
Examples of

        return contentType;

    private void respond404(HttpExchange http) throws IOException {

        final Headers responseHeaders = http.getResponseHeaders();
        responseHeaders.add(CONTENT_TYPE, TEXT_HTML);
        http.sendResponseHeaders(NOT_FOUND, 0);
        OutputStream out = http.getResponseBody();
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    public void handle(HttpExchange exchange) throws IOException {
        final Headers requestHeaders = exchange.getRequestHeaders();
        final Headers responseHeaders = exchange.getResponseHeaders();

        // Redirect back if there is no realm to log out of
        if (realm == null) {
            responseHeaders.set(LOCATION, "/");
            exchange.sendResponseHeaders(307, -1);

        String authorization = requestHeaders.getFirst("Authorization");
        String rawQuery = exchange.getRequestURI().getRawQuery();
        boolean query = rawQuery != null && rawQuery.contains("logout");

        String userAgent = requestHeaders.getFirst("User-Agent");
        boolean opera = userAgent != null && userAgent.contains("Opera");
        boolean win = !opera && userAgent != null && userAgent.contains("MSIE");

        String referrer = responseHeaders.getFirst("Referrer");

        // Calculate location URL
        String protocol = "http";
        String host = null;
        if (referrer != null) {
            try {
                URI uri = new URI(referrer);
                protocol = uri.getScheme();
                host = uri.getHost() + (uri.getPort() == -1 ? "" : ":" + String.valueOf(uri.getPort()));
            } catch (URISyntaxException e) {

        // Last resort
        if (host == null) {
            host = requestHeaders.getFirst("Host");
            if (host == null) {
                exchange.sendResponseHeaders(500, -1);
         * Main sequence of events:
         * 1. Redirect to self using user:pass@host form of authority. This forces Safari to overwrite
         *    its cache. (Also forces FF and Chrome, but not absolutely necessary)
         *    Set the logout query param as a state signal for step 2
         * 2. Send 401 digest without a nonce stale marker, this will force  FF and Chrome and likely
         *    other browsers to assume an invalid (old) password. In the case of Opera, which doesn't
         *    invalidate under such a circumstance, send an invalid realm. This will overwrite its
         *    auth cache, since it indexes it by host and not realm.
         * 3. The credentials in 307 redirect wlll be transparently accepted and a final redirect to
         *    the console is performed. Opera ignores these, so the user must hit escape which will
         *    use javascript to perform the redirect
         * In the case of Internet Explorer, all of this will be bypassed and will simply redirect
         * to the console. The console MUST use a special javascript call before redirecting to
         * logout.
        if (!win && (authorization == null || !authorization.contains("enter-login-here"))) {
            if (! query) {
                responseHeaders.set(LOCATION, protocol + "://enter-login-here:blah@" + host + "/logout?logout");
                exchange.sendResponseHeaders(307, -1);

            String realm = opera ? "HIT THE ESCAPE KEY" : this.realm;
            DigestAuthenticator.DigestContext context = DigestAuthenticator.getOrCreateNegotiationContext(exchange, nonceFactory, false);
            responseHeaders.add(WWW_AUTHENTICATE_HEADER, "Digest " + DigestAuthenticator.createChallenge(context, realm, false));
            exchange.sendResponseHeaders(401, 0);
            PrintStream print = new PrintStream(exchange.getResponseBody());
            print.println("<html><script type='text/javascript'>window.location=\"" + protocol + "://" + host + "/\";</script></html>");


        // Success, now back to the login screen
        responseHeaders.set(LOCATION, protocol + "://" + host + "/");
        exchange.sendResponseHeaders(307, -1);
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        if (resource.equals("")) {
             * This is a request to the root of the context, redirect to the
             * default resource.
            Headers responseHeaders = http.getResponseHeaders();
            responseHeaders.add(LOCATION, getDefaultPath());
            http.sendResponseHeaders(MOVED_PERMENANTLY, 0);

        } else if (!resource.contains(".")) {

         * This allows a sub-class of the ResourceHandler to store resources it may need in META-INF
         * without these resources being served up to remote clients unchecked.
        if (resource.startsWith("META-INF")) {
            http.sendResponseHeaders(FORBIDDEN, 0);


