Package org.jboss.byteman.rule.exception

Examples of org.jboss.byteman.rule.exception.TypeException

        // a string to indicate that it must be assignable evn if only by conversion
        Type type1 = getOperand(0).typeCheck(Type.STRING);
        Type type2 = getOperand(1).typeCheck(Type.STRING);
        // result will always be a String
        if (Type.dereference(expected).isDefined() && !expected.isAssignableFrom(Type.STRING)) {
            throw new TypeException("StringPlusExpression.typeCheck : invalid expected result type " + expected.getName() + getPos());
        return type;
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        TypeGroup typeGroup = getTypeGroup();

        type = Type.dereference(typeGroup.create(typeName));

        if (type == null || type.isUndefined()) {
            throw new TypeException("ThrowExpression.typeCheck : unknown exception type " + typeName + getPos());

        if (!Throwable.class.isAssignableFrom(type.getTargetClass())) {
            throw new TypeException("ThrowExpression.typeCheck : not an exception type " + typeName  + getPos());

        Class clazz = type.getTargetClass();
        // if we can find a unique method then we can use it to type the parameters
        // otherwise we do it the hard way
        int arity = arguments.size();
        Constructor[] constructors = clazz.getConstructors();
        List<Constructor> candidates = new ArrayList<Constructor>();
        boolean duplicates = false;

        for (Constructor constructor : constructors) {
            if (constructor.getParameterTypes().length == arity) {

        argumentTypes = new ArrayList<Type>();

        // check each argument in turn -- if all candidates have the same argument type then
        // use that as the type to check against
        for (int i = 0; i < arguments.size() ; i++) {
            if (candidates.isEmpty()) {
                throw new TypeException("ThrowExpression.typeCheck : invalid constructor for target class " + typeName + getPos());

            // TODO get and prune operations do not allow for coercion but type check does!
            // e.g. the parameter type may be int and the arg type float
            // or the parameter type may be String and the arg type class Foo
            // reimplement this using type inter-assignability to do the pruning

            Class candidateClass = getCandidateArgClass(candidates, i);
            Type candidateType;
            if (candidateClass != null) {
                candidateType = typeGroup.ensureType(candidateClass);
            } else {
                candidateType = Type.UNDEFINED;
            Type argType = arguments.get(i).typeCheck(candidateType);
            if (candidateType == Type.UNDEFINED) {
                // we had several constructors to choose from
                candidates = pruneCandidates(candidates, i, argType.getTargetClass());

        if (candidates.isEmpty()) {
            throw new TypeException("ThrowExpression.typeCheck : invalid constructor for target class " + typeName + getPos());

        if (candidates.size() > 1) {
            throw new TypeException("ThrowExpression.typeCheck : ambiguous constructor signature for target class " + typeName + getPos());

        constructor = candidates.get(0);

        // make sure we know the formal parameter types and have included them in the typegroup

        paramTypes = new ArrayList<Type>();
        Class<?>[] paramClasses = constructor.getParameterTypes();

        for (int i = 0; i < arguments.size() ; i++) {

        // expected type should always be void since throw can only occur as a top level action
        // however, we need to be sure that the trigering method throws this exception type or
        // else that it is a subtype of runtime exception

        if (RuntimeException.class.isAssignableFrom(type.getTargetClass())) {
            return type;
        } else {
            Iterator<Type> iterator = typeGroup.getExceptionTypes().iterator();
            while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                Type exceptionType =;
                if (Type.dereference(exceptionType).isAssignableFrom(type)) {
                    // ok we foudn a suitable declaration for the exception
                    return type;
            // didn't find a suitable type in the method type list
            throw new TypeException("ThrowExpression.typeCheck : exception type not declared by trigger method "  + typeName + getPos());
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        if (type1.isUndefined() || type2.isUndefined()) {
                // don't know for sure which is which so return undefined numeric
                return N;
        } else if (!type1.isNumeric() || !type2.isNumeric()) {
                // should not happen!
            throw new TypeException("Type.promote : unexpected non-numeric type argument");
        } else if (type1.isFloating() || type2.isFloating()) {
            if (type1 == DOUBLE || type2 == DOUBLE || type1 == D || type2 == D) {
                return D;
            } else {
                return F;
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                    expr = new Variable(rule, type, exprTree);
                } else {
                    // we should only get these as identifiers for binding types or throw types which are
                    // explicitly caught by the bindings or throw processing case handlers so this is an error

