
Examples of

   public void testCovariantImpl() throws Throwable
      BeanInfo beanInfo = getBeanInfo(BeanInfoDoubleCovariantImpl.class);
      PropertyInfo property = beanInfo.getProperty("property");
      assertEquals("java.lang.Double", property.getType().getName());
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         log.trace("Created BeanHandler for type=" + beanInfo.getName() + " factory=" + factory);

      // Look through the properties
      JBossXmlNoElements jbossXmlNoElements = typeInfo.getUnderlyingAnnotation(JBossXmlNoElements.class);
      boolean noElements = jbossXmlNoElements != null;
      PropertyInfo valueProperty = null;
      PropertyInfo wildcardProperty = null;
      boolean allBinding = propertyOrder.length == 0;
      boolean determinePropertyOrder = allBinding || (propertyOrder.length == 1 && propertyOrder[0].length() == 0);
      ArrayList<String> propertyNames = new ArrayList<String>();
      Set<PropertyInfo> properties = beanInfo.getProperties();
      if (properties != null && properties.isEmpty() == false)
         boolean seenXmlAnyElement = false;
         for (PropertyInfo property : properties)
            push(typeInfo, property.getName());

            if (trace)
               log.trace("Checking property " + property.getName() + " for " + beanInfo.getName() + " type=" + property.getType().getName());

            // Is this the value property?
            XmlValue xmlValue = property.getUnderlyingAnnotation(XmlValue.class);
            if (xmlValue != null)
               if (trace)
                  log.trace("Seen @XmlValue for type=" + beanInfo.getName() + " property=" + property.getName());
               if (valueProperty != null)
                  throw new RuntimeException("@XmlValue seen on two properties: " + property.getName() + " and " + valueProperty.getName());
               valueProperty = property;

            // Is this the wildcard property?
            boolean ignoreXmlAnyElement = false;
            XmlAnyElement xmlAnyElement = property.getUnderlyingAnnotation(XmlAnyElement.class);
            if (xmlAnyElement != null)
               if (trace)
                  log.trace("Seen @XmlAnyElement for type=" + beanInfo.getName() + " property=" + property.getName());
               if (wildcardProperty != null && seenXmlAnyElement)
                  throw new RuntimeException("@XmlAnyElement seen on two properties: " + property.getName() + " and " + wildcardProperty.getName());
               wildcardProperty = property;
               seenXmlAnyElement = true;
               // should we ignore it
               if(property.getUnderlyingAnnotation(XmlElements.class) == null &&
                  property.getUnderlyingAnnotation(XmlElementRefs.class) == null)
                  ignoreXmlAnyElement = true;
            else if (!seenXmlAnyElement && wildcardProperty == null && property.getType().getName().equals(org.w3c.dom.Element.class.getName()))
               if (trace)
                  log.trace("Using type=" + beanInfo.getName() + " property=" + property.getName() + " as the base wildcard");
               if (wildcardProperty != null)
                  throw new RuntimeException("@XmlAnyElement seen on two properties: " + property.getName() + " and " + wildcardProperty.getName());
               wildcardProperty = property;

            // Is this an attribute
            XmlAttribute xmlAttribute = property.getUnderlyingAnnotation(XmlAttribute.class);
            if (xmlAttribute != null)
               JBossXmlAttribute jbossXmlAttribute = property.getUnderlyingAnnotation(JBossXmlAttribute.class);
               // Determine the name
               QName qName = generateXmlName(property.getName(), attributeForm, xmlAttribute.namespace(),;
               // Resolve the type
               TypeInfo attributeTypeInfo = property.getType();
               if (jbossXmlAttribute != null && jbossXmlAttribute.type() != Object.class)
                  attributeTypeInfo = attributeTypeInfo.getTypeInfoFactory().getTypeInfo(jbossXmlAttribute.type());
               TypeBinding attributeType = resolveTypeBinding(attributeTypeInfo);
               // Create the attribute handler
               AttributeHandler attributeHandler = new PropertyHandler(property, attributeTypeInfo);
               // Create the attributre and bind it to the type
               AttributeBinding attribute = new AttributeBinding(schemaBinding, qName, attributeType, attributeHandler);
               if (trace)
                  log.trace("Bound attribute " + qName + " type=" + beanInfo.getName() + " property=" + property.getName() + " propertyType=" + attributeTypeInfo);

