Package org.jboss.byteman.rule.type

Examples of org.jboss.byteman.rule.type.Type

                return getTypeGroup().create(typeName);
            case ARRAY:
                ParseNode child0 = (ParseNode)typeTree.getChild(0);
                Type baseType = getBindingType(child0);
                if (baseType != null) {
                    return getTypeGroup().createArray(baseType);
                } else {
                    return null;
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    public void compile(MethodVisitor mv, CompileContext compileContext) throws CompileException {
        int currentStack = compileContext.getStackCount();

        for (Expression expr : action) {
            expr.compile(mv, compileContext);
            Type resultType = expr.getType();
            // return and throw expressions don't actually leave a value on the stack even
            // though they may have a non-VOID value type
            boolean maybePop = !(expr instanceof ReturnExpression || expr instanceof ThrowExpression);
            if (maybePop && resultType != Type.VOID) {
                int expected = (resultType.getNBytes() > 4 ? 2 : 1);
                if (expected == 1) {
                } else if (expected == 2) {
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            mv.visitMethodInsn(Opcodes.INVOKEINTERFACE, Type.internalName(HelperAdapter.class), "getBinding", "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;");
            // perform any necessary type conversion
            if (type.isPrimitive()) {
                // cast down to the boxed type then do an unbox
                Type boxType = Type.boxType(type);
                compileObjectConversion(Type.OBJECT, boxType, mv, compileContext);
                compileUnbox(boxType, type,  mv, compileContext);
            } else {
                // cast down to the required type
                compileObjectConversion(Type.OBJECT, type, mv, compileContext);
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        super(rule, oper, token, left, right);

    public Type typeCheck(Type expected) throws TypeException {
        Type type1 = getOperand(0).typeCheck(Type.Z);
        Type type2 = getOperand(1).typeCheck(Type.Z);
        type = Type.Z;
        if (Type.dereference(expected).isDefined() && !expected.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
            throw new TypeException("LogicalExpression.typeCheck : invalid expected result type " + expected.getName() + getPos());
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                // e.g. the parameter type may be int and the arg type float
                // or the parameter type may be String and the arg type class Foo
                // reimplement this using type inter-assignability to do the pruning

                Class candidateClass = getCandidateArgClass(candidates, i);
                Type candidateType;
                if (candidateClass != null) {
                    candidateType = typeGroup.ensureType(candidateClass);
                } else {
                    candidateType = Type.UNDEFINED;
                Type argType = arguments.get(i).typeCheck(candidateType);
                if (candidateType == Type.UNDEFINED) {
                    // we had several constructors to choose from
                    candidates = pruneCandidates(candidates, i, argType.getTargetClass());

            if (candidates.isEmpty()) {
                throw new TypeException("NewExpression.typeCheck : invalid constructor for target class " + typeName + getPos());
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            } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
                throw new ExecuteException("NewExpression.interpret : unable to invoke constructor for class " + typeName + getPos(), e);
        } else {
            int[] dims = new int[arrayDimDefinedCount];
            Type componentType = type;
            for (int i = 0; i < arrayDimDefinedCount; i++) {
                Expression dim = arrayDims.get(i);
                int dimValue = (Integer)dim.interpret(helper);
                dims[i] = dimValue;
                componentType = componentType.getBaseType();
            try {
                Object result = Array.newInstance(componentType.getTargetClass(), dims);
                return result;
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                throw new ExecuteException("NewExpression.interpret : unable to instantiate array " + typeName + getPos(), e);
            } catch (NegativeArraySizeException e) {
                // should never happen
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            int argCount = arguments.size();

            // stack each of the arguments to the constructor
            for (int i = 0; i < argCount; i++) {
                Type argType = argumentTypes.get(i);
                Type paramType = paramTypes.get(i);
                int paramCount = (paramType.getNBytes() > 4 ? 2 : 1);

                // track extra storage used after type conversion
                extraParams += (paramCount);
                arguments.get(i).compile(mv, compileContext);
                compileTypeConversion(argType, paramType, mv, compileContext);

            // construct the exception
            mv.visitMethodInsn(Opcodes.INVOKESPECIAL, instantiatedClassName, "<init>", getDescriptor());

