
Examples of

    public void testRun29thOfFeb() {
        ScheduleExpression everyLeapYearOn29thFeb = this.getTimezoneSpecificScheduleExpression();

        CalendarBasedTimeout calendarTimeout = new CalendarBasedTimeout(everyLeapYearOn29thFeb);

        Calendar firstTimeout = calendarTimeout.getFirstTimeout();
        Assert.assertNotNull("first timeout is null", firstTimeout);
        Date firstTimeoutDate = firstTimeout.getTime();
        int minute = firstTimeout.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
        int second = firstTimeout.get(Calendar.SECOND);
        int hour = firstTimeout.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
        int amOrPm = firstTimeout.get(Calendar.AM_PM);
        int dayOfMonth = firstTimeout.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
        int year = firstTimeout.get(Calendar.YEAR);
        int month = firstTimeout.get(Calendar.MONTH);

        Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected second in first timeout " + firstTimeoutDate, 0, second);
        Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected minute in first timeout " + firstTimeoutDate, 0, minute);
        Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected hour in first timeout " + firstTimeout, 0, hour);
        Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected AM/PM in first timeout ", Calendar.AM, amOrPm);
        Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected day of month in first timeout ", 29, dayOfMonth);
        Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected month in first timeout ", Calendar.FEBRUARY, month);
        Assert.assertTrue("Year: " + year + " is not a leap year", this.isLeapYear(firstTimeout));

        Calendar previousTimeout = firstTimeout;
        for (int i = 1; i <= 2; i++) {
            Calendar nextTimeout = calendarTimeout.getNextTimeout(previousTimeout);

            Assert.assertNotNull("Next timeout is null", nextTimeout);
            Assert.assertNotNull("Next timeout is *before* the current time", nextTimeout.after(previousTimeout));

            Date nextTimeoutDate = nextTimeout.getTime();
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        CalendarBasedTimeout calendarTimeout = new CalendarBasedTimeout(every0_15_30_Sec_At_9_30_PM);
        Calendar firstTimeout = calendarTimeout.getFirstTimeout();
        Assert.assertNotNull("first timeout is null", firstTimeout);
        Date firstTimeoutDate = firstTimeout.getTime();
        logger.debug("First timeout is " + firstTimeoutDate);

        int minute = firstTimeout.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
        int second = firstTimeout.get(Calendar.SECOND);
        int hour = firstTimeout.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
        int amOrPm = firstTimeout.get(Calendar.AM_PM);
        int dayOfMonth = firstTimeout.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
        int month = firstTimeout.get(Calendar.MONTH);

        Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected second in first timeout " + firstTimeoutDate, 0, second);
        Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected minute in first timeout " + firstTimeoutDate, 30, minute);
        Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected hour in first timeout " + firstTimeoutDate, 21, hour);
        Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected AM/PM in first timeout ", Calendar.PM, amOrPm);
        Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected day of month in first timeout ", 31, dayOfMonth);
        List<Integer> validMonths = new ArrayList<Integer>();
        Assert.assertTrue("Unexpected month: " + month, validMonths.contains(month));

        Calendar nextTimeout = calendarTimeout.getNextTimeout(firstTimeout);
        long diff = nextTimeout.getTimeInMillis() - firstTimeout.getTimeInMillis();
        Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected next timeout " + nextTimeout.getTime(), 15 * 1000, diff);

        Calendar currentSystemDate = new GregorianCalendar();
        Calendar nextTimeoutFromNow = calendarTimeout.getNextTimeout(currentSystemDate);
        logger.debug("Next timeout from now is " + nextTimeoutFromNow.getTime());
        int nextMinute = nextTimeoutFromNow.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
        int nextSecond = nextTimeoutFromNow.get(Calendar.SECOND);
        int nextHour = nextTimeoutFromNow.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
        int nextAmOrPM = nextTimeoutFromNow.get(Calendar.AM_PM);
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        ScheduleExpression every10Secs = this.getTimezoneSpecificScheduleExpression();

        CalendarBasedTimeout calendarTimeout = new CalendarBasedTimeout(every10Secs);
        Calendar firstTimeout = calendarTimeout.getFirstTimeout();

        int firstTimeoutSecond = firstTimeout.get(Calendar.SECOND);
        Assert.assertTrue("Unexpected second " + firstTimeoutSecond + " in first timeout " + firstTimeout,
                firstTimeoutSecond % 10 == 0);

