exchange.getResponseHeaders();
// Redirect back if there is no realm to log out of
if (realm == null) {
responseHeaders.set(LOCATION, "/");
exchange.sendResponseHeaders(307, -1);
String authorization = requestHeaders.getFirst("Authorization");
String rawQuery = exchange.getRequestURI().getRawQuery();
boolean query = rawQuery != null && rawQuery.contains("logout");
String userAgent = requestHeaders.getFirst("User-Agent");
boolean opera = userAgent != null && userAgent.contains("Opera");
boolean win = !opera && userAgent != null && userAgent.contains("MSIE");
String referrer = responseHeaders.getFirst("Referrer");
// Calculate location URL
String protocol = "http";
String host = null;
if (referrer != null) {
try {
URI uri = new URI(referrer);
protocol = uri.getScheme();
host = uri.getHost() + (uri.getPort() == -1 ? "" : ":" + String.valueOf(uri.getPort()));
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
// Last resort
if (host == null) {
host = requestHeaders.getFirst("Host");
if (host == null) {
exchange.sendResponseHeaders(500, -1);
* Main sequence of events:
* 1. Redirect to self using user:pass@host form of authority. This forces Safari to overwrite
* its cache. (Also forces FF and Chrome, but not absolutely necessary)
* Set the logout query param as a state signal for step 2
* 2. Send 401 digest without a nonce stale marker, this will force FF and Chrome and likely
* other browsers to assume an invalid (old) password. In the case of Opera, which doesn't
* invalidate under such a circumstance, send an invalid realm. This will overwrite its
* auth cache, since it indexes it by host and not realm.
* 3. The credentials in 307 redirect wlll be transparently accepted and a final redirect to
* the console is performed. Opera ignores these, so the user must hit escape which will
* use javascript to perform the redirect
* In the case of Internet Explorer, all of this will be bypassed and will simply redirect
* to the console. The console MUST use a special javascript call before redirecting to
* logout.
if (!win && (authorization == null || !authorization.contains("enter-login-here"))) {
if (! query) {
responseHeaders.set(LOCATION, protocol + "://enter-login-here:blah@" + host + "/logout?logout");
exchange.sendResponseHeaders(307, -1);
String realm = opera ? "HIT THE ESCAPE KEY" : this.realm;
DigestAuthenticator.DigestContext context = DigestAuthenticator.getOrCreateNegotiationContext(exchange, nonceFactory, false);
responseHeaders.add(WWW_AUTHENTICATE_HEADER, "Digest " + DigestAuthenticator.createChallenge(context, realm, false));
exchange.sendResponseHeaders(401, 0);
PrintStream print = new PrintStream(exchange.getResponseBody());
print.println("<html><script type='text/javascript'>window.location=\"" + protocol + "://" + host + "/\";</script></html>");
// Success, now back to the login screen
responseHeaders.set(LOCATION, protocol + "://" + host + "/");
exchange.sendResponseHeaders(307, -1);