
Examples of

        ScheduleExpression everyMonWedFriTwelveThirtyNoon = this.getTimezoneSpecificScheduleExpression();

        CalendarBasedTimeout calendarTimeout = new CalendarBasedTimeout(everyMonWedFriTwelveThirtyNoon);

        Calendar firstTimeout = calendarTimeout.getFirstTimeout();
        Assert.assertNotNull("first timeout is null", firstTimeout);
        Date firstTimeoutDate = firstTimeout.getTime();
        int minute = firstTimeout.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
        int second = firstTimeout.get(Calendar.SECOND);
        int hour = firstTimeout.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
        int amOrPm = firstTimeout.get(Calendar.AM_PM);
        int dayOfWeek = firstTimeout.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);
        Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected second in first timeout " + firstTimeoutDate, 30, second);
        Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected minute in first timeout " + firstTimeoutDate, 0, minute);
        Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected hour in first timeout " + firstTimeoutDate, 12, hour);
        Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected AM/PM in first timeout ", Calendar.PM, amOrPm);
        List<Integer> validDays = new ArrayList<Integer>();
        Assert.assertTrue("Unexpected day of week: " + dayOfWeek + " in first timeout", validDays.contains(dayOfWeek));

        Calendar previousTimeout = firstTimeout;
        for (int i = 1; i <= 180; i++) {
            Calendar nextTimeout = calendarTimeout.getNextTimeout(previousTimeout);

            Assert.assertNotNull("Next timeout is null", nextTimeout);
            Assert.assertNotNull("Next timeout is *before* the current time", nextTimeout.after(previousTimeout));

            Date nextTimeoutDate = nextTimeout.getTime();
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        CalendarBasedTimeout calendarTimeout = new CalendarBasedTimeout(every31st9_30_15_AM);

        Calendar firstTimeout = calendarTimeout.getFirstTimeout();
        Assert.assertNotNull("first timeout is null", firstTimeout);
        Date firstTimeoutDate = firstTimeout.getTime();
        int minute = firstTimeout.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
        int second = firstTimeout.get(Calendar.SECOND);
        int hour = firstTimeout.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
        int amOrPm = firstTimeout.get(Calendar.AM_PM);
        int dayOfMonth = firstTimeout.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
        Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected second in first timeout " + firstTimeoutDate, 15, second);
        Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected minute in first timeout " + firstTimeoutDate, 30, minute);
        Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected hour in first timeout " + firstTimeoutDate, 9, hour);
        Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected AM/PM in first timeout ", Calendar.AM, amOrPm);
        Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected day of month in first timeout ", 31, dayOfMonth);

        Calendar previousTimeout = firstTimeout;
        for (int i = 1; i <= 180; i++) {
            Calendar nextTimeout = calendarTimeout.getNextTimeout(previousTimeout);

            Assert.assertNotNull("Next timeout is null", nextTimeout);
            Assert.assertNotNull("Next timeout is *before* the current time", nextTimeout.after(previousTimeout));

            Date nextTimeoutDate = nextTimeout.getTime();
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    public void testRun29thOfFeb() {
        ScheduleExpression everyLeapYearOn29thFeb = this.getTimezoneSpecificScheduleExpression();

        CalendarBasedTimeout calendarTimeout = new CalendarBasedTimeout(everyLeapYearOn29thFeb);

        Calendar firstTimeout = calendarTimeout.getFirstTimeout();
        Assert.assertNotNull("first timeout is null", firstTimeout);
        Date firstTimeoutDate = firstTimeout.getTime();
        int minute = firstTimeout.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
        int second = firstTimeout.get(Calendar.SECOND);
        int hour = firstTimeout.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
        int amOrPm = firstTimeout.get(Calendar.AM_PM);
        int dayOfMonth = firstTimeout.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
        int year = firstTimeout.get(Calendar.YEAR);
        int month = firstTimeout.get(Calendar.MONTH);

        Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected second in first timeout " + firstTimeoutDate, 0, second);
        Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected minute in first timeout " + firstTimeoutDate, 0, minute);
        Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected hour in first timeout " + firstTimeout, 0, hour);
        Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected AM/PM in first timeout ", Calendar.AM, amOrPm);
        Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected day of month in first timeout ", 29, dayOfMonth);
        Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected month in first timeout ", Calendar.FEBRUARY, month);
        Assert.assertTrue("Year: " + year + " is not a leap year", this.isLeapYear(firstTimeout));

        Calendar previousTimeout = firstTimeout;
        for (int i = 1; i <= 2; i++) {
            Calendar nextTimeout = calendarTimeout.getNextTimeout(previousTimeout);

            Assert.assertNotNull("Next timeout is null", nextTimeout);
            Assert.assertNotNull("Next timeout is *before* the current time", nextTimeout.after(previousTimeout));

            Date nextTimeoutDate = nextTimeout.getTime();
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        CalendarBasedTimeout calendarTimeout = new CalendarBasedTimeout(every0_15_30_Sec_At_9_30_PM);
        Calendar firstTimeout = calendarTimeout.getFirstTimeout();
        Assert.assertNotNull("first timeout is null", firstTimeout);
        Date firstTimeoutDate = firstTimeout.getTime();
        logger.debug("First timeout is " + firstTimeoutDate);

        int minute = firstTimeout.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
        int second = firstTimeout.get(Calendar.SECOND);
        int hour = firstTimeout.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
        int amOrPm = firstTimeout.get(Calendar.AM_PM);
        int dayOfMonth = firstTimeout.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
        int month = firstTimeout.get(Calendar.MONTH);

        Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected second in first timeout " + firstTimeoutDate, 0, second);
        Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected minute in first timeout " + firstTimeoutDate, 30, minute);
        Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected hour in first timeout " + firstTimeoutDate, 21, hour);
        Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected AM/PM in first timeout ", Calendar.PM, amOrPm);
        Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected day of month in first timeout ", 31, dayOfMonth);
        List<Integer> validMonths = new ArrayList<Integer>();
        Assert.assertTrue("Unexpected month: " + month, validMonths.contains(month));

        Calendar nextTimeout = calendarTimeout.getNextTimeout(firstTimeout);
        long diff = nextTimeout.getTimeInMillis() - firstTimeout.getTimeInMillis();
        Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected next timeout " + nextTimeout.getTime(), 15 * 1000, diff);

        Calendar currentSystemDate = new GregorianCalendar();
        Calendar nextTimeoutFromNow = calendarTimeout.getNextTimeout(currentSystemDate);
        logger.debug("Next timeout from now is " + nextTimeoutFromNow.getTime());
        int nextMinute = nextTimeoutFromNow.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
        int nextSecond = nextTimeoutFromNow.get(Calendar.SECOND);
        int nextHour = nextTimeoutFromNow.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
        int nextAmOrPM = nextTimeoutFromNow.get(Calendar.AM_PM);
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        ScheduleExpression every10Secs = this.getTimezoneSpecificScheduleExpression();

        CalendarBasedTimeout calendarTimeout = new CalendarBasedTimeout(every10Secs);
        Calendar firstTimeout = calendarTimeout.getFirstTimeout();

        int firstTimeoutSecond = firstTimeout.get(Calendar.SECOND);
        Assert.assertTrue("Unexpected second " + firstTimeoutSecond + " in first timeout " + firstTimeout,
                firstTimeoutSecond % 10 == 0);

