if (!name.startsWith("java:")) {
name = environment.getDefaultContext() + name;
// our injection (source) comes from the local (ENC) lookup, no matter what.
LookupInjectionSource injectionSource = new LookupInjectionSource(name);
//add any injection targets
localInterfaceType = processInjectionTargets(moduleDescription, applicationClasses, injectionSource, classLoader, deploymentReflectionIndex, ejbRef, localInterfaceType);
if (localInterfaceType == null) {
throw new DeploymentUnitProcessingException("Could not determine type of ejb-local-ref " + name + " for component " + componentDescription);
final BindingConfiguration bindingConfiguration;
EjbInjectionSource ejbInjectionSource = null;
if (!isEmpty(lookup)) {
bindingConfiguration = new BindingConfiguration(name, new LookupInjectionSource(lookup));
} else if (!isEmpty(ejbName)) {
//TODO: implement cross deployment references
final ServiceName beanServiceName = deploymentUnit.getServiceName()
bindingConfiguration = new BindingConfiguration(name, ejbInjectionSource = new EjbInjectionSource(ejbName, localInterfaceType.getName()));