                    throw new TypeException("ExpressionHelper.createExpression : unexpected IDENTIFIER " + exprTree.getText() + " in "  + exprTree.getPos());
            case ARRAY:
                ParseNode child0 = (ParseNode) exprTree.getChild(0);
                ParseNode child1 = (ParseNode) exprTree.getChild(1);

                Expression arrayRef = createExpression(rule, bindings, child0, Type.UNDEFINED);

                List<Expression> indices = createExpressionList(rule, bindings, child1, Type.I);

                if (indices != null) {
                    expr = new ArrayExpression(rule, type, exprTree, arrayRef, indices);
                } else {
                    throw new TypeException("ExpressionHelper.createExpression : invalid array index expression " + exprTree.getPos());
            case FIELD:
                ParseNode child0 = (ParseNode) exprTree.getChild(0);
                ParseNode child1 = (ParseNode) exprTree.getChild(1);
                expr = createFieldExpression(rule, bindings, child0, child1, type);
            case CLASS:
                ParseNode child0 = (ParseNode) exprTree.getChild(0);
                expr = createClassLiteralExpression(rule, bindings, child0, type);
            case METH:
                ParseNode child0 = (ParseNode) exprTree.getChild(0);
                ParseNode child1 = (ParseNode) exprTree.getChild(1);
                ParseNode child2 = (ParseNode) exprTree.getChild(2);
                int tag0 = child0.getTag();
                if (tag0 != IDENTIFIER) {
                    // uurgh we expected a method name
                    throw new TypeException("ExpressionHelper.createExpression : invalid method selector " + tag + " in expression " + child0.getText() + child0.getPos());

                expr = createCallExpression(rule, bindings, child0, child1, child2, type);
            case THROW:
                ParseNode child0 = (ParseNode) exprTree.getChild(0);
                ParseNode child1 = (ParseNode) exprTree.getChild(1);
                int tag0 = child0.getTag();

                if (tag0 != IDENTIFIER) {
                    throw new TypeException("ExpressionHelper.createExpression : invalid throw type " + tag + " in expression " + child0.getText() + child0.getPos());
                } else {
                    expr = createThrowExpression(rule, bindings, child0, child1);
            case NEW:
                ParseNode child0 = (ParseNode) exprTree.getChild(0);
                ParseNode child1 = (ParseNode) exprTree.getChild(1);
                ParseNode child2 = (ParseNode) exprTree.getChild(2);
                int tag0 = child0.getTag();