        Calendar previousTimeout = firstTimeout;
        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
            Calendar nextTimeout = calendarTimeout.getNextTimeout(previousTimeout);
            int nextTimeoutSecond = nextTimeout.get(Calendar.SECOND);
            Assert.assertTrue("Unexpected second " + nextTimeoutSecond + " in next timeout " + nextTimeout,
                    nextTimeoutSecond % 10 == 0);

            previousTimeout = nextTimeout;
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        for (String invalidRange : invalidRangeValues) {
            boolean accepts = RangeValue.accepts(invalidRange);
            Assert.assertFalse("Range value accepted an invalid value: " + invalidRange, accepts);

            try {
                RangeValue invalidRangeValue = new RangeValue(invalidRange);
      "Range value did *not* throw IllegalArgumentException for an invalid range: " + invalidRange);
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
                // expected
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        String[] validRanges =
                {"1-8", "-7--1", "7--1", "1st Fri-1st Mon"};
        for (String validRange : validRanges) {
            boolean accepts = RangeValue.accepts(validRange);
            Assert.assertTrue("Valid range value wasn't accepted: " + validRange, accepts);
            RangeValue validRangeValue = new RangeValue(validRange);
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        if (exceptionClassName == null || exceptionClassName.isEmpty()) {
            throw EjbMessages.MESSAGES.stringParamCannotBeNullOrEmpty("Exception class name");
        //TODO: Is this a good idea? ApplicationException's equals/hashCode
        //will not work the way that would be expected
        ApplicationExceptionDetails appException = new ApplicationExceptionDetails(exceptionClassName, inherited, rollback);
        // add it to the map
        this.applicationExceptions.put(exceptionClassName, appException);
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public class EntityBeanSynchronizationInterceptor extends AbstractEJBInterceptor {
    public Object processInvocation(InterceptorContext context) throws Exception {
        final EntityBeanComponent component = getComponent(context, EntityBeanComponent.class);
        final EntityBeanComponentInstance instance = (EntityBeanComponentInstance) context.getPrivateData(ComponentInstance.class);
        final OwnableReentrantLock lock = instance.getLock();
        //we do not synchronize for instances that are not associated with an identity
        if (instance.getPrimaryKey() == null) {
            return context.proceed();

        final TransactionSynchronizationRegistry transactionSynchronizationRegistry = component.getTransactionSynchronizationRegistry();
        if (ROOT_LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) {
            ROOT_LOGGER.trace("Trying to acquire lock: " + lock + " for entity bean " + instance + " during invocation: " + context);
        // we obtain a lock in this synchronization interceptor because the lock needs to be tied to the synchronization
        // so that it can released on the tx synchronization callbacks
        final Object lockOwner = getLockOwner(transactionSynchronizationRegistry);
        try {
            boolean syncRegistered = false;
            synchronized (lock) {

                //if the previous transaction was rolled back we re-load the entity bean state in the current TX
                if(instance.isReloadRequired()) {

                if (ROOT_LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) {
                    ROOT_LOGGER.trace("Acquired lock: " + lock + " for entity bean instance: " + instance + " during invocation: " + context);

                if (context.getPrivateData(InternalInvocationMarker.class) == null) {
                    if (instance.isRemoved() || instance.isDiscarded()) {
                        final Object primaryKey = context.getPrivateData(EntityBeanComponent.PRIMARY_KEY_CONTEXT_KEY);
                        component.getCache().release(instance, true);
                        throw EjbLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.instanceWasRemoved(component.getComponentName(), primaryKey);

                Object currentTransactionKey = null;
                try {
                    // get the key to current transaction associated with this thread
                    currentTransactionKey = transactionSynchronizationRegistry.getTransactionKey();
                    if (!instance.isSynchronizeRegistered()) {
                        // if this entity instance is already associated with a different transaction, then it's an error

                        // if the thread is currently associated with a tx, then register a tx synchronization
                        if (currentTransactionKey != null) {
                            // register a tx synchronization for this entity instance
                            final Synchronization entitySynchronization = new EntityBeanSynchronization(instance, lockOwner);
                            syncRegistered = true;
                            if (ROOT_LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) {
                                ROOT_LOGGER.trace("Registered tx synchronization: " + entitySynchronization + " for tx: " + currentTransactionKey +
                                        " associated with stateful component instance: " + instance);
                    // proceed with the invocation
                    return context.proceed();