        Calendar previousTimeout = firstTimeout;
        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
            Calendar nextTimeout = calendarTimeout.getNextTimeout(previousTimeout);
            int nextTimeoutSecond = nextTimeout.get(Calendar.SECOND);
            Assert.assertTrue("Unexpected second " + nextTimeoutSecond + " in next timeout " + nextTimeout,
                    nextTimeoutSecond % 10 == 0);

            previousTimeout = nextTimeout;
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        for (String invalidRange : invalidRangeValues) {
            boolean accepts = RangeValue.accepts(invalidRange);
            Assert.assertFalse("Range value accepted an invalid value: " + invalidRange, accepts);

            try {
                RangeValue invalidRangeValue = new RangeValue(invalidRange);
      "Range value did *not* throw IllegalArgumentException for an invalid range: " + invalidRange);
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
                // expected
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        String[] validRanges =
                {"1-8", "-7--1", "7--1", "1st Fri-1st Mon"};
        for (String validRange : validRanges) {
            boolean accepts = RangeValue.accepts(validRange);
            Assert.assertTrue("Valid range value wasn't accepted: " + validRange, accepts);
            RangeValue validRangeValue = new RangeValue(validRange);
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        final List<ScheduleTimer> timers = new ArrayList<ScheduleTimer>();

        for (Map.Entry<Method, List<AutoTimer>> entry : autoTimers.entrySet()) {
            for (AutoTimer timer : entry.getValue()) {
                timers.add(new ScheduleTimer(entry.getKey(), timer.getScheduleExpression(), timer.getTimerConfig()));
        // restore the timers
        started = true;
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                boolean found = false;
                final CalendarTimerEntity entity = (CalendarTimerEntity) activeTimer.getPersistentState();
                //so we know we have an auto timer. We need to try and match it up with the auto timers.
                ListIterator<ScheduleTimer> it = newAutoTimers.listIterator();
                while (it.hasNext()) {
                    ScheduleTimer timer =;
                    final String methodName = timer.getMethod().getName();
                    final String[] params = new String[timer.getMethod().getParameterTypes().length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < timer.getMethod().getParameterTypes().length; ++i) {
                        params[i] = timer.getMethod().getParameterTypes()[i].getName();
                    if (doesTimeoutMethodMatch(entity.getTimeoutMethod(), methodName, params)) {

                        //the timers have the same method.
                        //now lets make sure the schedule is the same
                        // and the timer does not change the persistence
                        if (this.doesScheduleMatch(entity.getScheduleExpression(), timer.getScheduleExpression()) && timer.getTimerConfig().isPersistent()) {
                            found = true;
                if (!found) {
                } else {
                    ROOT_LOGGER.debug("Started timer: " + activeTimer);
                this.persistTimer(activeTimer, true);
            } else if (!ineligibleTimerStates.contains(activeTimer.getState())) {
            ROOT_LOGGER.debug("Started timer: " + activeTimer);

        for (ScheduleTimer timer : newAutoTimers) {
            this.loadAutoTimer(timer.getScheduleExpression(), timer.getTimerConfig(), timer.getMethod());

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        final List<ScheduleTimer> timers = new ArrayList<ScheduleTimer>();

        for (Map.Entry<Method, List<AutoTimer>> entry : autoTimers.entrySet()) {
            for (AutoTimer timer : entry.getValue()) {
                timers.add(new ScheduleTimer(entry.getKey(), timer.getScheduleExpression(), timer.getTimerConfig()));
        // restore the timers
        started = true;
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                boolean found = false;
                final CalendarTimerEntity entity = (CalendarTimerEntity) activeTimer.getPersistentState();
                //so we know we have an auto timer. We need to try and match it up with the auto timers.
                ListIterator<ScheduleTimer> it = newAutoTimers.listIterator();
                while (it.hasNext()) {
                    ScheduleTimer timer =;
                    final String methodName = timer.getMethod().getName();
                    final String[] params = new String[timer.getMethod().getParameterTypes().length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < timer.getMethod().getParameterTypes().length; ++i) {
                        params[i] = timer.getMethod().getParameterTypes()[i].getName();
                    if (doesTimeoutMethodMatch(entity.getTimeoutMethod(), methodName, params)) {

                        //the timers have the same method.
                        //now lets make sure the schedule is the same
                        if (this.doesScheduleMatch(entity.getScheduleExpression(), timer.getScheduleExpression())) {
                            found = true;
                if (found) {
                    ROOT_LOGGER.debug("Started timer: " + activeTimer);
                    // save any changes to the state (that will have happened on call to startTimer)
                } else {
                    //the annotation is no longer there
            //TODO: we need to make sure that these only fire one event after being restored
            ROOT_LOGGER.debug("Started timer: " + activeTimer);

        for (ScheduleTimer timer : newAutoTimers) {
            this.loadAutoTimer(timer.getScheduleExpression(), timer.getTimerConfig(), timer.getMethod());

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        final List<ScheduleTimer> timers = new ArrayList<ScheduleTimer>();

        for (Map.Entry<Method, List<AutoTimer>> entry : autoTimers.entrySet()) {
            for (AutoTimer timer : entry.getValue()) {
                timers.add(new ScheduleTimer(entry.getKey(), timer.getScheduleExpression(), timer.getTimerConfig()));
        // restore the timers
        started = true;
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