Package org.jboss.byteman.rule.type

Examples of org.jboss.byteman.rule.type.Type$Undefined

        // perform any necessary type conversion
        if (type.isPrimitive()) {
            // cast down to the boxed type then do an unbox
            Type boxType = Type.boxType(type);
            compileObjectConversion(Type.OBJECT, boxType, mv, compileContext);
            compileUnbox(boxType, type,  mv, compileContext);
        } else {
            // cast down to the required type
            compileObjectConversion(Type.OBJECT, type, mv, compileContext);
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        comparable = false;

    public Type typeCheck(Type expected) throws TypeException {
        // TODO allow comparison of non-numeric values
        Type type1 = getOperand(0).typeCheck(Type.UNDEFINED);
        Type type2 = getOperand(1).typeCheck(Type.UNDEFINED);
        if (type1.isNumeric() || type2.isNumeric()) {
            comparisonType = Type.promote(type1,  type2);
            comparable = true;
        } else if (type1.isAssignableFrom(type2)) {
            comparisonType = type1;
            comparable = Comparable.class.isAssignableFrom(comparisonType.getTargetClass());
        } else if (type2.isAssignableFrom(type1)) {
            comparisonType = type2;
            comparable = Comparable.class.isAssignableFrom(comparisonType.getTargetClass());
        } else {
            throw new TypeException("ComparisonExpression.typeCheck : incomparable argument types " + type1.getName() + " and " + type2.getName() + " for comparison expression"  + getPos());

        // we have to implement anything other than EQ or NE using Comparable
        if (oper != EQ && oper != NE && !comparable) {
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    public void compile(MethodVisitor mv, CompileContext compileContext) throws CompileException
        // compile the operand and then bit twiddle it
        Expression oper = getOperand(0);
        Type operType = oper.getType();

        int currentStack = compileContext.getStackCount();
        int expected = 0;

        oper.compile(mv, compileContext);
        compileContext.addStackCount((operType.getNBytes() > 4 ? 2 : 1));
        compileTypeConversion(operType, type, mv, compileContext);
        if (type == Type.B) {
            expected = 1;
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    public Type typeCheck(Type expected) throws TypeException {
        if (owner == null && pathList != null) {
            // factor off a typename from the path
            TypeGroup typeGroup = getTypeGroup();
            Type rootType = typeGroup.match(pathList);
            if (rootType == null) {
                throw new TypeException("FieldExpression.typeCheck : invalid path " + getPath(pathList.length) + " to static field " + fieldName + getPos());

            // find out how many of the path elements are included in the type name

            String rootTypeName = rootType.getName();

            int idx = getPathCount(rootTypeName);

            if (idx < pathList.length) {
                // create a static field reference using the type name and the first field name and wrap it with
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        // time to take an early bath -- the code compield into the trigger method should
        // catch this and return as appropriate
        if (returnValue != null) {
            Object value = returnValue.interpret(helper);
            Type subtype = returnValue.type;
            if (type.isNumeric()) {
                // make sure we produce the expected type of numeric
                if (type == Type.C && subtype != Type.C) {
                    // ok, transform Number to a Character
                    int number = ((Number)value).intValue();
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    public void compile(MethodVisitor mv, CompileContext compileContext) throws CompileException
        Type valueType = (returnValue == null ? Type.VOID : returnValue.getType());
        int currentStack = compileContext.getStackCount();
        int expected = 1;

        // ok, we need to create the EarlyReturnException instance and then
        // initialise it using the appropriate return value or null if no
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    public void compile(MethodVisitor mv, CompileContext compileContext) throws CompileException
        Expression oper = getOperand(0);
        Type operType = oper.getType();

        int currentStack = compileContext.getStackCount();
        int expected = 0;

        // compile code to execute the value then negate it
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        super(rule, oper, Type.promote(left.getType(), right.getType()), token, left, right);

    public Type typeCheck(Type expected) throws TypeException {
        Type type1 = getOperand(0).typeCheck(Type.N);
        Type type2 = getOperand(1).typeCheck(Type.N);
        type = Type.promote(type1, type2);
        // if either arg is float or double we will convert it to long and generate a long
        // result so correct the promotion here
        if (type.isFloating()) {
            type = type.J;
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        if (recipient == null && pathList != null) {
            // treat the pathlist as a typename or a static field dereference possibly combined with
            // further field dereferences

            // factor off a typename from the path
            Type rootType = typeGroup.match(pathList);
            if (rootType == null) {
                throw new TypeException("FieldExpression.typeCheck : invalid path " + getPath(pathList.length) + " to static method " + name + getPos());

            // find out how many of the path elements are included in the type name

            String rootTypeName = rootType.getName();

            int idx = getPathCount(rootTypeName);

            if (idx < pathList.length) {
                // create a static field reference using the type name and the first field name and wrap it with
                // enough field references to use up all the path

                String fieldName = pathList[idx++];
                Expression recipient = new StaticExpression(rule, Type.UNDEFINED, token, fieldName, rootTypeName);
                while (idx < pathList.length) {
                    recipient = new FieldExpression(rule, Type.UNDEFINED, token, pathList[idx++], recipient, null);
                this.recipient = recipient;
            } else {
                // ok, this method reference is actually a static method call -- record the root type for later
                this.recipient = null;
                this.rootType = rootType;
            // get rid of the path list now
            this.pathList = null;
            // not strictly necessary?
            if (this.recipient != null) {

        // if we don't have a recipient and we didn't find a static class for the method then this is
        // a builtin

        boolean isBuiltIn = false;

        if (recipient == null) {
            if (rootType == null) {
                isBuiltIn = true;
                Type ruleType = typeGroup.create(rule.getHelperClass().getCanonicalName());
                recipient = new DollarExpression(rule, ruleType, token, DollarExpression.HELPER_IDX);

                rootType = recipient.typeCheck(Type.UNDEFINED);
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                    if (candidates.isEmpty()) {
                        // no more possible matches
                    Class candidateClass = getCandidateArgClass(candidates, i);
                    Type candidateType;
                    if (candidateClass != null) {
                        candidateType = typeGroup.ensureType(candidateClass);
                    } else {
                        candidateType = Type.UNDEFINED;
                    Type argType = arguments.get(i).typeCheck(candidateType);
                    if (candidateType == Type.UNDEFINED) {
                        // we had several methods to choose from
                        candidates = pruneCandidates(candidates, i, argType.getTargetClass());

                if (candidates.size() == 1) {
                    // we found the best fit
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Related Classes of org.jboss.byteman.rule.type.Type$Undefined

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