
Examples of

            } catch (Exception e) {
                //not a EJB proxy
                locator = null;
            if (locator != null) {
                final ModuleDeployment module = deploymentRepository.getModules().get(new DeploymentModuleIdentifier(locator.getAppName(), locator.getModuleName(), locator.getDistinctName()));
                if (module == null) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Could not locate EJB for " + locator);
                final EjbDeploymentInformation ejb = module.getEjbs().get(locator.getBeanName());
                if(ejb == null) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Could not locate EJB for " + locator);
                final EjbIIOPService factory = ejb.getIorFactory();
                if(factory == null) {
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    protected void verify(final String appName, final String moduleName, final String distinctName, final String beanName) throws Exception {
        findBean(appName, moduleName, distinctName, beanName);

    private EjbDeploymentInformation findBean(final String appName, final String moduleName, final String distinctName, final String beanName) {
        final ModuleDeployment module = deploymentRepository.getValue().getModules().get(new DeploymentModuleIdentifier(appName, moduleName, distinctName));
        if (module == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not find module app: " + appName + " module: " + moduleName + " distinct name:" + distinctName);
        final EjbDeploymentInformation ejbInfo = module.getEjbs().get(beanName);
        if (ejbInfo == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not find ejb " + beanName + " in app: " + appName + " module: " + moduleName + " distinct name:" + distinctName);
        return ejbInfo;
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        return object;

    private EjbIIOPService serviceForLocator(final EJBLocator locator, DeploymentRepository deploymentRepository) {
        final ModuleDeployment module = deploymentRepository.getModules().get(new DeploymentModuleIdentifier(locator.getAppName(), locator.getModuleName(), locator.getDistinctName()));
        if (module == null) {
            return null;
        final EjbDeploymentInformation ejb = module.getEjbs().get(locator.getBeanName());
        if (ejb == null) {
            return null;
        final EjbIIOPService factory = ejb.getIorFactory();
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                final EjbDeploymentInformation info = new EjbDeploymentInformation(ejbComponentDescription.getEJBName(), componentInjectedValue, remoteViews, localViews, module.getClassLoader(), iorFactory);
                deploymentInformationMap.put(ejbComponentDescription.getEJBName(), info);

        final ModuleDeployment deployment = new ModuleDeployment(identifier, deploymentInformationMap);
        ServiceName moduleDeploymentService = deploymentUnit.getServiceName().append(ModuleDeployment.SERVICE_NAME);
        final ServiceBuilder<ModuleDeployment> builder = phaseContext.getServiceTarget().addService(moduleDeploymentService, deployment);
        for (Map.Entry<ServiceName, InjectedValue<?>> entry : injectedValues.entrySet()) {
            builder.addDependency(entry.getKey(), (InjectedValue<Object>) entry.getValue());
        builder.addDependency(DeploymentRepository.SERVICE_NAME, DeploymentRepository.class, deployment.getDeploymentRepository());

        final ModuleDeployment.ModuleDeploymentStartService deploymentStart = new ModuleDeployment.ModuleDeploymentStartService(identifier);
        final ServiceBuilder<Void> startBuilder = phaseContext.getServiceTarget().addService(deploymentUnit.getServiceName().append(ModuleDeployment.START_SERVICE_NAME), deploymentStart);
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        // no-op, since a local ejb receiver doesn't have to do anything more.

    private EjbDeploymentInformation findBean(final String appName, final String moduleName, final String distinctName, final String beanName) {
        final ModuleDeployment module = deploymentRepository.getValue().getModules().get(new DeploymentModuleIdentifier(appName, moduleName, distinctName));
        if (module == null) {
            throw EjbLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.unknownDeployment(appName, moduleName, distinctName);
        final EjbDeploymentInformation ejbInfo = module.getEjbs().get(beanName);
        if (ejbInfo == null) {
            throw EjbLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.ejbNotFoundInDeployment(beanName, appName, moduleName, distinctName);
        return ejbInfo;
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        final DeploymentModuleIdentifier ejbModule = new DeploymentModuleIdentifier(appName, moduleName, distinctName);
        final Map<DeploymentModuleIdentifier, ModuleDeployment> modules = this.deploymentRepository.getStartedModules();
        if (modules == null || modules.isEmpty()) {
            return null;
        final ModuleDeployment moduleDeployment = modules.get(ejbModule);
        if (moduleDeployment == null) {
            return null;
        return moduleDeployment.getEjbs().get(beanName);
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        Map<String, InjectedValue<ComponentView>> views = new HashMap<String, InjectedValue<ComponentView>>();
        views.put(ManagementHome.class.getName(), injectedHomeView);
        views.put(Management.class.getName(), injectedRemoteView);

        final EjbDeploymentInformation ejb = new ManagementEjbDeploymentInformation(EJB_NAME, views, SecurityActions.getClassLoader(this.getClass()));
        final ModuleDeployment deployment = new ModuleDeployment(moduleIdentifier, Collections.singletonMap(EJB_NAME, ejb));
        repository.add(moduleIdentifier, deployment);

        ejbClientContextSelectorValue.getValue().registerEJBClientContext(ejbClientContextValue.getValue(), SecurityActions.getClassLoader(this.getClass()));
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        // no-op, since a local ejb receiver doesn't have to do anything more.

    private EjbDeploymentInformation findBean(final String appName, final String moduleName, final String distinctName, final String beanName) {
        final ModuleDeployment module = deploymentRepository.getValue().getModules().get(new DeploymentModuleIdentifier(appName, moduleName, distinctName));
        if (module == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not find module app: " + appName + " module: " + moduleName + " distinct name:" + distinctName);
        final EjbDeploymentInformation ejbInfo = module.getEjbs().get(beanName);
        if (ejbInfo == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not find ejb " + beanName + " in app: " + appName + " module: " + moduleName + " distinct name:" + distinctName);
        return ejbInfo;
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        // no-op, since a local ejb receiver doesn't have to do anything more.

    private EjbDeploymentInformation findBean(final String appName, final String moduleName, final String distinctName, final String beanName) {
        final ModuleDeployment module = deploymentRepository.getValue().getModules().get(new DeploymentModuleIdentifier(appName, moduleName, distinctName));
        if (module == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not find module app: " + appName + " module: " + moduleName + " distinct name:" + distinctName);
        final EjbDeploymentInformation ejbInfo = module.getEjbs().get(beanName);
        if (ejbInfo == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not find ejb " + beanName + " in app: " + appName + " module: " + moduleName + " distinct name:" + distinctName);
        return ejbInfo;
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                final EjbDeploymentInformation info = new EjbDeploymentInformation(ejbComponentDescription.getEJBName(), componentInjectedValue, remoteViews, localViews, module.getClassLoader(), iorFactory);
                deploymentInformationMap.put(ejbComponentDescription.getEJBName(), info);

        final ModuleDeployment deployment = new ModuleDeployment(identifier, deploymentInformationMap);
        final ServiceBuilder<ModuleDeployment> builder = phaseContext.getServiceTarget().addService(deploymentUnit.getServiceName().append(ModuleDeployment.SERVICE_NAME), deployment);
        for (Map.Entry<ServiceName, InjectedValue<?>> entry : injectedValues.entrySet()) {
            builder.addDependency(entry.getKey(), (InjectedValue<Object>) entry.getValue());
        builder.addDependency(DeploymentRepository.SERVICE_NAME, DeploymentRepository.class, deployment.getDeploymentRepository());

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