
Examples of

        final ModelNode params = result.get(REQUEST_PROPERTIES).setEmptyObject();

        Set<String> attributeNames = registration.getAttributeNames(PathAddress.EMPTY_ADDRESS);
        for (String attr : attributeNames)  {
            AttributeAccess attributeAccess = registration.getAttributeAccess(PathAddress.EMPTY_ADDRESS, attr);
            if (attributeAccess.getStorageType() == AttributeAccess.Storage.CONFIGURATION) {
                AttributeDefinition def = attributeAccess.getAttributeDefinition();
                if (def != null) {
                    if (!def.isResourceOnly()){
                        def.addOperationParameterDescription(result, ADD, descriptionResolver, locale, bundle);
                } else {
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    private static Resource modelToResource(final ImmutableManagementResourceRegistration reg, final ModelNode model, boolean includeUndefined, PathAddress fullPath) {
        Resource res = Resource.Factory.create();
        ModelNode value = new ModelNode();
        Set<String> allFields = new HashSet<String>(model.keys());
        for (String name : reg.getAttributeNames(PathAddress.EMPTY_ADDRESS)) {
            AttributeAccess aa = reg.getAttributeAccess(PathAddress.EMPTY_ADDRESS, name);
            if (aa.getStorageType() == AttributeAccess.Storage.RUNTIME){

            if (includeUndefined) {
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        final Set<String> attributeNames = rr.getAttributeNames(PathAddress.EMPTY_ADDRESS);
        for (ModelNode el : model.asList()) {
            String name = el.asProperty().getName();
            ModelNode value = el.asProperty().getValue();
            if (attributeNames.contains(name)) {
                AttributeAccess aa = rr.getAttributeAccess(PathAddress.EMPTY_ADDRESS, name);
                Assert.assertNotNull("Attribute " + name + " is not known", aa);
                AttributeDefinition ad = aa.getAttributeDefinition();
                if (!value.isDefined()) {
                    Assert.assertTrue("Attribute " + name + " is not allow null", ad.isAllowNull());
                } else {
                   // Assert.assertEquals("Attribute '" + name + "' type mismatch", value.getType(), ad.getType()); //todo re-enable this check
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    private OpenMBeanAttributeInfo getAttribute(String name) {
        final String escapedName = NameConverter.convertToCamelCase(name);
        ModelNode attribute = providedDescription.require(ATTRIBUTES).require(name);
        AttributeAccess access = resourceRegistration.getAttributeAccess(PathAddress.EMPTY_ADDRESS, name);
        final boolean writable = standalone && (access != null && access.getAccessType() == AccessType.READ_WRITE);

        return new OpenMBeanAttributeInfoSupport(
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        public OperationResult execute(final OperationContext context, final ModelNode operation, final ResultHandler resultHandler) throws OperationFailedException {
            OperationResult handlerResult = new BasicOperationResult();
            try {
                final String attributeName = operation.require(NAME).asString();
                final PathAddress address = PathAddress.pathAddress(operation.get(OP_ADDR));
                final AttributeAccess attributeAccess = context.getRegistry().getAttributeAccess(address, attributeName);
                if (attributeAccess == null) {
                    final Set<String> children = context.getRegistry().getChildNames(address);
                    if(children.contains(attributeName)) {
                        resultHandler.handleFailed(new ModelNode().set(String.format("'%s' is a registered child of resource (%s)", attributeName, address))); // TODO i18n
                    } else if(context.getSubModel().has(attributeName)) {
                        final ModelNode result = context.getSubModel().get(attributeName).clone();
                        resultHandler.handleResultFragment(Util.NO_LOCATION, result);
                    } else {
                        resultHandler.handleFailed(new ModelNode().set("No known attribute called " + attributeName)); // TODO i18n
                } else if (attributeAccess.getReadHandler() == null) {
                    final ModelNode result = context.getSubModel().get(attributeName).clone();
                    resultHandler.handleResultFragment(Util.NO_LOCATION, result);
                } else {
                    handlerResult = attributeAccess.getReadHandler().execute(context, operation, resultHandler);
            } catch (final Exception e) {
                throw new OperationFailedException(Util.createErrorResult(e));
            return handlerResult;
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        public OperationResult execute(final OperationContext context, final ModelNode operation, final ResultHandler resultHandler) throws OperationFailedException {
            OperationResult handlerResult = null;
            try {
                final String attributeName = operation.require(NAME).asString();
                final AttributeAccess attributeAccess = context.getRegistry().getAttributeAccess(PathAddress.pathAddress(operation.get(OP_ADDR)), attributeName);
                if (attributeAccess == null) {
                    throw new OperationFailedException(new ModelNode().set("No known attribute called " + attributeName)); // TODO i18n
                } else if (attributeAccess.getAccessType() != AccessType.READ_WRITE) {
                    throw new OperationFailedException(new ModelNode().set("Attribute " + attributeName + " is not writeable")); // TODO i18n
                } else {
                    handlerResult = attributeAccess.getWriteHandler().execute(context, operation, resultHandler);