        // load resource
        ResourceHandle handle = getResourceHandle(resource);

        if(handle.getInputStream()!=null) {

            InputStream inputStream = handle.getInputStream();

            final Headers responseHeaders = http.getResponseHeaders();
            responseHeaders.add(CONTENT_TYPE, resolveContentType(path));

            // provide the ability to cache GWT artifacts

                if(System.currentTimeMillis()>lastExpiryDate) {
                    lastExpiryDate = calculateExpiryDate();
                    lastExpiryHeader = createDateFormat().format(new Date(lastExpiryDate));

                responseHeaders.add(CACHE_CONTROL_HEADER, "private, max-age=2678400, must-revalidate");
                responseHeaders.add(EXPIRES_HEADER, lastExpiryHeader);

            responseHeaders.add(LAST_MODIFIED_HEADER, lastModified);
            responseHeaders.add(CONTENT_LENGTH_HEADER, String.valueOf(handle.getSize()));

            http.sendResponseHeaders(OK, 0);

            // nio write
            OutputStream outputStream = http.getResponseBody();
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        return contentType;

    private void respond404(HttpExchange http) throws IOException {

        final Headers responseHeaders = http.getResponseHeaders();
        responseHeaders.add(CONTENT_TYPE, TEXT_HTML);
        http.sendResponseHeaders(NOT_FOUND, 0);
        OutputStream out = http.getResponseBody();
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     * @param encode Flag indicating whether or not to Base64 encode the response payload.
     * @throws IOException if an error occurs while attempting to generate the HTTP response.
    static void writeResponse(final HttpExchange http, boolean isGet, boolean pretty, ModelNode response, int status,
            boolean encode, String contentType) throws IOException {
        final Headers responseHeaders = http.getResponseHeaders();
        responseHeaders.add(CONTENT_TYPE, contentType);
        http.sendResponseHeaders(status, 0);

        // GET (read) operations will never have a compensating update, and the status is already
        // available via the http response status code, so unwrap them.
        if (isGet && status == OK) {
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     * @param exchange - The current HttpExchange
     * @param path - The path to include in the constructed URL
     * @return The constructed URL
    static String constructUrl(final HttpExchange exchange, final String path) {
        final Headers headers = exchange.getRequestHeaders();
        String host = headers.getFirst(HOST);
        String protocol = exchange.getHttpContext().getServer() instanceof HttpsServer ? HTTPS : HTTP;

        return protocol + "://" + host + path;
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    public void handle(HttpExchange exchange) throws IOException {
        final Headers requestHeaders = exchange.getRequestHeaders();
        final Headers responseHeaders = exchange.getResponseHeaders();

        // Redirect back if there is no realm to log out of
        if (realm == null) {
            responseHeaders.set(LOCATION, constructUrl(exchange, "/"));
            exchange.sendResponseHeaders(TEMPORARY_REDIRECT, -1);

        String authorization = requestHeaders.getFirst(AUTHORIZATION_HEADER);
        String rawQuery = exchange.getRequestURI().getRawQuery();
        boolean query = rawQuery != null && rawQuery.contains("logout");

        String userAgent = requestHeaders.getFirst(USER_AGENT);
        boolean opera = userAgent != null && userAgent.contains("Opera");
        boolean win = !opera && userAgent != null && userAgent.contains("MSIE");

        String referrer = responseHeaders.getFirst(REFERER);

        // Calculate location URL
        String protocol = HTTP;
        String host = null;
        if (referrer != null) {
            try {
                URI uri = new URI(referrer);
                protocol = uri.getScheme();
                host = uri.getHost() + (uri.getPort() == -1 ? "" : ":" + String.valueOf(uri.getPort()));
            } catch (URISyntaxException e) {

        // Last resort
        if (host == null) {
            host = requestHeaders.getFirst("Host");
            if (host == null) {
                exchange.sendResponseHeaders(500, -1);
         * Main sequence of events:
         * 1. Redirect to self using user:pass@host form of authority. This forces Safari to overwrite
         *    its cache. (Also forces FF and Chrome, but not absolutely necessary)
         *    Set the logout query param as a state signal for step 2
         * 2. Send 401 digest without a nonce stale marker, this will force  FF and Chrome and likely
         *    other browsers to assume an invalid (old) password. In the case of Opera, which doesn't
         *    invalidate under such a circumstance, send an invalid realm. This will overwrite its
         *    auth cache, since it indexes it by host and not realm.
         * 3. The credentials in 307 redirect wlll be transparently accepted and a final redirect to
         *    the console is performed. Opera ignores these, so the user must hit escape which will
         *    use javascript to perform the redirect
         * In the case of Internet Explorer, all of this will be bypassed and will simply redirect
         * to the console. The console MUST use a special javascript call before redirecting to
         * logout.
        if (!win && (authorization == null || !authorization.contains("enter-login-here"))) {
            if (! query) {
                responseHeaders.set(LOCATION, protocol + "://enter-login-here:blah@" + host + "/logout?logout");
                exchange.sendResponseHeaders(TEMPORARY_REDIRECT, -1);