            // Are we determining the property order?
            if (determinePropertyOrder)
               // Value property
               if (xmlValue != null)
                  if (trace)
                     log.trace("Ignore not element @XmlValue for type=" + beanInfo.getName() + " property=" + property.getName());
               // Wildcard property
               if (ignoreXmlAnyElement)
                  if (trace)
                     log.trace("Ignore not element @XmlAnyElement for type=" + beanInfo.getName() + " property=" + property.getName());
               // Ignore xml attribute
               if (xmlAttribute != null)
                  if (trace)
                     log.trace("Ignore not element @XmlAttribute for type=" + beanInfo.getName() + " property=" + property.getName());
               // Ignore xml tranient
               XmlTransient xmlTransient = property.getUnderlyingAnnotation(XmlTransient.class);
               if (xmlTransient != null)
                  if (trace)
                     log.trace("Ignore not element @XmlTransient for type=" + beanInfo.getName() + " property=" + property.getName());
               // Ignore the class property
               String name = property.getName();
               if ("class".equals(name))

               if (noElements)

               if (trace)
                  log.trace("Element for type=" + beanInfo.getName() + " property=" + property.getName());

         // Apply any access order
         if (determinePropertyOrder)
            if (accessOrder == XmlAccessOrder.ALPHABETICAL)
            propertyOrder = propertyNames.toArray(new String[propertyNames.size()]);

      // No value property, see if we have a default one
      //if (valueProperty == null)
      //   try
      //   {
      //      valueProperty = beanInfo.getProperty("value");
      //   }
      //   catch (Exception ignored)
      //   {
            // Nope.
      //   }

      // Bind the value
      if (valueProperty != null)
         CharactersHandler charactersHandler = new ValueHandler(valueProperty);
      else if (trace)
         log.trace("No value for type=" + beanInfo.getName());

      if (trace)
         log.trace("PropertyOrder " + Arrays.asList(propertyOrder) + " for type=" + beanInfo.getName());

      // Determine the model
      // TODO simple types/content when no properties other than @XmlValue and @XmlAttribute
      ModelGroupBinding model = null;
      if (allBinding)
         if (trace)
            log.trace("AllBinding for type=" + beanInfo.getName());
         model = new AllBinding(schemaBinding);
         if (trace)
            log.trace("SequenceBinding for type=" + beanInfo.getName());
         model = new SequenceBinding(schemaBinding);
      ParticleBinding typeParticle = new ParticleBinding(model);

      if (typeInfo.isCollection())
         TypeInfo memberBaseType = typeInfo.getComponentType();
         JBossXmlModelGroup xmlModelGroup = ((ClassInfo) memberBaseType)
         if (xmlModelGroup != null && xmlModelGroup.particles().length > 0)
            if (trace)
               log.trace("Item base type for " + typeInfo.getName() + " is " + memberBaseType.getName()
                     + " and bound to repeatable choice");

            // it's choice by default based on the idea that the
            // type parameter is a base class for items
            ModelGroupBinding choiceGroup = null;
            QName choiceName = null;
               choiceName = new QName(defaultNamespace,;
               choiceGroup = schemaBinding.getGroup(choiceName);
            if(choiceGroup == null)
               choiceGroup = new ChoiceBinding(schemaBinding);
               if (choiceName != null)
                  schemaBinding.addGroup(choiceGroup.getQName(), choiceGroup);

               ParticleBinding choiceParticle = new ParticleBinding(choiceGroup, 0, 1, true);

               for (JBossXmlModelGroup.Particle member : xmlModelGroup.particles())
                  XmlElement element = member.element();
                  QName memberQName = generateXmlName(, XmlNsForm.QUALIFIED, element.namespace(), null);
                  TypeInfo memberTypeInfo = typeInfo.getTypeInfoFactory().getTypeInfo(member.type());

                  boolean isCol = false;
                  if (memberTypeInfo.isCollection())
                     memberTypeInfo = ((ClassInfo) memberTypeInfo).getComponentType();
                     isCol = true;

                  TypeBinding memberTypeBinding = resolveTypeBinding(memberTypeInfo);
                  ElementBinding memberElement = createElementBinding(memberTypeInfo, memberTypeBinding, memberQName, false);
                  ParticleBinding memberParticle = new ParticleBinding(memberElement, 0, 1, isCol);

                  typeBinding.pushInterceptor(memberQName, ChildCollectionInterceptor.SINGLETON);
               ParticleBinding choiceParticle = new ParticleBinding(choiceGroup, 0, 1, true);
            if (trace)
               log.trace("choices for " + typeBinding.getQName() + ": " + choiceGroup.getParticles());

      // Determine the wildcard handler
      AbstractPropertyHandler wildcardHandler = null;
      if (wildcardProperty != null)
         TypeInfo wildcardType = wildcardProperty.getType();
         if (wildcardType.isCollection())
            wildcardHandler = new CollectionPropertyWildcardHandler(wildcardProperty, wildcardType);
            wildcardHandler = new PropertyWildcardHandler(wildcardProperty, wildcardType);