                } finally {
                    // if the current call did *not* register a tx SessionSynchronization, then we have to explicitly mark the
                    // entity instance as "no longer in use". If it registered a tx EntityBeanSynchronization, then releasing the lock is
                    // taken care off by a tx synchronization callbacks.
                    //if is important to note that we increase the lock count on every invocation
                    //which means we need to release it on every invocation except for the one where we actually registered the TX synchronization
                    if (currentTransactionKey == null) {
                        releaseInstance(instance, true);
                    } else if (!syncRegistered) {
                        component.getCache().release(instance, true);
        } finally {
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    public Object processInvocation(final InterceptorContext context) throws Exception {
        final StatefulSessionComponent component = getComponent(context, StatefulSessionComponent.class);
        final StatefulSessionComponentInstance instance = getComponentInstance(context);

        final OwnableReentrantLock lock = instance.getLock();
        final Object threadLock = instance.getThreadLock();

        final TransactionSynchronizationRegistry transactionSynchronizationRegistry = component.getTransactionSynchronizationRegistry();
        final Object lockOwner = getLockOwner(transactionSynchronizationRegistry);
        try {
            final AccessTimeoutDetails timeout = component.getAccessTimeout(context.getMethod());
            if (ROOT_LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) {
                ROOT_LOGGER.trace("Trying to acquire lock: " + lock + " for stateful component instance: " + instance + " during invocation: " + context);
            // we obtain a lock in this synchronization interceptor because the lock needs to be tied to the synchronization
            // so that it can released on the tx synchronization callbacks
            boolean acquired = lock.tryLock(timeout.getValue(), timeout.getTimeUnit());
            if (!acquired) {
                throw EjbLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.failToObtainLock(context, timeout.getValue(), timeout.getTimeUnit());
            synchronized (threadLock) {
                if (ROOT_LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) {
                    ROOT_LOGGER.trace("Acquired lock: " + lock + " for stateful component instance: " + instance + " during invocation: " + context);

                Object currentTransactionKey = null;
                boolean wasTxSyncRegistered = false;
                try {
                    //we never register a sync for bean managed transactions
                    //the inner BMT interceptor is going to setup the correct transaction anyway
                    //so enrolling in an existing transaction is not correct
                    if(containerManagedTransactions) {
                        if (!instance.isSynchronizationRegistered()) {
                            // get the key to current transaction associated with this thread
                            currentTransactionKey = transactionSynchronizationRegistry.getTransactionKey();
                            final int status = transactionSynchronizationRegistry.getTransactionStatus();
                            // if this SFSB instance is already associated with a different transaction, then it's an error
                            // if the thread is currently associated with a tx, then register a tx synchronization
                            if (currentTransactionKey != null && status != Status.STATUS_COMMITTED && status != Status.STATUS_ROLLEDBACK) {
                                // register a tx synchronization for this SFSB instance
                                final Synchronization statefulSessionSync = new StatefulSessionSynchronization(instance, lockOwner);
                                wasTxSyncRegistered = true;
                                if (ROOT_LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) {
                                    ROOT_LOGGER.trace("Registered tx synchronization: " + statefulSessionSync + " for tx: " + currentTransactionKey +
                                            " associated with stateful component instance: " + instance);
                                // invoke the afterBegin callback on the SFSB
                                context.putPrivateData(StatefulTransactionMarker.class, StatefulTransactionMarker.of(true));
                        } else {
                            context.putPrivateData(StatefulTransactionMarker.class, StatefulTransactionMarker.of(false));
                    // proceed with the invocation
                    return context.proceed();

                } finally {
                    // if the current call did *not* register a tx SessionSynchronization, then we have to explicitly mark the
                    // SFSB instance as "no longer in use". If it registered a tx SessionSynchronization, then releasing the lock is
                    // taken care off by a tx synchronization callbacks.
                    if (!wasTxSyncRegistered && !instance.isSynchronizationRegistered()) {
                    } else if (!wasTxSyncRegistered) {
                        //if we don't release the lock here then it will be acquired multiple times
                        //and only released once
                        //we also call the cache release to decrease the usage count
                        if (!instance.isDiscarded()) {
        } finally {
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