            String realm = opera ? "HIT THE ESCAPE KEY" : this.realm;
            DigestAuthenticator.DigestContext context = DigestAuthenticator.getOrCreateNegotiationContext(exchange, nonceFactory, false);
            responseHeaders.add(WWW_AUTHENTICATE_HEADER, "Digest " + DigestAuthenticator.createChallenge(context, realm, false));
            exchange.sendResponseHeaders(401, 0);
            PrintStream print = new PrintStream(exchange.getResponseBody());
            print.println("<html><script type='text/javascript'>window.location=\"" + protocol + "://" + host + "/\";</script></html>");


        // Success, now back to the login screen
        responseHeaders.set(LOCATION, protocol + "://" + host + "/");
        exchange.sendResponseHeaders(TEMPORARY_REDIRECT, -1);
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         *  Origin check, if it is set the Origin header should match the Host otherwise reject the request.
         *  This check is for cross site scripted GET and POST requests.
        final Headers headers = http.getRequestHeaders();
        final URI request = http.getRequestURI();
        if (headers.containsKey(ORIGIN)) {
            String origin = headers.getFirst(ORIGIN);
            String host = headers.getFirst(HOST);
            String protocol = http.getHttpContext().getServer() instanceof HttpsServer ? HTTPS : HTTP;
            //This browser set header should not need IPv6 escaping
            String allowedOrigin = protocol + "://" + host;

            // This will reject multi-origin Origin headers due to the exact match.
            if (origin.equals(allowedOrigin) == false) {
                ROOT_LOGGER.debug("Request rejected due to HOST/ORIGIN mis-match.");
                http.sendResponseHeaders(FORBIDDEN, -1);


         *  Cross Site Request Forgery makes use of a specially constructed form to pass in what appears to be
         *  a valid operation request - except for upload requests any inbound requests where the Content-Type
         *  is not application/json or application/dmr-encoded will be rejected.

        final boolean uploadRequest = UPLOAD_REQUEST.equals(request.getPath());
        if (POST.equals(requestMethod)) {
            if (uploadRequest) {
                // This type of request doesn't need the content type check.


            String contentType = extractContentType(headers.getFirst(CONTENT_TYPE));
            if (!(APPLICATION_JSON.equals(contentType) || APPLICATION_DMR_ENCODED.equals(contentType))) {
                // RFC 2616: 14.11 Content-Encoding
                // If the content-coding of an entity in a request message is not
                // acceptable to the origin server, the server SHOULD respond with a
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        ModelNode dmr;
        ModelNode response;
        int status = OK;

        Headers requestHeaders = http.getRequestHeaders();
        boolean encode = APPLICATION_DMR_ENCODED.equals(requestHeaders.getFirst(ACCEPT))
                || APPLICATION_DMR_ENCODED.equals(requestHeaders.getFirst(CONTENT_TYPE));

        try {
            dmr = isGet ? convertGetRequest(request) : convertPostRequest(http.getRequestBody(), encode);
        } catch (Exception iae) {
            ROOT_LOGGER.debugf("Unable to construct ModelNode '%s'", iae.getMessage());
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        while (!stream.isOuterStreamClosed()) {
            // purposefully send the trailing CRLF to headers so that a headerless body can be detected
            MimeHeaderParser.ParseResult result = MimeHeaderParser.parseHeaders(stream);
            if (result.eof()) continue; // Skip content-less part

            Headers partHeaders = result.headers();
            String disposition = partHeaders.getFirst(CONTENT_DISPOSITION);
            if (disposition != null) {
                matcher = DISPOSITION_FILE.matcher(disposition);
                if (matcher.matches()) {
                    SeekResult seek = new SeekResult();
           = stream;
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