                if (tag0 != IDENTIFIER) {
                    throw new TypeException("ExpressionHelper.createExpression : invalid new type " + tag + " in expression " + child0.getText() + child0.getPos());
                } else {
                    expr = createNewExpression(rule, bindings, child0, child1, child2);
            case INTEGER_LITERAL:
                expr = new NumericLiteral(rule, Type.I, exprTree);
            case FLOAT_LITERAL:
                expr = new NumericLiteral(rule, Type.F, exprTree);
            case STRING_LITERAL:
                expr = new StringLiteral(rule, exprTree);
            case BOOLEAN_LITERAL:
                expr = new BooleanLiteral(rule, exprTree);
            case NULL_LITERAL:
                expr = new NullLiteral(rule, exprTree);
            case RETURN:
                Expression returnValue;
                ParseNode child0 = (ParseNode) exprTree.getChild(0);
                if (child0 != null) {
                    returnValue = createExpression(rule, bindings, child0);
                } else {
                    returnValue = null;
                expr = new ReturnExpression(rule, exprTree, returnValue);
            case DOLLAR:
                String text = (String)exprTree.getChild(0);
                char leading = text.charAt(1);
                if (Character.isDigit(leading)) {
                    int index = Integer.valueOf(text.substring(1));
                    expr = new DollarExpression(rule, type, exprTree, index);
                } else if (text.equals("$!")) {
                    expr = new DollarExpression(rule, type, exprTree, DollarExpression.RETURN_VALUE_IDX);
                } else if (text.equals("$^")) {
                    expr = new DollarExpression(rule, type, exprTree, DollarExpression.THROWABLE_VALUE_IDX);
                } else if (text.equals("$#")) {
                    expr = new DollarExpression(rule, Type.I, exprTree, DollarExpression.PARAM_COUNT_IDX);
                } else if (text.equals("$*")) {
                    expr = new DollarExpression(rule, rule.getTypeGroup().createArray(Type.OBJECT), exprTree, DollarExpression.PARAM_ARRAY_IDX);
                } else if (text.equals("$@")) {
                    expr = new DollarExpression(rule, rule.getTypeGroup().createArray(Type.OBJECT), exprTree, DollarExpression.INVOKE_PARAM_ARRAY_IDX);
                } else if (text.equals("$CLASS")) {
                    expr = new DollarExpression(rule, rule.getTypeGroup().createArray(Type.OBJECT), exprTree, DollarExpression.TRIGGER_CLASS_IDX);
                } else if (text.equals("$METHOD")) {
                    expr = new DollarExpression(rule, rule.getTypeGroup().createArray(Type.OBJECT), exprTree, DollarExpression.TRIGGER_METHOD_IDX);
                } else {
                    expr = new DollarExpression(rule, type, exprTree, text.substring(1));
            case ASSIGN:
                ParseNode child0 = (ParseNode) exprTree.getChild(0);
                ParseNode child1 = (ParseNode) exprTree.getChild(1);
                // the left hand side is special but nay expression will do for the right hand side

                AssignableExpression left = createAssignableExpression(rule, bindings, child0, type);;
                Expression right = createExpression(rule, bindings, child1, type);

                expr = new AssignExpression(rule, exprTree, left, right);
            case UNOP:
                expr = createUnaryExpression(rule, bindings, exprTree, type);
            case BINOP:
                expr = createBinaryExpression(rule, bindings, exprTree, type);
            case TERNOP:
                expr = createTernaryExpression(rule, bindings, exprTree, type);
                throw new TypeException("ExpressionHelper.createExpression : unexpected token type " + tag + " for expression " + exprTree.getPos());

