if (trace) log.trace("Requesting data gravitation for Fqn " + fqn);
List<Address> mbrs = rpcManager.getMembers();
Boolean searchSubtrees = buddyManager.isDataGravitationSearchBackupTrees() ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
GravitateDataCommand command = commandsFactory.buildGravitateDataCommand(fqn, searchSubtrees);
// doing a GET_ALL is crappy but necessary since JGroups' GET_FIRST could return null results from nodes that do
// not have either the primary OR backup, and stop polling other valid nodes.
List resps = rpcManager.callRemoteMethods(null, command, GroupRequest.GET_ALL, buddyManager.getBuddyCommunicationTimeout(), new ResponseValidityFilter(mbrs, rpcManager.getLocalAddress()), false);
if (trace) log.trace("got responses " + resps);