      // Look through the properties
      for (String name : propertyOrder)
         // Setup the error stack
         push(typeInfo, name);
         // Get the property
         PropertyInfo property = beanInfo.getProperty(name);
         bindProperty(property, typeBinding, model, beanAdapterFactory, propertyOrder);

      // Bind the children
      JBossXmlChild[] children = null;
      JBossXmlChildren jbossXmlChildren = typeInfo.getUnderlyingAnnotation(JBossXmlChildren.class);
      if (jbossXmlChildren != null)
         children = jbossXmlChildren.value();
         JBossXmlChild jbossXmlChild = typeInfo.getUnderlyingAnnotation(JBossXmlChild.class);
         if (jbossXmlChild != null)
            children = new JBossXmlChild[] { jbossXmlChild };

      if (children != null && children.length > 0)
         for (JBossXmlChild child : children)
            QName qName = generateXmlName(, elementForm, child.namespace(),;
            TypeInfo childType = JBossXBBuilder.configuration.getTypeInfo(child.type());

            TypeBinding elementTypeBinding = resolveTypeBinding(childType);
            ElementBinding elementBinding = createElementBinding(childType, elementTypeBinding, qName, false);

            // Bind it to the model
            ParticleBinding particle = new ParticleBinding(elementBinding, child.minOccurs(), child.maxOccurs(), child.unbounded());

               bindMapProperty(null, (ClassInfo) childType, elementTypeBinding.getQName(), (ModelGroupBinding) elementTypeBinding.getParticle().getTerm());
            DefaultElementInterceptor interceptor = null;
            if (typeInfo.isCollection())
               interceptor = ChildCollectionInterceptor.SINGLETON;
               // Expect a type with a value property to accept the child value
               PropertyInfo property = beanInfo.getProperty("value");
               if (property == null)
                  throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Expected a value property for non-collection type with JBossXmlChildren");
               TypeInfo propertyType = property.getType();
               interceptor = new PropertyInterceptor(property, propertyType);
            typeBinding.pushInterceptor(qName, interceptor);
            if (trace)
               log.trace("Added interceptor " + qName + " for type=" + childType + " interceptor=" + interceptor);
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                  if ("class".equals(memberPropName))

                  PropertyInfo memberProp = propBeanInfo.getProperty(memberPropName);
                  TypeInfo memberTypeInfo = memberProp.getType();
                  String memberNamespace = null;

                  JBossXmlNsPrefix nsPrefix = memberProp.getUnderlyingAnnotation(JBossXmlNsPrefix.class);
                  if (nsPrefix != null)
                     memberNamespace = schemaBinding.getNamespace(nsPrefix.prefix());
                     if (memberNamespace == null && nsPrefix.schemaTargetIfNotMapped())
                        throw new IllegalStateException("Prefix '" + nsPrefix.prefix()
                              + "' is not mapped to any namespace!");

                  String memberName = null;
                  XmlElement memberXmlElement = memberProp.getUnderlyingAnnotation(XmlElement.class);
                  if (memberXmlElement != null)
                     if (!XmlElement.DEFAULT.class.equals(memberXmlElement.type()))
                        memberTypeInfo = memberTypeInfo.getTypeInfoFactory().getTypeInfo(memberXmlElement.type());

                     if (memberNamespace == null)
                        memberNamespace = memberXmlElement.namespace();
                     memberName =;

                  if (memberNamespace == null)
                     memberNamespace = defaultNamespace;

                  boolean isCol = false;
                  AbstractPropertyHandler memberPropertyHandler = null;
                  if (memberProp.getType().isCollection())
                     memberPropertyHandler = new CollectionPropertyHandler(memberProp, memberProp.getType());
                     isCol = true;
                     // if memberXmlElement is present then the collection item type is set explicitly
                     if (memberXmlElement == null || XmlElement.DEFAULT.class.equals(memberXmlElement.type()))
                        JBossXmlCollection jbossXmlCollection = memberProp
                        if (jbossXmlCollection != null)
                           memberTypeInfo = memberTypeInfo.getTypeInfoFactory().getTypeInfo(jbossXmlCollection.type());
                        memberTypeInfo = ((ClassInfo) memberTypeInfo).getComponentType();
                  // if it is bound with XmlElement.type to a collection
                  else if (memberTypeInfo.isCollection())
                     memberPropertyHandler = new CollectionPropertyHandler(memberProp, memberTypeInfo);
                     isCol = true;
                     memberTypeInfo = ((ClassInfo) memberTypeInfo).getComponentType();
                     memberPropertyHandler = new PropertyHandler(memberProp, memberTypeInfo);