        Type exprType = Type.dereference(expr.getType());
        Type targetType = Type.dereference(type);
        if (exprType.isDefined() && targetType.isDefined() && !targetType.isAssignableFrom(exprType)) {
            // we already know this is an invalid type so notify an error and return null
            throw new TypeException("ExpressionHelper.createExpression : invalid expression type " + exprType.getName() + " expecting " + targetType.getName() + exprTree.getPos());
        } else if (targetType.isNumeric() && !exprType.isNumeric()) {
            // we already know this is an invalid type so notify an error and return null
            throw new TypeException("ExpressionHelper.createExpression : invalid expression type " + exprType.getName() + " expecting " + targetType.getName() + exprTree.getPos());
        // don't do this here as it gets called recursively -- need to do it in Binding, Condition and Action
        if (!expr.bind()) {
            throw new TypeException("ExpressionHelper.createExpression : unknown reference in expression" + exprTree.getPos());
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            case TWIDDLE:
                // the argument must be a numeric expression
                if (!type.isUndefined() && !type.isVoid() && !type.isNumeric()) {
                    throw new TypeException("ExpressionHelper.createUnaryExpression : invalid numeric expression" + exprTree.getPos());
                Expression operand = createExpression(rule, bindings, child1, Type.NUMBER);
                expr = new TwiddleExpression(rule, exprTree, operand);
            case NOT:
                // the argument must be a boolean expression
                if (!type.isUndefined() && !type.isVoid() && !type.isBoolean()) {
                    throw new TypeException("ExpressionHelper.createUnaryExpression : invalid boolean expression" + exprTree.getPos());
                Expression operand = createExpression(rule, bindings, child1, Type.BOOLEAN);
                expr = new NotExpression(rule, exprTree, operand);
            case UMINUS:
                // the argument must be a numeric expression
                if (!type.isUndefined() && !type.isVoid() && !type.isBoolean()) {
                    throw new TypeException("ExpressionHelper.createUnaryExpression : invalid boolean expression" + exprTree.getPos());
                Expression operand = createExpression(rule, bindings, child1, Type.NUMBER);
                expr = new MinusExpression(rule, exprTree, operand);
            case DOLLAR:
                if (child1.getTag() == IDENTIFIER) {
                    if (child1.getText().equals("!")) {
                        expr = new DollarExpression(rule, type, exprTree, DollarExpression.RETURN_VALUE_IDX);
                    } else if (child1.getText().equals("^")) {
                        expr = new DollarExpression(rule, type, exprTree, DollarExpression.THROWABLE_VALUE_IDX);
                    } else if (child1.getText().equals("#")) {
                        expr = new DollarExpression(rule, Type.I, exprTree, DollarExpression.PARAM_COUNT_IDX);
                    } else if (child1.getText().equals("*")) {
                        expr = new DollarExpression(rule, rule.getTypeGroup().createArray(Type.OBJECT), exprTree, DollarExpression.PARAM_ARRAY_IDX);
                    } else if (child1.getText().equals("@")) {
                        expr = new DollarExpression(rule, rule.getTypeGroup().createArray(Type.OBJECT), exprTree, DollarExpression.INVOKE_PARAM_ARRAY_IDX);
                    } else if (child1.getText().equals("CLASS")) {
                        expr = new DollarExpression(rule, rule.getTypeGroup().createArray(Type.OBJECT), exprTree, DollarExpression.TRIGGER_CLASS_IDX);
                    } else if (child1.getText().equals("METHOD")) {
                        expr = new DollarExpression(rule, rule.getTypeGroup().createArray(Type.OBJECT), exprTree, DollarExpression.TRIGGER_METHOD_IDX);
                    } else {
                        expr = new DollarExpression(rule, type, exprTree, child1.getText());
                } else if (child1.getTag() == INTEGER_LITERAL) {
                    Integer intObject = (Integer) child1.getChild(0);
                    expr = new DollarExpression(rule, type, exprTree, intObject.intValue());
                } else {
                    throw new TypeException("ExpressionHelper.createUnaryExpression : unexpected token type " + child1.getTag() + " for dollar expression tree " + child1.getText() + "" + child1.getPos());
                throw new TypeException("ExpressionHelper.createUnaryExpression : unexpected token type " + exprTree.getTag() + " for expression tree " + exprTree.getText() + "" + exprTree.getPos());

        return expr;
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                expr = new ComparisonExpression(rule, convertedOper, exprTree, operand1, operand2);
                throw new TypeException("ExpressionHelper.createBinaryExpression : unexpected token type " + exprTree.getTag() + " for expression " + exprTree.getText() + "" + exprTree.getPos());

        return expr;
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                Expression operand2 = createExpression(rule, bindings, child2, type);
                Type type1 = Type.dereference(operand1.getType());
                Type type2 = Type.dereference(operand2.getType());
                if (type1.isNumeric() || type2.isNumeric()) {
                    if (!type.isUndefined() && !type.isVoid() && !type.isNumeric()) {
                        throw new TypeException("ExpressionHelper.createUnaryExpression : invalid numeric expression" + exprTree.getPos());
                    expr = new ConditionalEvalExpression(rule, Type.promote(type1, type2),  exprTree, operand0,  operand1, operand2);
                } else if (type1.isDefined() && type2.isDefined()) {
                    // since they are not numeric we have to have the same type
                    if (type1 == type2) {
                        // use this type
                        expr = new ConditionalEvalExpression(rule, type1,  exprTree, operand0,  operand1, operand2);
                    } else {
                        // mismatched types so don't generate a result
                        throw new TypeException("ExpressionHelper.createTernaryExpression : mismatched expression types " + type1.getName() + " and " + type2.getName()  + " in conditional expression " + exprTree.getText() + exprTree.getPos());
                } else {
                    // have to wait for type check to resolve types
                    expr = new ConditionalEvalExpression(rule, Type.UNDEFINED,  exprTree, operand0,  operand1, operand2);
                throw new TypeException("ExpressionHelper.createTernaryExpression : unexpected token type " + exprTree.getTag() + " for expression " + exprTree.getText() + "" + exprTree.getPos());