            } catch (final Exception e) {
                throw new OperationFailedException(Util.createErrorResult(e));
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                    // Handle attributes
                    final boolean queryRuntime = operation.get(INCLUDE_RUNTIME).asBoolean(false);
                    final Set<String> attributeNames = context.getRegistry().getAttributeNames(address);
                    for(final String attributeName : attributeNames) {
                        final AttributeAccess access = context.getRegistry().getAttributeAccess(address, attributeName);
                        if(access == null) {
                        } else {
                            final AttributeAccess.Storage storage = access.getStorageType();
                            if(! queryRuntime && storage != AttributeAccess.Storage.CONFIGURATION) {
                            final AccessType type = access.getAccessType();
                            final OperationHandler handler = access.getReadHandler();
                            if(handler != null) {
                                // Create the attribute operation
                                final ModelNode attributeOperation = operation.clone();
                                handler.execute(context, attributeOperation, new ResultHandler() {
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    private OpenMBeanAttributeInfo getAttribute(String name) {
        final String escapedName = NameConverter.convertToCamelCase(name);
        ModelNode attribute = providedDescription.require(ATTRIBUTES).require(name);
        AttributeAccess access = resourceRegistration.getAttributeAccess(PathAddress.EMPTY_ADDRESS, name);
        final boolean writable;
        if (!standalone) {
            writable = false;
        } else {
            writable = access != null ? access.getAccessType() == AccessType.READ_WRITE : false;
        return new OpenMBeanAttributeInfoSupport(
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            final String attributeName = operation.require(NAME).asString();
            final boolean defaults = operation.get(INCLUDE_DEFAULTS).asBoolean(true);

            final ModelNode subModel = safeReadModel(context);
            final ImmutableManagementResourceRegistration registry = context.getResourceRegistration();
            final AttributeAccess attributeAccess = registry.getAttributeAccess(PathAddress.EMPTY_ADDRESS, attributeName);

            if (attributeAccess == null) {
                final Set<String> children = context.getResourceRegistration().getChildNames(PathAddress.EMPTY_ADDRESS);
                if (children.contains(attributeName)) {
                    throw new OperationFailedException(new ModelNode().set(MESSAGES.attributeRegisteredOnResource(attributeName, operation.get(OP_ADDR))));
                } else if (subModel.hasDefined(attributeName)) {
                    final ModelNode result = subModel.get(attributeName);
                } else {
                    // No defined value in the model. See if we should reply with a default from the metadata,
                    // reply with undefined, or fail because it's a non-existent attribute name
                    final ModelNode nodeDescription = getNodeDescription(registry, operation);
                    if (defaults && nodeDescription.get(ATTRIBUTES).hasDefined(attributeName) &&
                            nodeDescription.get(ATTRIBUTES, attributeName).hasDefined(DEFAULT)) {
                        final ModelNode result = nodeDescription.get(ATTRIBUTES, attributeName, DEFAULT);
                    } else if (subModel.has(attributeName) || nodeDescription.get(ATTRIBUTES).has(attributeName)) {
                        // model had no defined value, but we treat its existence in the model or the metadata
                        // as proof that it's a legit attribute name
                        context.getResult(); // this initializes the "result" to ModelType.UNDEFINED
                    } else {
                        throw new OperationFailedException(new ModelNode().set(MESSAGES.unknownAttribute(attributeName)));
                // Complete the step for the unregistered attribute case
            } else if (attributeAccess.getReadHandler() == null) {
                // We know the attribute name is legit as it's in the registry, so this case is simpler
                if (subModel.hasDefined(attributeName) || !defaults) {
                    final ModelNode result = subModel.get(attributeName);
                } else {
                    // It wasn't in the model, but user wants a default value from metadata if there is one
                    final ModelNode nodeDescription = getNodeDescription(registry, operation);
                    if (nodeDescription.get(ATTRIBUTES).hasDefined(attributeName) &&
                            nodeDescription.get(ATTRIBUTES, attributeName).hasDefined(DEFAULT)) {
                        final ModelNode result = nodeDescription.get(ATTRIBUTES, attributeName, DEFAULT);
                    } else {
                        context.getResult(); // this initializes the "result" to ModelType.UNDEFINED
                // Complete the step for the "registered attribute but default read handler" case
            } else {
                OperationStepHandler handler = attributeAccess.getReadHandler();
                ClassLoader oldTccl = SecurityActions.setThreadContextClassLoader(handler.getClass());
                try {
                    handler.execute(context, operation);
                } finally {
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        public void execute(OperationContext context, ModelNode operation) throws OperationFailedException {
            final String attributeName = operation.require(NAME).asString();
            final AttributeAccess attributeAccess = context.getResourceRegistration().getAttributeAccess(PathAddress.EMPTY_ADDRESS, attributeName);
            if (attributeAccess == null) {
                throw new OperationFailedException(new ModelNode().set(MESSAGES.unknownAttribute(attributeName)));
            } else if (attributeAccess.getAccessType() != AccessType.READ_WRITE) {
                throw new OperationFailedException(new ModelNode().set(MESSAGES.attributeNotWritable(attributeName)));
            } else {
                OperationStepHandler handler = attributeAccess.getWriteHandler();
                ClassLoader oldTccl = SecurityActions.setThreadContextClassLoader(handler.getClass());
                try {
                    handler.execute(context, operation);
                } finally {
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