public void execute(final OperationContext context, final ModelNode operation) throws OperationFailedException {
// read /subsystem=jgroups/stack=* for update
final Resource resource = context.readResourceForUpdate(PathAddress.EMPTY_ADDRESS);
final ModelNode subModel = resource.getModel();
// validate the protocol type to be added
ModelNode type = TYPE.validateOperation(operation);
PathElement protocolRelativePath = PathElement.pathElement(ModelKeys.PROTOCOL, type.asString());
// if child resource already exists, throw OFE
if (resource.hasChild(protocolRelativePath)) {
throw new OperationFailedException(new ModelNode().set("protocol with relative path " + protocolRelativePath.toString() + " is already defined"));
// now get the created model
Resource childResource = context.createResource(PathAddress.pathAddress(protocolRelativePath));
final ModelNode protocol = childResource.getModel();
// Process attributes
for(final AttributeDefinition attribute : attributes) {
// we use PROPERTIES only to allow the user to pass in a list of properties on store add commands
// don't copy these into the model
if (attribute.getName().equals(ModelKeys.PROPERTIES))
continue ;
attribute.validateAndSet(operation, protocol);
// get the current list of protocol names and add the new protocol
// this list is used to maintain order
ModelNode protocols = subModel.get(ModelKeys.PROTOCOLS) ;
if (!protocols.isDefined()) {
// Process type specific properties if required
process(subModel, operation);
// The protocol parameters <property name=>value</property>
if(operation.hasDefined(ModelKeys.PROPERTIES)) {
for(Property property : operation.get(ModelKeys.PROPERTIES).asPropertyList()) {
// create a new property=name resource
final Resource param = context.createResource(PathAddress.pathAddress(protocolRelativePath, PathElement.pathElement(ModelKeys.PROPERTY, property.getName())));
final ModelNode value = property.getValue();
if(! value.isDefined()) {
throw new OperationFailedException(new ModelNode().set("property " + property.getName() + " not defined"));
// set the value of the property
// This needs a reload