        return expr;
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                    expr = new Variable(rule, type, exprTree, name);
                } else {
                    // we should only get these as identifiers for binding types or throw types which are
                    // explicitly caught by the bindings or throw processing case handlers so this is an error

                    throw new TypeException("ExpressionHelper.createAssignableExpression : unexpected IDENTIFIER " + exprTree.getText() + " in "  + exprTree.getPos());
            case DOLLAR:
                String text = (String)exprTree.getChild(0);
                char leading = text.charAt(1);
                if (Character.isDigit(leading)) {
                    int index = Integer.valueOf(text.substring(1));
                    expr = new DollarExpression(rule, type, exprTree, index);
                } else if (text.equals("$!")) {
                    expr = new DollarExpression(rule, type, exprTree, DollarExpression.RETURN_VALUE_IDX);
                } else if (text.equals("$^")) {
                    expr = new DollarExpression(rule, type, exprTree, DollarExpression.THROWABLE_VALUE_IDX);
                } else if (text.equals("$#")) {
                    expr = new DollarExpression(rule, Type.I, exprTree, DollarExpression.PARAM_COUNT_IDX);
                } else if (text.equals("$*")) {
                    expr = new DollarExpression(rule, rule.getTypeGroup().createArray(Type.OBJECT), exprTree, DollarExpression.PARAM_ARRAY_IDX);
                } else if (text.equals("$@")) {
                    expr = new DollarExpression(rule, rule.getTypeGroup().createArray(Type.OBJECT), exprTree, DollarExpression.INVOKE_PARAM_ARRAY_IDX);
                } else if (text.equals("$CLASS")) {
                    expr = new DollarExpression(rule, rule.getTypeGroup().createArray(Type.OBJECT), exprTree, DollarExpression.TRIGGER_CLASS_IDX);
                } else if (text.equals("$METHOD")) {
                    expr = new DollarExpression(rule, rule.getTypeGroup().createArray(Type.OBJECT), exprTree, DollarExpression.TRIGGER_METHOD_IDX);
                } else {
                    expr = new DollarExpression(rule, type, exprTree, text.substring(1));
            case ARRAY:
                ParseNode child0 = (ParseNode) exprTree.getChild(0);
                ParseNode child1 = (ParseNode) exprTree.getChild(1);

                Expression arrayRef = createExpression(rule, bindings, child0, Type.UNDEFINED);

                List<Expression> indices = createExpressionList(rule, bindings, child1, Type.I);

                if (indices != null) {
                    expr = new ArrayExpression(rule, type, exprTree, arrayRef, indices);
                } else {
                    throw new TypeException("ExpressionHelper.createExpression : invalid array index expression " + exprTree.getPos());
                throw new TypeException("ExpressionHelper.createAssignableExpression : unexpected token type " + tag + " for lhs of assignment " + exprTree.getPos());

        return expr;
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                buffer.append("ExpressionHelper.createExpressionList : errors checking expression sequence");
                for (TypeException typeException : exceptions) {
                throw new TypeException(buffer.toString());

        return exprList;
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                } else  if (!foundEmptyDim){
                    Expression expr = createExpression(rule, bindings, child, Type.I);
                } else {
                    // once we see an empty dim we expect to see al empty dims
                    throw new TypeException("ExpressionHelper.createNewExpressionIndexList : invalid array dimension " + child.getPos());
            } catch (TypeException te) {

        if (!exceptions.isEmpty()) {
            if (exceptions.size() == 1) {
                throw exceptions.get(0);
            } else {
                StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
                buffer.append("ExpressionHelper.createExpressionList : errors checking new expression array dimensions");
                for (TypeException typeException : exceptions) {
                throw new TypeException(buffer.toString());

        return exprList;
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Related Classes of org.jboss.byteman.rule.exception.TypeException

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