            // modify the stack height to account for the removed exception and params
        } else {
            // TODO !!! implement compilation for array types !!!
            if (arrayDimCount == 1) {
                // we can use a NEWARRAY or ANEWARRAY
                Type baseType = type.getBaseType();
                // compile first array dimension adds 1 to stack
                arrayDims.get(0).compile(mv, compileContext);
                // compile new array op -- pops 1 and adds 1 to stack
                if (baseType.isObject()) {
                    mv.visitTypeInsn(Opcodes.ANEWARRAY, baseType.getInternalName());
                // } else if (baseType.isArray()) {  // cannot happen!!!
                } else {
                    int operand = 0;
                    if (baseType.equals(Type.Z)) {
                        operand = Opcodes.T_BOOLEAN;
                    } else if (baseType.equals(Type.B)) {
                        operand = Opcodes.T_BYTE;
                    } else if (baseType.equals(Type.S)) {
                        operand = Opcodes.T_SHORT;
                    } else if (baseType.equals(Type.C)) {
                        operand = Opcodes.T_CHAR;
                    } else if (baseType.equals(Type.I)) {
                        operand = Opcodes.T_INT;
                    } else if (baseType.equals(Type.J)) {
                        operand = Opcodes.T_LONG;
                    } else if (baseType.equals(Type.F)) {
                        operand = Opcodes.T_FLOAT;
                    } else if (baseType.equals(Type.D)) {
                        operand = Opcodes.T_DOUBLE;
                    mv.visitIntInsn(Opcodes.NEWARRAY, operand);
            } else {
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        super(rule, oper, Type.promote(left.getType(), right.getType()), token, left, right);

    public Type typeCheck(Type expected) throws TypeException {
        Type type1 = getOperand(0).typeCheck(Type.N);
        Type type2 = getOperand(1).typeCheck(Type.N);
        type = Type.promote(type1, type2);
        if (Type.dereference(expected).isDefined() && !expected.isAssignableFrom(type) ) {
            throw new TypeException("ArithmenticExpression.typeCheck : invalid expected result type " + expected.getName() + getPos());
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        int currentStack = compileContext.getStackCount();
        int expectedStack = 0;
        Expression operand0 = getOperand(0);
        Expression operand1 = getOperand(1);
        Type type0 = operand0.getType();
        Type type1 = operand1.getType();
        // compile lhs -- it adds 1 or 2 to the stack height
        operand0.compile(mv, compileContext);
        // do any required type conversion
        compileTypeConversion(type0, type, mv, compileContext);
        // compile rhs -- it adds 1 or 2 to the stack height
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    private void installParameters(boolean isStatic, String className)
            throws TypeException
        Type type;
        // add a binding for the helper so we can call builtin static methods
        type = typeGroup.create(helperClass.getName());
        Binding ruleBinding = bindings.lookup("$$");
        if (ruleBinding != null) {
        } else {
            bindings.append(new Binding(this, "$$", type));

        if (!isStatic) {
            Binding recipientBinding = bindings.lookup("$0");
            if (recipientBinding != null) {
                type = typeGroup.create(className);
                if (type.isUndefined()) {
                    throw new TypeException("Rule.installParameters : Rule " + name + " unable to load class " + className);

        String returnTypeName = Type.parseMethodReturnType(triggerDescriptor);

        returnType = typeGroup.create(returnTypeName);

        Iterator<Binding> iterator = bindings.iterator();

        while (iterator.hasNext()) {
            Binding binding =;
            // these bindings are typed via the descriptor installed during trigger injection
            // note that the return type has to be done this way because it may represent the
            // trigger method return type or the invoke method return type
            if (binding.isParam() || binding.isLocalVar() || binding.isReturn()) {
                String typeName = binding.getDescriptor();
                String[] typeAndArrayBounds = typeName.split("\\[");
                Type baseType = typeGroup.create(typeAndArrayBounds[0]);
                Type fullType = baseType;
                if (baseType.isUndefined()) {
                    throw new TypeException("Rule.installParameters : Rule " + name + " unable to load class " + baseType);
                for (int i = 1; i < typeAndArrayBounds.length ; i++) {
                    fullType = typeGroup.createArray(fullType);
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Related Classes of org.jboss.byteman.rule.type.Type

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