                  QName memberQName = generateXmlName(memberProp.getName(), elementForm, memberNamespace, memberName);
                  propBeanAdapterFactory.addProperty(memberQName, memberPropertyHandler);

                  XBValueAdapter valueAdapter = null;
                  XmlJavaTypeAdapter xmlTypeAdapter = memberProp.getUnderlyingAnnotation(XmlJavaTypeAdapter.class);
                  if (xmlTypeAdapter != null)
                     valueAdapter = new XBValueAdapter(xmlTypeAdapter.value(), memberTypeInfo.getTypeInfoFactory());
                     memberTypeInfo = valueAdapter.getAdaptedTypeInfo();
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            ServiceDependencyValueMetaData depends = (ServiceDependencyValueMetaData) value;
            value = depends.getDependency();
         // TODO: unwrap other ServiceValueMetaData types
         PropertyInfo propertyInfo = beanInfo.getProperty(name);
            mvalue = metaValueFactory.create(value, propertyInfo.getType());
         catch(Exception e)
            log.debugf(e, "Failed to get property value for bean: %1s, property: %2s", beanInfo.getName(), propertyInfo.getName());
            mvalue = metaValueFactory.create(null, propertyInfo.getType());
            return mvalue;
      catch(InstanceNotFoundException e)
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         // Unwrap
         PropertyInfo propertyInfo = beanInfo.getProperty(name);
         Object plainValue = metaValueFactory.unwrap(value, propertyInfo.getType());
         // There may not be an attribute value, see if there is a matching property
         if (attributeValue == null)
            // FIXME ignore null values
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         BeanInfo beanInfo = configuration.getBeanInfo(typeName, cl);
         Object bean = createNewInstance(beanInfo);
         for (String name : compositeMetaType.keySet())
            MetaValue itemValue = compositeValue.get(name);
            PropertyInfo propertyInfo = beanInfo.getProperty(name);
            Object value = unwrap(itemValue, propertyInfo.getType());
            propertyInfo.set(bean, value);
         return bean;
      catch (Throwable t)
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            if (imetaData != null)
               annotation = imetaData.getAnnotation(annotationType);
         if (annotation == null && info instanceof PropertyInfo)
            PropertyInfo pi = (PropertyInfo) info;
            if(pi.getGetter() != null)
               Signature mis = new MethodSignature(pi.getGetter());
               MetaData imetaData = metaData.getComponentMetaData(mis);
               if (imetaData != null)
                  annotation = imetaData.getAnnotation(annotationType);
            if(annotation == null && pi.getSetter() != null)
               Signature mis = new MethodSignature(pi.getSetter());
               MetaData imetaData = metaData.getComponentMetaData(mis);
               if (imetaData != null)
                  annotation = imetaData.getAnnotation(annotationType);
            if(annotation == null && pi.getFieldInfo() != null)
               Signature fis = new FieldSignature(pi.getFieldInfo());
               MetaData imetaData = metaData.getComponentMetaData(fis);
               if (imetaData != null)
                  annotation = imetaData.getAnnotation(annotationType);
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   public void setValue(MetaValue value)

      PropertyInfo propertyInfo = getField(Fields.PROPERTY_INFO, PropertyInfo.class);
      if (propertyInfo != null)
         Object attachment = getManagedObject().getAttachment();
         if (attachment != null)
            MetaValue metaValue = value;
            InstanceClassFactory icf = getMOFactory().getInstanceClassFactory(attachment.getClass());
            BeanInfo beanInfo = propertyInfo.getBeanInfo();
            icf.setValue(beanInfo, this, attachment, metaValue);
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   public MetaValue getValue(BeanInfo beanInfo, ManagedProperty property,
      MetaData metaData, ManagementObjectWithRuntimeRef instance)
      String name = getPropertyName(property);
      PropertyInfo propertyInfo = beanInfo.getProperty(name);
      Object value = null;
         value = propertyInfo.get(instance);
      catch(Throwable e)
         throw new RuntimeException("Failed to get property: "+name, e);
      return metaValueFactory.create(value, propertyInfo.getType());
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   public void setValue(BeanInfo beanInfo, ManagedProperty property, ManagementObjectWithRuntimeRef object, MetaValue value)
      String name = getPropertyName(property);
      PropertyInfo propertyInfo = beanInfo.getProperty(name);
      Object ovalue = metaValueFactory.unwrap(value, propertyInfo.getType());
         propertyInfo.set(object, ovalue);
      catch(Throwable e)
         throw new RuntimeException("Failed to set property: "+name, e);
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