// now test if this is the same when obtained using a data gravitate call
MethodCall call = MethodCallFactory.create(MethodDeclarations.dataGravitationMethod_id,
fqn, false);
List responses = cache1.getRPCManager().callRemoteMethods(null, call, true, true, 15000, false);
GravitateResult data = (GravitateResult) responses.get(0);// response from the first (and only) node
assertTrue("Should have found remote data", data.isDataFound());
Object value = data.getNodeData().get(0).getAttributes().get(key);
if (useMarshalledValues) value = ((MarshalledValue) value).get();
assertNotSame(MyList.class, value.getClass());
assertSame(listClass, value.getClass());